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These 269 comments are related to an article called:

How are Spurs doing?

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posted on 22/10/11

No source - hence my original use of the word "probably" - just my opinion

Now are YOU going to provide the paragraph number, line number, word number and verifiable and authentic source of the claim that Modric said "I want to go to Chelsea"?

Yes? No?

posted on 22/10/11

Lol can you prove the "rich Russian" bid for Modric?

posted on 22/10/11

Yes? No?

posted on 22/10/11


Paragraph 3 - line 1 - words 7-9

Unless the Telegraph's "exclusive*" article is incorrect.

* If this article is exclusive when did the interview that this http://www.espn.co.uk/football/sport/story/100342.html take place?

posted on 22/10/11

But where us the proof that Roman, bid for Modric?

posted on 22/10/11


posted on 22/10/11

Paragraph 3 - line 1 - words 7-9

As Fulham's junior club didn't have a manager at that time who else would it be, a cleaner?

Or are you suggesting that your Russian isn't rich?

posted on 22/10/11

You're quick enough to believe its Roman, not the club. But you won't believe Modric wanted to join Chelsea because theres not a line with a direct quote! But as Roman does not give interviews, show me the line from Roman where he says, I've bid for Modric! I can promise you won't!

posted on 22/10/11

Oh - as your internet is obviously now working perhaps you might be able to find the CL results online now

posted on 22/10/11

My bad - I hereby retract any reference to "rich Russian" and replace it with "representative of Fulham's junior club"

posted on 22/10/11

I wonder if the user who posted "Modric said he wants to go to Chelsea" would be willing to retract his unprovable comment

posted on 22/10/11

Too late! You've made statements without foundation! You could not prove them in a million years, but you believed what you were saying.

We are all selective when it comes to our own teams and you know what? Good on you! You've stood by your guns and been a true fan! Hell football managers (for whom Wenger, Fergie and even Jose) are selective when it comes to what they see in football matches. So as I say l, good on you!

As for me? As you can see I'm as thick as pig poo but like yourself I will always stand up for my club!

posted on 22/10/11

As for me? As you can see I'm as thick as pig poo but like yourself I will always stand up for my club!

Isn't that's what really matters?

Of course I recognise that Modric's head was turned but when someone makes a statement that I know to be incorrect I will continue to press them for a retraction or the proof - that the person who made the statement has failed to do either I regard it as his admission of defeat.

posted on 22/10/11


posted on 22/10/11

Biggish wrote he was off out to his favourite restaurant. Lucky so n so lives in Spain.

I'm gonna go put on a DVD. With tomorrow's Manc derby in mind I've got a strange urge to put on Shrek.

Goodnight, nice sparring with you! I think I was unite good for a thicko!

posted on 22/10/11

My god just came back from dinner and Jurglenn is still in denial? What are you smoking?

You made the following post earlier.......

So we can conclude that the link doesn't anywhere include Modric saying he "wanted out" or "I want to play for Chelsea".

Here is the link with the interview and the quotes that clearly proves that he did, in your own words, 'want out'.

As for your pathetic attempt to argue the semantics between your carefully selected phrase ´I want to play for Chelsea´ and Modric actually saying ¨I would like to go to Chelsea´ Honestly, just how
old are you to behave in such a manner?

Everyone and his mum knows he wanted out of Spurs and you keep posting this ignorant ranting drivel. Thank feeeeck I went out and missed your diatribe.


posted on 22/10/11

posted on 22/10/11

Lol best of luck Biggish, it took me a while to get him to admit he was incorrect about something. I got him on the same technicality he was trying to get you.

I can't help but admire his loyalty to the club and one of their players!

In his position I'd maybe be the same as otherwise I'd perhaps dislike with a passion one of my club's best players!

posted on 22/10/11

So we can confirm that there is no evidence ever said "I want to go to Chelsea" from which we can conclude that followers of Fulham's junior club misinterpret what is written and misrepresent the facts.

We can also conclude that the ESPN article that a link was a provided to was their interpretation of a Telegraph "exclusive" interview and that at no time has Modric said "I want to play for Chelsea.


Remember - paragraph number, line number, word number and verifiable published source.

"Thank feeeeck I went out and missed your diatribe." yet you are still obsessed by it that you have to return to it.

Tell me, why are so many followers of Fulham's junior club so obsessed with Spurs and Modric?

posted on 22/10/11

What a plonker.

posted on 22/10/11

Hey - it's groovybeingabore, a warm welcome to yet another sad and Spurs obsessed idiot.

posted on 22/10/11


I had hoped, although obviously in vain, that you had some level of intellect, dignity and humility to give up on this absurd and foolhardy crusade.

However it is clear this was misplaced faith.

posted on 22/10/11

Opening paragraph from the link of the Modric interview to The Telegraph.........

In an exclusive interview with Telegraph Sport, the Tottenham midfielder said: “I would like to go to Chelsea. A lot of players would like to go there and play for Chelsea because it is one of the best clubs in the world, and so do I, I would like to play there. But we will see what will happen.

You appeared to be picking up other posters on their use of the English language earlier on this thread, yet your inability to comprehend this particualr interview quote suggests you are not about to pick up any literacy prizes in the near future.

posted on 22/10/11

As such it just goes to prove that you are not only do you misinterpret and misrepresent facts to suit your own agenda you are also an awful judge of character.

You made a statement "Modric said he wants to go to Chelsea" and despite being challenged to provide evidence of this you have failed. Had you said "Modric said he would like to go to Chelsea" (the truth) that would have been the end of it.

Fact > fiction.

posted on 22/10/11

Yet AGAIN you use the Telegraph article - yet nowhere within it does it say that Modric "wants" to go to Chelsea.

Modric's wish to play there (where there = Chelsea) is fulfilled at least once a season.

Still looking for the reference to "want" as opposed to "would like to". Feel free to point it out

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