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These 1075274 comments are related to an article called:

Good News

Page 34454 of 43011

posted on 4/5/17

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posted on 4/5/17

comment by Edinspur (U1109)
posted 27 seconds ago
comment by Galviatric (U10415)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by garlic bread (U21437)

posted about a minute ago

So they get back to his area.

He says do you mind watching the football ?

"No" she says.

'It's a size 4 Mitre Delta from the 90s so take care of it yeah?'

"That reminds me of a time when I was camping on the N'Gorongoro crater and I was rudely awakened by a wayward plastic shootball"

"I then spilt a packet of crunchy nut down my front and thought about leaving the tent"

posted on 4/5/17

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posted on 4/5/17

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comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 4/5/17

Should i have just asked for some unpaid leave ?

To clear my head ?

Would thatve been worth trying ?

At this stage, i mean ?

posted on 4/5/17

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posted on 4/5/17

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posted on 4/5/17

"I fed the chimpanzees, even the monkeys too. Our dopplegangerness gave me an extroadinary sense of welbeing"

"And then I'm happy for the rest of the day until I remember Adidas there will always be a bit of my heart devoted to it"

comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 4/5/17

comment by Zachsda (Recipient of a cycling proficiency award)) (U1850)
posted 11 seconds ago
comment by garlic bread (U21437)
posted 28 seconds ago
Where's the cheapest place where you can hire a hot bird for say a week ?

A week's got to do it, right ?

8 asian girls and a stunning 25 year old russian in the same day cant do it.

But a week with the same bird ? That's got to sort it, right ?

Julia Roberts

A week with scarlett johansenn would sort it.

Pretty sure about that.

Not that it matters any more anyway.

comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 4/5/17

comment by Galviatric (U10415)
posted 46 seconds ago
You CANNOT be this useless with women in real life

What do you mean, this useless ?

What useless ?

posted on 4/5/17

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posted on 4/5/17

posted on 4/5/17

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posted on 4/5/17

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posted on 4/5/17

Anyway, that's that song stuck in my head for the rest of the day. Speak in a bit fam.

comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 4/5/17

Is that what it was ?

Did she tell you something ?

posted on 4/5/17

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posted on 4/5/17

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posted on 4/5/17

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posted on 4/5/17

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posted on 4/5/17

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comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 4/5/17

"I got home safely. Thanks Tom*."

"But yesterday midnight thing was not something I expected and went so fast. I did enjoy to hang around with you and chat, dance... everything before your apartment**. Anyway, thanks for giving me such a good time. "

"Thank you Tom. I'll miss you"

* we'll call the guy Tom

** (which was the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me in my life)

comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 4/5/17

comment by Galviatric (U10415)
posted 1 minute ago
Come on J liven up getting bored naaa

What's the longest story ive ever told in one go ?

Just out of interest. This one isn't going to be one of those. Just wondering.

posted on 4/5/17

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comment by Mogwai (U21437)

posted on 4/5/17

You know, it's not just me whose lost out.

Yeah, ive lost my job. My girlfriend. He chance to have a proper lofe for the first time as an adult.

But she's lost me. And that's no little thing, i can promise you.

Page 34454 of 43011

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