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How are Spurs doing?

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posted on 23/10/11

Yet you're all still here ... weighed, measured, found wanting and owned - small club with roubles and plastic fans. Come back when you have a permanent ground that you own, a name that is yours by right and more than 106 years of questionable history.

CFC - loved by thousands, hated by millions.

Would like to doesn't equate to want to.

ESOL classes are available for those that think otherwise.

posted on 23/10/11

" Come back when you have a permanent ground that you own, a name that is yours by right and more than 106 years of questionable history."

Got great history thanks, unless you're measuring it on trophies which showes that you are a plastic.

"Come back when you have a permanent ground that you own"

You hate you're area so much you wanted to move east, Stretford Hotspurs

I could probally name about 5 squad's off players and numerous manager's that never expierenced defeat against Spurs in Chelsea colours (even more if we only count the league) yet you're superior ok then

posted on 23/10/11

Lol lol lol. That's brilliant. I've just awoke to read your "owned" comment. Particularly in the light that at no point did you have the better of any of us. Lol myself for example, bid my time and then used your own "Douglas Hurd" against you. Final score? 1 nil to flashy! Lol lets be honest you lot need to need to come back when you've got something to shout about, your "history" as you call it, is exactly that. And ancient at that, you remind me of the scousers!

Hell even your finest goalscorer was our youth product. Even back then the blues had to show you the way, and what happens? Lol the man felt so much shame, the only way he could cope was to become an alcoholic

posted on 23/10/11

I found this article more entertaining than studying primary hypertension so I decided to weigh in.

Jurglenn, I thought it was rather clever of you to use a technicality in an attempt to disprove Chelsea fans. However, based on my reading of these posts, your argument is poorly founded as it stems from a blatant misinterpretation of a Chelsea poster.

You challenged Chelsea fans by writing:

" Please provide links to verifiable and substantiated evidence of Modric being interviewed saying he "wanted out". "

It seems you based this on a Chelsea fan claiming Modric said he "wanted out".

However, I believe the original assertion you are referring to was made by click for free beer who wrote:

" You simply can't afford to lose Luka, hence why you;re looking to reward a player who 4 months ago was giving interviews saying he wanted out "

As you can see, click doesn't put quotes around the words "wanted out" indicating that he is paraphrasing, not directly quoting Modric. As such, it seems that the challenge would be to find a source that substantiates the intentions paraphrased there, not a word for word quote.

That challenge is easily met by this article from the Telegraph:


In the first line, the player is quoted as saying "I would like to go to Chelsea." This can be paraphrased as him wanting out. Even the Telegraph paraphrases him in the article's title when they say "Luka Modric says he wants to leave to join Chelsea". Also, you first asked for "evidence of Modric being interviewed", so a story in a reputable news source should suffice.

I hope that wasn't too hard to follow. Have a nice day.


posted on 23/10/11

1 - Questionable as opposed to great: Set up camp on the doorstep of an existing club which contravened FA regulations. Little cup success or league continuity until after the Russian bought you. Supporters had to set up a company to prevent your ground being sold off.

2 - The OS is in Stratford, not Stretford, which is Manchester and Manchester is north west of Tottenham, not east

3 - I assume the spelling mistakes were deliberate

4 - Are you sure you meant to write "even more if we only count the league" because if you did it really doesn't make sense.

5 - Now - can anyone, and it doesn't matter what club you follow, provide a link to ANY verifiable source of the interview where Modric said "I want to go to Chelsea"?

Verifiable link would be a link to the audio interview, the transcript of the interview or even an article about Modric with bits of that interview ini it - paragraph number, line number, word number of where anyone can point out the phrase "I WANT to go to Chelsea".

I wouldn't have thought it was a lot to ask from all of those clever followers of Fulham's junior club. I'm only asking for 5 little things:
1 - Link to source
2 - Paragraph number
3 - Line number
4 - Word number
where it says "I want to go to Chelsea".

posted on 23/10/11

This was the comment 'click' made about Luka wanting to leave:

" You simply can't afford to lose Luka, hence why you;re looking to reward a player who 4 months ago was giving interviews saying he wanted out "

Note the lack of quotations used by 'click' since he was paraphrasing Luka Modric. Because of that, he did not claim that Modric said those exact words, just that he expressed that idea. As such, there is no obligation to find those words verbatim and the article provided will suffice.

If what I presented was confusing, no matter. The task of finding those words verbatim is a red herring distracting from the indisputable fact that your player did express a desire to leave.

Thanks for your time.


posted on 23/10/11

Once again:

I wouldn't have thought it was a lot to ask from all of those clever followers of Fulham's junior club. I'm only asking for 5 little things:
1 - Link to source
2 - Paragraph number
3 - Line number
4 - Word number
where it says "I want to go to Chelsea".

posted on 23/10/11

Ah - selective quotes, very good.

Example 1

"However, I believe the original assertion you are referring to was made by click for free beer who wrote: " You simply can't afford to lose Luka, hence why you;re looking to reward a player who 4 months ago was giving interviews saying he wanted out "

Example 2

This was the comment 'click' made about Luka wanting to leave:

" You simply can't afford to lose Luka, hence why you;re looking to reward a player who 4 months ago was giving interviews saying he wanted out "

Now you either "believe" or "it was". One or the other is possible however they could both be wrong.

posted on 23/10/11

It can't be both? How about... I believe it was!

Joking aside, you can believe something to be true and it can also be true. They are not mutually exclusive. To claim otherwise is folly.

As for selective quotes, they are not an issue if there is no misrepresentation, which is the case here. I provided the initial claim followed by your initial demand neither of which are skewed nor twisted.

Have you another nit to pick?

It's okay Jurglenn. You were clever-ish but you've been bested. You can keep asking for your list of whatnots but it's been clearly demonstrated that there is no need to acquiesce to your groundless demand.

Bonus: There is a rhetorical question in the above post. Try and find it!



posted on 23/10/11

Whilst we on the subject, of providing evidence. I think Glenda needs to show some evidence of when he/she had "owned" us during this thread! Coz if anything it was ultimately the reverse!

posted on 23/10/11

I think Glenda needs to show some evidence of when he/she had "owned" us during this thread! Coz if anything it was ultimately the reverse!
No,he just needs to show some humility in defeat.

But, don´t hold your breath, he will just keep repeating the same old posts over and over again in a mind blowing demonstration of pig headiness and stupidity.

posted on 23/10/11

Morning biggish how's Sunny Spain? I fulfilled a lifelong ambition earlier this month. Me and the missus went to Florida. Wehey, I'd never left Europe previously!

On the subject of Jurglenn, I'd successfully used his own "Douglas Hurd" against him/her, and ultimately he/she/it retracted a statement, based on assumption. I just think its a case of pride!

And I suppose considering that the player had to stay, convincing yourself he didn't wanna join a better and much hated rival, is the only way you can in your own mind forgive the player!

posted on 23/10/11



Also, hi Biggish. Not sure if I've run into you before Flashy, but hello to you as well.


posted on 23/10/11

"I wouldn't have thought it was a lot to ask from all of those clever followers of Fulham's junior club"

That's Tottenham isn't it?

posted on 23/10/11


Torrential rain here at the moment, terraces are flooded and nothing for me to do but stay in. Which is a result because I can watch both games today now. Had it been sunny I would have had to take the kids out. Phew!

posted on 23/10/11

Once more then that's me don for the next couple of hours as I have a match to get to.

I wouldn't have thought it was a lot to ask from all of those clever followers of Fulham's junior club. I'm only asking for 5 little things:
1 - Link to source
2 - Paragraph number
3 - Line number
4 - Word number
where it says "I want to go to Chelsea".

Not a paraphrase of what has been reported but cold hard facts.

I'll be back this evening to see it

posted on 23/10/11

" wouldn't have thought it was a lot to ask from all of those clever followers of Fulham's junior club."

None of you're fans are on here

posted on 23/10/11

Hi soccerlol..........

Indeed that you tube clip could not be more appropriate.

posted on 23/10/11

Once again you keep skipping me asking you for evidence where you "owned" us Glenn. I know there ain't any but you keep using your copy/paste option do well, you clearly know how to read!
Yet you continue once again to be very selective in your replies! Me? I can prove I made you 'eat your words'. That I made you "fall on your own sword". And you can't even say I claimed Modric used the line "I want to join Chelsea" coz at no point do I.

posted on 23/10/11

Right on Flashy

As stated before, the burden of finding a verbatim quote from Modric doesn't fall to us. The reason why has already been explicitly delineated for you.

Biggish, it's just a flesh wound? Flesh wounds -> hemorrhaging -> hypovolemia -> fall in blood pressure -> decreased perfusion of organ systems -> shock, a symptom of which is confusion.

Job done lads! Until next time..


posted on 23/10/11

Still waiting - are all followers of Fulham's junior club (currently being embarrassed by Fulham's 2nd most junior club) and trying to compete with 9 men stupid or are you lot an exception to the rule?

posted on 23/10/11

I have to ask - how's that game against Fulham's 2nd oldest club going?

Fulham > QPR > Fulham's junior club

posted on 23/10/11


Are Fulham and QPR bigger than Tottenham?

posted on 23/10/11

I guess you didn't do/don't do geography at school.

Hammersmith & Fulham - area of London and home to Fulham's junior club
Haringey - area of London - area of London and home to THFC

Tell me - do you have to practice being stupid or is it a result of bad breeding?

posted on 23/10/11

comment by Sturridge's right foot - the 606 'grammar police' are the saddest people on the planet (U1762)
posted 7 minutes ago

Are Fulham and QPR bigger than Tottenham?

Individually - no
Collective trophies and honours won - no
Collective worldwide recognition - no
Collective ground size - yes

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