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These 77 comments are related to an article called:

The Media and The FA

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posted on 10/2/12

what I LOVE aboutthe media in this country and yes i mean LOVE..is that they can unify us all in our hatred of them... it doenst matter who you support as they will find anyone target them and there is no way out... they are this weeks villain....

comment by steryd (U12151)

posted on 10/2/12

This is the answer, stop buying papers. You can't call them newspapers because news doesnt interest them anymore, gossip and scandal is what sells them now and that is why the dig up an old story like this.


The papers sell because there is a market out there who is interested in all the sensationalism. They are what they read.
I've been living in this country for 7 years and during that time I never bought a tabloid paper, and see no reason to.

posted on 10/2/12

I cant stand the redtops.... i dont buy them anymore and havent for a long time as on the front page is always someone i dont care about alledgedly sleeping with or offending someone i dont care about and on the back page...well its normally the same...skip in a few pages from the back and you get a 5 line match report....

no thanks.... BOYCOTT them, its worked once before

posted on 10/2/12

I'm amazed people still buy newspapers today due to the amount of utter garbage in them. I don't want to see a picture of some C-list celeb shopping or listen to some drivel spouted by an idiot columnist who obviously has their own specific agenda and spin.

Whoever gets the England job could wipe the slate clean and bring a youthful team to the Euros and get pilloried for not bringing experience. Or they could bring the young guys and get hammered for not having the older lads around.

The British media never admit to being wrong, they just fling sh* t at everyone and sh* t sticks, even if it's total lies.

posted on 10/2/12

Totally agree with you Macca. One thing that seperates Harry to the rest is that the media absolutely love him. He could tell them how he murdered somebody at his press conference and they would still laugh about it, he has them eating out of his palm so even if we were to fail at the Euros, unlike previous managers, the media won't get on his back straight away.

posted on 10/2/12

I hope the next England manager does have the guts to ring the changes and bring a youthful team. Players like Wellbeck, Oxlade-Chamberlain and Martin Kelly are the type I would like to see.

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 10/2/12

even if we were to fail at the Euros, unlike previous managers, the media won't get on his back straight away.

Oh, yes they will. Press cant wait for England to flop in the Euros.

They will have Harry with a head like a turnip.

posted on 10/2/12

Harry already has a head like a turnip.

posted on 10/2/12

The England job is a waste of time and is not worth the intrusion or the inevitable mockery that comes with it. The only thing going for it is the potential pay off for getting the sack.

posted on 10/2/12

comment by chrisdgooner - Chamakh is like a new signing!!! (U1084) posted 20 seconds ago

The England job is a waste of time and is not worth the intrusion or the inevitable mockery that comes with it. The only thing going for it is the potential pay off for getting the sack.

The FA don't help matters at all do they

Imagine sacking an England manager now just because he wanted to be the one who decides on the England captaincy, yet they do not sack him after a horrendous World Cup

Those facts just leave one utterly dumbfounded as to what goes through the people who are running our national game.

At least Sven got a sh4g out of it before he went

comment by Red Led (U1731)

posted on 10/2/12

Spot on op, your post sums the situation up perfectly.

The FA have proved time and time again what they are good for; F... All!

As for the Red Tops...the only people that can really be blamed for the existence of those backside wipe rags (JA606 filtered the word I was going to use) is the people who buy them.
They have obviously found the lowest common denominator of what sells the pure rubbish they print; lies, filth, and scandal. If people didn't want to read what they put in them, and didn't buy them, they would no longer exist.

comment by LEE1PEN (U6707)

posted on 10/2/12

What only 1 Macca

posted on 10/2/12

comment by LEE1PEN (U6707) posted 1 minute ago

What only 1 Macca
Well, if we are talking about the FA broom cupboard.....

Capello probably wouldn't do Faria anyway

comment by LEE1PEN (U6707)

posted on 10/2/12

FA broom cupboard

Thats no way to talk about Ulrika!!!!!

posted on 10/2/12

The FA don't help matters at all do they

They surely do not sir. They're reactive and far too eager to appease the media. They've never shown any long term planning or foresight in any of their decisions.

I think one of the comments on this article mentioned Trevor Brooking looking exasperated whilst sitting next to Bevington and the other muppets. Feel sorry for the guy, the only actual football man in "Club England" (bloody daft name) and he's been banging his head against a brick wall for years trying to get them to sort out the grass roots and youth football plus he was clamouring for the centre of excellence for an age.

comment by FSB (U11355)

posted on 10/2/12

If people keep buying the papers they will keep churning these juicy stories out.

Incidentlally, what is the FA's statute of limitations on racist abuse? They have just got rid of one coach who supported a player accused of racist abuse and are replacing him (albeit temporarily) with someone who has committed the same crime? Salacious gossip or legitimately exposing FA double standards?

comment by LEE1PEN (U6707)

posted on 10/2/12

In some ways I feel sorry for Brooking he's becoming the "token" player spokesperson for the FA. I think they are grooming Southgate or Beckham to take over from him. The problem is (now dont laugh) the players dont have either the financial clout nor in many ways the inclination to go into committee mode. The committees are run by the owners and their appointees. Always have been (Swales anyone) and always will be.

posted on 10/2/12

comment by FSB (U11355) posted 33 seconds ago

If people keep buying the papers they will keep churning these juicy stories out.

Incidentlally, what is the FA's statute of limitations on racist abuse? They have just got rid of one coach who supported a player accused of racist abuse and are replacing him (albeit temporarily) with someone who has committed the same crime? Salacious gossip or legitimately exposing FA double standards?

Now that is an interesting question that I would find hard to answer

Appointing someone as a temporary manager who has comitted and offence that the player they stripped of the England captaincy is only accused of

I think we should send the FA some sp4des(wow that word is banned) so they can keep up with the hole they are digging

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 10/2/12

they employed Hoddle who hated g_ays, so there seems to be a pattern to the type of person the FA prefers.

(cant believe you can post the word g*ay on this website.) They exist get over it.

posted on 10/2/12

England is doomed, yes doomed.

posted on 10/2/12

comment by Mr. Capello (U12690)

Hey, I though you had been

posted on 10/2/12

Will Redknapp look at the hounding of Pearce and other managers and think "you know what, i'm staying at Spurs" which will mess everything up and we'll be going into the euros with Peter Taylor or someone equally as useless

Why do they do this before (what seems like) every major competition? I couldn't believe how happy a lot of people seemed to be when Capello left earlier this week, i wasn't!

If Harry doesn't take it and the FA don't want or can't afford Jose Mourinho, what then!? Who are we left with?

posted on 10/2/12

comment by bruceandpally (U8201) posted 3 minutes ago

Will Redknapp look at the hounding of Pearce and other managers and think "you know what, i'm staying at Spurs" which will mess everything up and we'll be going into the euros with Peter Taylor or someone equally as useless

Why do they do this before (what seems like) every major competition? I couldn't believe how happy a lot of people seemed to be when Capello left earlier this week, i wasn't!

If Harry doesn't take it and the FA don't want or can't afford Jose Mourinho, what then!? Who are we left with?

Rafa Benitez according to some Liverpool fans on their board

posted on 10/2/12

What a sad state of affairs when we cant find a Englishman capable of managing the national side,there should be a queue for the job,it just shows how far we have fallen,None of the other home nations seem to have this problem.With the BBC paying pundits £1.5 million a year its no wonder no one wants to go into football management.

posted on 10/2/12

Rafa Benitez according to some Liverpool fans on their board

it's the end of the world as we know it, it's the end of the world as we know it

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