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What did Suarez do wrong?

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posted on 7/1/13

seems to me that Liverpool fans are very touchy tonight,
Who exactly?
I couldn't stop laughing at the reaction of other fans after Suarez goal. It was as if he murdered someone..

posted on 7/1/13


Yes and we don't 'owe' other clubs anything. The respect and appreciation, for the support shown, has been given, and no doubt still is. The support by other clubs wasn't done on a conditional basis, it as a favour. Similarly the respect and grate fullness doesn't have a time limit.

posted on 7/1/13

I think the whole country still owes the 96 for the atrocities that happened that day, nobody else owes anybody anything in that respect.

posted on 7/1/13

why are you all here defending it, most other fans are just on here to wind you up. I havent even seen the goal but I listened to the commentary and it sounded like Liverpool were hanging on for dear life against a non League team. How the mighty have fallen.

posted on 7/1/13

Because the comment said liverpool dont owe anyone.
What exactly do we owe? Enlighten us..
I know we owed RBS hundreds of millions couple of years ago but FSG paid it off..

posted on 7/1/13

Sorry I don't discuss anything with idiots who can't spell - if you can't make the effort to write in coherent English then why should I bother to respond?
And then you do respond??? You really are henrykamp disguise, you can tell your rattled when the grammar police come out this is a football forum you buffoon.

posted on 7/1/13


Well United of all teams should know how difficult it can be.


Ronaldo came on for 31 minutes and you still couldn't score. Wind your neck in, lad.

posted on 7/1/13

In the interests of helping those less fortunate I will clear up your confusion. It was people questioning my copying of the word nefarious used by Champion that I was referring to as summed up perfectly.

I realise intelligence or smart isn't really your thing but do try and keep up Fred.

posted on 7/1/13

Says the man that realised it wasn't me that published that comment, just laughed in agreement.

You dopey feck

posted on 7/1/13

Ohh Fred if you had brains you would be...

Well a completely different person I guess.

This is your post I was responding to.

comment by Fred Bassett - He's got a CD PLAYER PLAYER PLAYER... (U3979)
posted 8 minutes ago

Well when somebody can sum somebody up so perfectly in a single word it would be a crime to change it.

Arab - moron.

I see what you mean!

Never mind Fred, I am sure there must be one or two other kids in the nursery you get one over on... maybe they have a slow class you could be moved to?

posted on 7/1/13

I notice you didn't comment on any of the handballs I showed from the United collection.

And I also notice how you failed to blast them for not admitting to the referee what they did.

I also notice you ducking the question about your fat waiter jibes.

Funny that...

posted on 7/1/13


It was me who commented on your use of 'nefarious'. I didn't 'question' your use of it. I merely laughed at you using it after seeing the quote from John Champion. By the way, if your trying to undermine someone's intelligence, it's probably not a good idea to start quoting a football commentator. Anyway I just found it funny that you, obviously, saw the quote on the other article, and used it to describe Suarez on this one.

posted on 7/1/13

Ronaldo ?? oh dear, what about the game we had against Bradford Park Avenue when we had Best, Law and Charlton and still didn't win, real embarassment that one. Good thing I wasn't born then.

posted on 7/1/13

Ah siempre there realising he's been caught out and he's backtracking.

posted on 7/1/13

It was me who commented on your use of 'nefarious'. I didn't 'question' your use of it.

Don't you start as well, there is a post clearly showing what post I was replying to above the one I am quoting now....

By the way, if your trying to undermine someone's intelligence, it's probably not a good idea to start quoting a football commentator.

Generalisations against entire professions are generally lazy and inaccurate.

Besides as I said previously, when the word fits so perfectly there is no need to change it.

posted on 7/1/13

am I ? please explain.

posted on 7/1/13

Gonna answer my questions any time soon, Arab?

posted on 7/1/13

Fred I have covered it, despite the fact you can find several different players who in totality add up to the rap sheet of Suarez does not make them all as bad as Suarez...

It is his long record of all the different things he have done that make him stand out as a cheat and generally nefarious character.

posted on 7/1/13


I notice you failed to answer the question about referring to Rafa as the Spanish Waiter which is by definition, racial abuse. This is blatant racial abuse, unlike Suarez who called a black person black.

Once again, people in glass houses.

posted on 7/1/13

Players like Ferdinand and Giggs are much worse than Suarez.

posted on 7/1/13


There you go again, with nefarious.

Arab's word of the week: nefarious.

Next week: cat.

posted on 7/1/13

i am truly embarassed by our performance 7 years ago against Burton. tempered only by the four league titles and one champions league we have won since. But still the shame haunts me to this day.

posted on 7/1/13

In fairness Siempre, I was pretty ashamed at our performance today but our defenders just cannot deal with long balls and powerful strikers and so it proved against Everton (until we changed the system), Stoke and now Mansfield.

No matter what league you are in, it's still 11 gigantic men you're playing against.

Speaking of the Everton game, Suarez had a wrongly disallowed goal in the last minute in a far more important game. Why are you not outraged by this?

posted on 7/1/13

Ahh yes, friendly Luis who was pinching the skin of his good friend Evra to diffuse the situation... Lovely man.

I guess it would depend why the chant was done, on the off chance it was because he was Spanish, fat and looked like a waiter then you haven't really got much of an argument...

I am not sure the Spanish are a race either.

posted on 7/1/13

I guess it would depend why the chant was done, on the off chance it was because he was Spanish, fat and looked like a waiter then you haven't really got much of an argument...

I am not sure the Spanish are a race either.

Definition of racism includes prejudice against race, colour, descent, national or ethnic origin.

And you've chosen the Spanish waiter racial stereotype.

You have no defence, you racist.

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