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Just another AVB article

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posted on 2/3/12

What old guard haven't been playing games ?

posted on 2/3/12

you tell me.

posted on 2/3/12

AVB is destroying our club. He tends to be the kind of a man who attracts negative energy, hatred and disharmony.

posted on 2/3/12

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 2/3/12

I have actually been coming on this board less simply because of articles like this.

I respect your opinion Gullit but I totally disagree.

The Chelsea situation is unique and there are far more many factors to consider.

The Chelsea machine has far to many cogs that either don´t work properly or are nackered and coming to the end.

I genuinely feel sorry for AVB because he has inherited an absolute mess of a squad.

I cannot stress hard enough what a mess our squad is in and it´s not AVB´s fault that we arrive at this point in time in such a mess.

I believe that the origins of the mess we currently find ourselves can actually be traced back to the Mourinho era.

The fact is that AVB inherited the worst Chelsea squad in the Abramovich era and we will not get any higher than 4th in the table with this current crop.

I actually look back to the Pre-Abramovich Chelsea squad between 1997-2000 and I actually think we even had a better team and squad back then.

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 2/3/12

AVB is destroying our club. He tends to be the kind of a man who attracts negative energy, hatred and disharmony.


Another brainless comment that makes we not want to use JA606.

Has the IQ level among some Chelsea fans hit the floor ??

posted on 2/3/12

Superb Frank

Fair enough mate you don't have to agree, I respect your opnion too. (just glad you never called me a plastic)

I know its not all his fault, but cummon, our players ARE NOT THAT BAD! Our squad is NOT THAT BAD!!!!

Please have a look at the articles on this board back in August. The VAST majority seemed very happy with our squad and AVBs transfer dealings. No one was saying the squad was a 6th place team back then.

Not even I expected us to be doing this crap although I was disgusted with our summer signings overall and lay AVB accountable for this 'inherited squad'. If it was that bad when he inherited it, he had more than enough time to change it up a bit more.

I mean, the guy even passed the opportunity to bring any of his former star players to Chelsea. He bypasses the opportunity to sign the great Falcao and instead tries to sign some rubbish cleff lip looking full back

posted on 2/3/12

So the PRO AVB fans on here use this board less and less because of the criticism he gets from fellow fans on here, yet they still give deluded and fabricated newspaper journos the time of day and read rubbish Chelsea articles all the time?

posted on 2/3/12

people forget that JM in his last year wanted to buy new players but funds were refused so he got some free signings.
So JM saw before he left that we needed new blood and this is the start of our current problem.

We sacked JM and brought in someone else who was allowed to buy 1 or 2 players who was then sacked for someone who was allowed 1 or 2 signings and so on and so on.

we have needed an overhaul for a few years and it has just not happened. JM saw it years ago.

This can only be put down to having far too many managers in too few years.
AVB will come good if we give him time and he gets the players he needs/wants in the summer

posted on 2/3/12

PRO AVB fans




posted on 2/3/12


how many managers would you like us to go through..

and if AVB is that bad, who would you replace him with?

plese don't mention the waiter

posted on 2/3/12

I genuinely feel sorry for AVB because he has inherited an absolute mess of a squad.

I cannot stress hard enough what a mess our squad is in and it´s not AVB´s fault that we arrive at this point in time in such a mess.

I believe that the origins of the mess we currently find ourselves can actually be traced back to the Mourinho era.

The fact is that AVB inherited the worst Chelsea squad in the Abramovich era and we will not get any higher than 4th in the table with this current crop.

Please Superb Frank. Dont exxagerate the problems with the squad to make it look like AVB has inherited a horrible horrible team which even Ferguson would have trouble getting to play as a team.

We won trophies AFTER Mourinho. Why is his name still being bandied around on this board?

Thats the problem. People who support AVB ridiculously exxagerate the problems with the squad to stupid proportions that it becomes a joke.

Players are to blame for this seasons disjointed performances but so is AVB. Why he doesnt get any blame from the people on here is mystifying.

posted on 2/3/12

Is this the only topic that is ever going to be discussed on here from now on?

posted on 2/3/12

Dont like it? Move on to the next thread

posted on 2/3/12

AVB will come good if we give him time and he gets the players he needs/wants in the summer

Personally I'm not convinced by AVB. Yet to see that worldclass spark from him at the Bridge. Only thing is, he looks, (yes appearance wise) like someone in the mould of a world class manager. Thats it though. He certainly doesn't show it when its game time.

I know Chelsea need to give managers time. But that should only be for the RIGHT manager. I don't think AVB is the RIGHT manager. I never called for Carlos head (honest), last season, because I always appreciate that 2010 title winning season. As a member, I have never been to so many games in one season and luckily enough to be at the game vs Wigan and promised after that, I would never call for Carlos head.

But the manager has to be right in my book. We can't just back any manager we hire for longevity.

posted on 2/3/12

Torres Is comatose
"AVB is destroying our club. He tends to be the kind of a man who attracts negative energy, hatred and disharmony.

Sounds familiar?"

posted on 2/3/12

and if AVB is that bad, who would you replace him with?

What say do we have ?

Don't want any scouse links to Chelsea. Didn't want Gerrard back when Jose wanted him either

posted on 2/3/12

comment by Randomer (U5245)

posted 4 minutes ago

Is this the only topic that is ever going to be discussed on here from now on?

I've created two other articles on this forum today and you've commented on none of those so...........

posted on 2/3/12

Another brainless comment that makes we not want to use JA606.
Why do you keep coming then?... especially when you are someone who is completely intolerant of other peoples views

posted on 2/3/12

all of this AVB stuff is making us blues hate on eachother

not good times.

posted on 2/3/12

Mr Chelsea

Don't be so mean

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 2/3/12

I know its not all his fault, but cummon, our players ARE NOT THAT BAD! Our squad is NOT THAT BAD!!!!


I´m not saying our players are that bad.

What I´m saying is that our players are not that good and we deserve to be 4th or 5th in the table based on the players we have in the squad.

Just look at our strikers or lack of them. We have a striker who couldn´t score a goal if he was playing against a team of 5 year olds (Torres) and another striker who is so past his best it´s just sad watching him these days (Drogba).

People are criticising AVB because we aren´t in the top three in the table but why should we be in the top three when Man Utd, Man City and Spurs all have better squad and teams than we do ?

We have some good players in the likes of Mata and Sturridge but we need to build on that and add more players to our squad of that calibre.

At present we just don´t have enough.

posted on 2/3/12

Its AVB. Causing hatred between us.

posted on 2/3/12

comment by Bluethruandthru- A$$!!! selling a$$ for heroin (U11684)

posted 1 minute ago

all of this AVB stuff is making us blues hate on eachother

not good times.

Thats why we need Jose back!!!!! We can all love eachother again!!! Disharmony from Cobham allllllll the way to JA606 Chelsea board.

posted on 2/3/12

Mr Chelsea

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