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How are Spurs doing?

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posted on 22/10/11

No, I did not make any such statement, that was another poster, so yet again you are wrong.

I simply challenged and fully disproved your earlier post which said ´So we can conclude that the link doesn't anywhere include Modric saying he "wanted out" or "I want to play for Chelsea".

Now give it up before you hit Australia with that well dug hole.

posted on 22/10/11

Didn't Elvis Costello write a song about this?

posted on 22/10/11

He did indeed I wonder if he meant to write it as "I don't want to go to Fulham's junior club " but he found it hard to get it to scan.

posted on 22/10/11

Dr Carnerio.

I see you have met the resident pedant.

posted on 22/10/11

Let's have the paragraph number, line number and word number of where Modric, allegedly, said he "wanted out" or "wanted to play for Chelsea".

I can wait

posted on 22/10/11

Jurglenn you have it, but you are too thick to understand it.

I suggest you see a doctor, get laid or even have a waaaaaaaank, it has to be an improvement from where you currently are in your life.

Sweet dreams.

posted on 22/10/11

I guess you're naive enough to believe that the words printed in the paper were an exact transcript of what Modric actually said in either his halting English or as translated by an interpreter because "A lot of players would like to go there and play for Chelsea because it is one of the best clubs in the world, and so do I, I would like to play there. But we will see what will happen." isn't an exact transcript of the interview.

posted on 22/10/11

He's back to the farm groovy..

posted on 22/10/11


posted on 22/10/11

Of course the words are true, it is it`s an interview with a leading UK paper. You think a paper like the Telegraph can just use the phrase interview and misquote the person giving it.

There was no challenge to the publication in the Telegraph, just plenty of follow up comments from leading officials at Spurs confirming what the interview had already stated.

You do need help sunshine.

posted on 22/10/11

Bless - the ickle Spain living follower of Fulham's junior football club has to resort to insulting people because he is unable to rise to the challenge and provide the:

Paragraph number
Line number
Word number
and verifiable source to back up his statement.

I tell you what, when losing why not do what all losers do, resort to profanities and insults? Oh wait, you already have

You have been weighed, you have been measured and you have been found wanting - a little like all followers of Fulham's junior club.

posted on 22/10/11

Due for a name change again,must be nearly a week.

posted on 22/10/11


Jurglenn is one seriously disturbed dude.

posted on 22/10/11

Oh dear - naive and stupid.

I have asked to be provided with a verifiable and substantiated source of the interview - to date I have had no more than a link to the article. By verifiable and substantiated source I want to see, or hear the interview and NOT what a journalist has decided to include.

Oh - I have a link to an audio clip of a Modric interview at around that time makes it blatantly obvious that he is happy at Spurs.

posted on 22/10/11

groovy - still being a bore I see, keep up the good work

posted on 22/10/11

"Believes everything printed in a paper shocker"

Do you not understand the difference between an interview and an article written based upon an interview?

posted on 22/10/11

Jurglenn............you don't want the above, you need a more fulfilling life, but you won't find it on here.

Instead of spending your entire saturday evening on this board coming across as a sad and morose individual, next weekend go out and spend some time in the real world, you never know, someone out there might just accept you.

posted on 22/10/11

Thanks for that ensil,you are so kind.

posted on 22/10/11

Thanks for the tip, however if I wanted to take advice from anyone it wouldn't be from a follower of Fulham's junior club. However my life, as it is, is full and enriched.

Which prompts me to ask - if my Saturday is so bad why are you still here trying to win a cyber argument with someone you will never meet and that has already got the better of you and your fellow supporters?

posted on 22/10/11

I know - I do like patronising people, especially when they are too dense to notice

posted on 22/10/11

Buenos noches.

posted on 22/10/11

Your delusion is limitless

The argument was won about 5 hours ago, but observing you on here banging away like a madman trying to salvage something has been a curious after dinner event that has now run its course.

However the results are in and the conclusion is clear. You have some serious issues.

Good Night.

posted on 22/10/11

Lol omg it's still going on! As I indicated before, we choose what we believe.

We the Chelsea fans believe Modric wanted to join us, you have to believe he didn't! Especially in the light that he did not get to leave!

Glenn, even though you retracted you statement, after me using your own method to catch you out. I suspect you'd still believe that if Chelsea bid rather a lot of money for a player in January, you'd believe it was in fact "the rich Russian" doing the bidding! You'd have no real evidence, but you'd believe it all the same. You'd read between the lines and feel that deal was bankrolled!

Well we've done the same! It doesn't have to read the exact words as you well know!

posted on 22/10/11

Lol Jurglenn just read your bit about getting the better of Biggish's fellow supporters! I find that laughable especially in the light that I used your own style to make you retract a statement unless you're gonna say,me resorting to using your method means you in fact beat yourself no pun intended!

posted on 23/10/11

Jurglenn has to be one of the most deluded poster's around

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