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So it begins..

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posted 1 week, 2 days ago

The irony of paying money as a punishment for breaking financial rules.

"No you cannot spend unlimited money, just because you have unlimited money"

"Ok well then what's the punishment?"

"You have to pay some money"

"Oh no! However will we manage that with our unlimited money? We shall definitely be complying now, have a great day".

posted 1 week, 2 days ago

What happened to actual punishments that properly deterred people from doing things? Whatever happened to dungeons? You can't beat a dungeon surely?

posted 1 week, 2 days ago

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 1 hour, 10 minutes ago
Yank Cartel v Manchester City

If City don't win then it's Hello European Super League and games played overseas.

Hilarious when the brainwashed throw this "cartel" nonsense around.

posted 1 week, 2 days ago

Ideally a point deducted for each charge. 115 points deducted so even if they win every game they finish on -1 point. It not only relegates them without directly relegating them, but also wastes a season in the process given they would be doomed from day one.

Obviously won't happen but I'd love to see it.

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted 1 week, 2 days ago

All tyetuls taken off of em n demotion too Serie EPL C

Anythin else is a slap on rissed

posted 1 week, 2 days ago

comment by House - (U17162)
posted 1 hour, 31 minutes ago
I think City being found guilty of saying 30 - 50 of the 115 charges will result in some hefty punishment
I don't think it will work like that. It's nearly all or nothing. Most of the charges relate to the same thing.

As I understand it around 50 charges relate to them failing to provide accurate financial information in regards to how money came into the club. So if found guilty it will be all 50 odd charges.

14 charges in regards to failing to supply accurate information about manager and player payments, ie they paid them more than they claimed.

The other 45 charges are failing to pass FFP regulations in regards to the PL and UEFA competitions which if the other charges are not found to be correct, they can't be guilty of these charges, ie it's basically an all or nothing situation. 115 makes it seem crazy but they're basically three charges and if any of the first two they are found guilty then the third they will be found guilty.

posted 1 week, 2 days ago

comment by TheresOnlyOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 32 seconds ago
comment by House - (U17162)
posted 1 hour, 31 minutes ago
I think City being found guilty of saying 30 - 50 of the 115 charges will result in some hefty punishment
I don't think it will work like that. It's nearly all or nothing. Most of the charges relate to the same thing.

As I understand it around 50 charges relate to them failing to provide accurate financial information in regards to how money came into the club. So if found guilty it will be all 50 odd charges.

14 charges in regards to failing to supply accurate information about manager and player payments, ie they paid them more than they claimed.

The other 45 charges are failing to pass FFP regulations in regards to the PL and UEFA competitions which if the other charges are not found to be correct, they can't be guilty of these charges, ie it's basically an all or nothing situation. 115 makes it seem crazy but they're basically three charges and if any of the first two they are found guilty then the third they will be found guilty.


posted 1 week, 2 days ago

I just hope there isn't some stupid loophole like with Leicester.

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted 1 week, 2 days ago

EPL in tuff situashan

If Man Cs* fowned gilty it will reflecked negativabubbly on the league “oooh coreerupped league” even though they r prosycutin coreeruption

If fighn ungilty n sweap under carpit they wonet b staned by lable of cruption butt wud actchully b crupped

posted 1 week, 2 days ago

comment by 115 reasons why ours is better (U22832)
posted 7 minutes ago
I just hope there isn't some stupid loophole like with Leicester.
Leicester wasn’t a loophole though was it? Unless I’m completely wrong the premier league tried to charge them for rules that are specific to premier league clubs when they weren’t in the premier league

Not comparable?

posted 1 week, 2 days ago

comment by 115 reasons why ours is better (U22832)
posted 7 minutes ago
I just hope there isn't some stupid loophole like with Leicester.

Obviously you do, otherwise your sign in name will be a bit stupid.

posted 1 week, 2 days ago

I'm very unsure either way.
We live in a free capitalist country, they have broken no laws, they have used their riches to buy success like many before them.
On the other hand football is the peoples sport ,the working man's sport. It was becoming more and more a rich man's play thing or investment.
Working men find it hard to afford.
Thinking back to the days of Ray, Mick and myself it wasn't out of reach.
So the second paragraph is where I stand, so an exemplary punishment should be made.
Sorry Boris, Melts et Al, but it's how I feel.

posted 1 week, 2 days ago

It's actually 130 charges!

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted 1 week, 2 days ago

comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 2 minutes ago
It's actually 130 charges!

posted 1 week, 2 days ago

comment by #4zA (U22472)
posted 35 seconds ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 2 minutes ago
It's actually 130 charges!



posted 1 week, 2 days ago

comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 8 seconds ago
comment by #4zA (U22472)
posted 35 seconds ago
comment by Vengeance (U23079)
posted 2 minutes ago
It's actually 130 charges!




posted 1 week, 2 days ago

comment by #4zA (U22472)
posted 20 minutes ago
EPL in tuff situashan

If Man Cs* fowned gilty it will reflecked negativabubbly on the league “oooh coreerupped league” even though they r prosycutin coreeruption

If fighn ungilty n sweap under carpit they wonet b staned by lable of cruption butt wud actchully b crupped
Yeah us as wums can easily use a Man City guilty verdict against other PL fans who supposedly want the guilty verdict. But they don't realise the consequences this will have in terms of their beloved PL. It's a huge responsibly for us wums to point this out to them.

posted 1 week, 2 days ago

comment by manusince52 (U9692)
posted 2 minutes ago
I'm very unsure either way.
We live in a free capitalist country, they have broken no laws, they have used their riches to buy success like many before them.
On the other hand football is the peoples sport ,the working man's sport. It was becoming more and more a rich man's play thing or investment.
Working men find it hard to afford.
Thinking back to the days of Ray, Mick and myself it wasn't out of reach.
So the second paragraph is where I stand, so an exemplary punishment should be made.
Sorry Boris, Melts et Al, but it's how I feel.
Whether they have broken laws or not is what the case is about. They're bound by the laws of the competitions they compete in but more than that if found guilty then they could face charges in regards to laws of the country they compete in, I'd imagine as they'd have been found the have falsified accounts submitted to HMRC.

No idea how you can say they have broken no laws. This is what is to be determined.

posted 1 week, 2 days ago

comment by TheresOnlyOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by manusince52 (U9692)
posted 2 minutes ago
I'm very unsure either way.
We live in a free capitalist country, they have broken no laws, they have used their riches to buy success like many before them.
On the other hand football is the peoples sport ,the working man's sport. It was becoming more and more a rich man's play thing or investment.
Working men find it hard to afford.
Thinking back to the days of Ray, Mick and myself it wasn't out of reach.
So the second paragraph is where I stand, so an exemplary punishment should be made.
Sorry Boris, Melts et Al, but it's how I feel.
Whether they have broken laws or not is what the case is about. They're bound by the laws of the competitions they compete in but more than that if found guilty then they could face charges in regards to laws of the country they compete in, I'd imagine as they'd have been found the have falsified accounts submitted to HMRC.

No idea how you can say they have broken no laws. This is what is to be determined.

None of the allegations are illegal. If we’re found guilty then some individuals would potentially have perjured themselves at CAS though.

posted 1 week, 2 days ago

comment by TheresOnlyOne7-0Reds (U1721)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by manusince52 (U9692)
posted 2 minutes ago
I'm very unsure either way.
We live in a free capitalist country, they have broken no laws, they have used their riches to buy success like many before them.
On the other hand football is the peoples sport ,the working man's sport. It was becoming more and more a rich man's play thing or investment.
Working men find it hard to afford.
Thinking back to the days of Ray, Mick and myself it wasn't out of reach.
So the second paragraph is where I stand, so an exemplary punishment should be made.
Sorry Boris, Melts et Al, but it's how I feel.
Whether they have broken laws or not is what the case is about. They're bound by the laws of the competitions they compete in but more than that if found guilty then they could face charges in regards to laws of the country they compete in, I'd imagine as they'd have been found the have falsified accounts submitted to HMRC.

No idea how you can say they have broken no laws. This is what is to be determined.
Because using your wealth to buy success is not illegal, but I'm sure they've broken EPL rules. Laws of the country I've no idea, but that's what the charges are about. If it's also illegal then they face a different court and punishment.

posted 1 week, 2 days ago

comment by manusince52 (U9692)
posted 18 minutes ago
I'm very unsure either way.
We live in a free capitalist country, they have broken no laws, they have used their riches to buy success like many before them.
On the other hand football is the peoples sport ,the working man's sport. It was becoming more and more a rich man's play thing or investment.
Working men find it hard to afford.
Thinking back to the days of Ray, Mick and myself it wasn't out of reach.
So the second paragraph is where I stand, so an exemplary punishment should be made.
Sorry Boris, Melts et Al, but it's how I feel.

Absolutely fine with that. Only caveat i’d say is you seem to have already assigned guilt. That’s your prerogative absolutely but I don’t think there’s anywhere near enough in the public domain for anyone to know how it’s going to go.

posted 1 week, 2 days ago

comment by meltonblue (U10617)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by manusince52 (U9692)
posted 18 minutes ago
I'm very unsure either way.
We live in a free capitalist country, they have broken no laws, they have used their riches to buy success like many before them.
On the other hand football is the peoples sport ,the working man's sport. It was becoming more and more a rich man's play thing or investment.
Working men find it hard to afford.
Thinking back to the days of Ray, Mick and myself it wasn't out of reach.
So the second paragraph is where I stand, so an exemplary punishment should be made.
Sorry Boris, Melts et Al, but it's how I feel.

Absolutely fine with that. Only caveat i’d say is you seem to have already assigned guilt. That’s your prerogative absolutely but I don’t think there’s anywhere near enough in the public domain for anyone to know how it’s going to go.

You're right Melts, sorry about the last line. IF they have broken the rules...etc

posted 1 week, 2 days ago

Think you’ve got a perfectly valid viewpoint and it’s one that personally I agree with

I’ve always argued I’d rather see greater distribution of wealth within the game. If we had that then it wouldn’t either attract or require the investors as much, it’s been a few decades coming.

posted 1 week, 2 days ago

Final point. City have been friendly enemies all my life, from Bert Trautman heroics, I need to rest here for a moment to explain he played with a broken neck in a cup final, it's certainly different now in most cases !, anyway I digress, Bell, Nelly, Franny ples a CB who hated us but I've forgotten his name, even Aguerro, I like them, Manchester is lucky to have two such clubs. Do while I think they should face a stiff sentence if guilty, I hope they are innocent.

posted 1 week, 2 days ago

Italian football has never really recovered from the Juventus thing in 2006. Series A were the dominant force for 20 years up until then.

I know the PL has never been a dominant force but they could lose their 2nd or 3rd most dominant placing if they aren't careful with the city thing.

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