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These 1075274 comments are related to an article called:

Good News

Page 34451 of 43011

posted on 4/5/17

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posted on 4/5/17

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comment by Blarmy (U14547)

posted on 4/5/17

comment by Galviatric (U10415)
posted 2 seconds ago
comment by Blarmy (U14547)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Galviatric (U10415)
posted 7 seconds ago
Ignore her then
Don't care really
about her? just tell her its not what you're after right now
We cant get back together because of logistics. But I've sorta got over it and she aint yet.

comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 4/5/17

So, the guy replies. No, of course not.

He knew the woman was going away travelling the next week.

He quite liked her - they'd gone out for lunch a couple of days earlier.

He felt bad for her, that there's been no leaving drinks.

He was bored too. It was saturday.

Plus, she was meeting that girl from the office on monday.

The one, he....as soon as he saw her....

posted on 4/5/17

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comment by Blarmy (U14547)

posted on 4/5/17

comment by Galviatric (U10415)
posted less than a minute ago
Oh....well say you'll always be friends blah blah
Ive come out on top yet again though just to make that clear.

posted on 4/5/17

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comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 4/5/17

comment by Dirty Beachesāœ” (U1071)
posted 50 seconds ago
comment by garlic bread (U21437)
posted about a minute ago
I cant stop seeing her face again

We still love each other, and we'll never see each other again.
Call her!!!

I cant mate. It's over.

It only comes back in patches. When i suddenly remember that I LOVE HER. and all i can see is her face.

The rest of time, it's fine now.

And it's probably the same with her.

comment by Blarmy (U14547)

posted on 4/5/17

is that Barbara?

posted on 4/5/17

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comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 4/5/17

Galv, do you want this hyopthetical scenario, or not ?

posted on 4/5/17

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comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 4/5/17

So, he says, "do you want to go out tonight ?"

"Yes" she says, eagerly. "Of course".


comment by Blarmy (U14547)

posted on 4/5/17

Comment race?

posted on 4/5/17

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posted on 4/5/17

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comment by Blarmy (U14547)

posted on 4/5/17

You think its safe but its not over

comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 4/5/17

They meet up.

She says she didnt expect him to be there.

She thought it was an april fool.

They went for drinks.

They stayed for maybe 4 drinks.

The chat was ok.

It didnt feel like it did with the other girl.

The girl he was sitting there, wishing he was with...

comment by Blarmy (U14547)

posted on 4/5/17

Sadly sung by a convicted paedophile that

comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 4/5/17

The girl HE LOVES

posted on 4/5/17

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posted on 4/5/17

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comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 4/5/17

comment by Dirty Beachesāœ” (U1071)
posted 54 seconds ago
Did she tell you she loves you?


comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 4/5/17

Oh, take me back to one of those nights.

Forget 1992.

Forget 1997.

Just take me back a few weeks.

And I will have my life.

posted on 4/5/17

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