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What did Suarez do wrong?

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posted on 6/1/13

Do you think after today the Liverpool team will feel compelled to wear Suarez tee shirts on sunday.


Or special gloves.

posted on 6/1/13

Right, so just to make sure I have this right, Suarez accidentley handles the ball, then smashes it into the net, the referee either doesn't spot it, or doesn't deem it to be deliberate, awards the goal, our manager acknowledges that we had a bit of luck, but you want Suarez to go in front of the camera, and say, sorry the ref made a mistake, and we gained an advantage from it ?

no a two line statement - including thanks to mansfield for the hillsborugh acknowledgement. Would be great PR for the club and player.

posted on 6/1/13


posted on 6/1/13

Would be great PR for the club and player.
But that comes from a stand point that somehow our club is in need of positive PR, and Luis should be forever trying to curry favour with idiotic fans of other clubs, and a scurrilous media that have gone out of their way to hound him since he came to this country.
Im sure as a club, Liverpool representatives have already acknowledged the tribute put in place by Mansfield, so that should be enough.
Luis Suarez owes others fans of other clubs, and the media generally in this country nothing.

posted on 6/1/13

Let's be honest, if it was any other player, there'd be about an hour of boo-hooing about how hard done by Mansfield were, and nobody would give a blind shîte about it from there onwards.

But because it's Suarez, there's a massive moral outrage, and reading what people (including professional journalists) have to say about it, you'd be forgiven for believing that players routinely stop the game and tell the ref when they commit an infringement. That's before you even consider the blatant accidental nature of it.

Diving occurs every single week in the Premier League, but when Suarez dived against Stoke, the furore grew so large that THE VICE PRESIDENT OF FIFA WADED IN. What a load of old bobbins.

posted on 6/1/13

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posted on 6/1/13

well then he can not complain about his bad reputation can he.

posted on 6/1/13

The persecution of little Luis is hard to watch.

posted on 6/1/13

But that comes from a stand point that somehow our club is in need of positive PR, and Luis should be forever trying to curry favour with idiotic fans of other clubs, and a scurrilous media that have gone out of their way to hound him since he came to this country.
Im sure as a club, Liverpool representatives have already acknowledged the tribute put in place by Mansfield, so that should be enough.
Luis Suarez owes others fans of other clubs, and the media generally in this country nothing
im sorry but the last 18 months had been a PR disaster for Liverpool. The only people who dont seem to know it is Liverpool supporters.

In one line you say suarez is given the rough treatment by supporters but then move on to say he owes people nothing. Expect him to get abuse then if that is the mentality.

posted on 6/1/13

Always the persecuted, poor little cherubs

posted on 6/1/13

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posted on 6/1/13

well then he can not complain about his bad reputation can he.
What reputation?
Players cheat every match so referees shouldn't be judge their players based of media label as it's often wrong.

posted on 6/1/13

Always the persecuted.


We're not the ones that have this ABU paranoia.

posted on 6/1/13

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posted on 6/1/13

Let's be honest, if it was any other player, there'd be about an hour of boo-hooing about how hard done by Mansfield were, and nobody would give a blind shîte about it from there onwards.

But because it's Suarez, there's a massive moral outrage, and reading what people (including professional journalists) have to say about it, you'd be forgiven for believing that players routinely stop the game and tell the ref when they commit an infringement. That's before you even consider the blatant accidental nature of it.

Diving occurs every single week in the Premier League, but when Suarez dived against Stoke, the furore grew so large that THE VICE PRESIDENT OF FIFA WADED IN. What a load of old bobbins.

nonsense - Many other players get the attention and more that Suarez gets.

Jim Boyce is another matter - that man has made my blood boil for nearly 20 years. He was in charge of my own IFA before moving onto fifa. Him getting that position only confirms how corrupt the organisation is.

posted on 6/1/13

We're not the ones that have this ABU paranoia.


You do, you just don't have a nice acronym for it.

You are jealous of our acronym.

posted on 6/1/13

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posted on 6/1/13

"In one line you say suarez is given the rough treatment by supporters but then move on to say he owes people nothing."

So you think he should owe something to the people who boo him. Are you mentally ill?

posted on 6/1/13

Always the persecuted
I thought little Mansfield were the ones that got persecuted and cheat by the devilish Suarez?

Make up your mind..

posted on 6/1/13


posted on 6/1/13

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posted on 6/1/13

You do, you just don't have a nice acronym for it.


We don't because we're not bothered about other clubs. Utd are the ones that sing about us and have banners about us. They even had to mention us when they unveiled the status of Mr Ferguson.

posted on 6/1/13


posted on 6/1/13

the reputation of being the biggest scümbag to play the game in britain? do you not consume any media?
You mean the media nonsense that he's destroying English football? Much worse things have been done by players before him.

posted on 6/1/13

the reputation of being the biggest scümbag to play the game in britain? do you not consume any media?


Worse than the man than banged his Brother's wife for eight years, then tried to cover it up?

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