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These 278 comments are related to an article called:

What did Suarez do wrong?

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posted on 6/1/13

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comment by (U6913)

posted on 6/1/13

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posted on 6/1/13

It is funny mansfield have moved on yet the haters are still after him. They all hate him but they kmow they want him in their team. I remeber at start of the season one gooner actually said he prefered podolski and giroud to suarez.

posted on 6/1/13

Suarez tried to pull his hand away but couldn't get it away in time.
Does it really matter? Players handle the ball intentionally several times in matches and they're never labelled cynical cheat. When Suarez does it it's suddenly a crime..

They should try fixing the cheating in their own teams before condemning other players. Hypocrisy

posted on 6/1/13

I leave my intelligence at the door when I visit the Fools board, they understand you better like that

posted on 6/1/13

"I hope it was somewhere dark and difficult to get out of. "

his own ar3e?

posted on 6/1/13

It's culturally acceptable in the Stretford part of Manchester to jump on your moral high horse whenever something happens at another club. Whilst completely forgetting some of the dodgy decisions that go your way on a regular basis.

posted on 6/1/13


Just remember Mansfield were robbed by a bad ref, not Suarez and it was unintentional handball,

Liverpool now realise these things happen and its all the fault of the officals, not the team, player or manager hold that thought for a week or two fella

posted on 6/1/13


You hold that thought. We'll hold the thoughts of Fergie on being in the ear of the 4th official, or diving, or the fitness/competence of referees.

posted on 6/1/13

Just remember Mansfield were robbed by a bad ref, not Suarez and it was unintentional handball,

Liverpool now realise these things happen and its all the fault of the officals, not the team, player or manager hold that thought for a week or two fella

Bad refereeing?!

Surely not, these eagle eyed hero's in black always know what is going on and only miss things when they are helping a team.

Does that only apply to us then or is it just anyone apart from Liverpool?

posted on 6/1/13

Time to get to get off Suarez back, he's a leopard, he has history and ain't gonna change, accept it move on and rejoice when he finally leaves.

Although he'd suit Chelsea

posted on 6/1/13

Liverpool now realise these things happen and its all the fault of the officals, not the team, player or manager hold that thought for a week or two fella
Ok everything is our fault then
It's Liverpool's fault..
Global warning, flooding, norovirus... name then

posted on 6/1/13

Players handle the ball intentionally several times in matches ______________________________________
Really? What sort of matches do you go to?

At least you have the decency to admit that it was intentional, though

posted on 6/1/13

honestlivpool, what are you on about now?

posted on 6/1/13

These glass houses are made of strong stuff nowadays. Quadruple glazed I think.

posted on 6/1/13

honestlivpool, what are you on about now?
What are YOU on about yourself?

posted on 6/1/13

This article started badly for you, and it's only got worse.

posted on 6/1/13

Red man

You have it all wrong. You guys have sad its the officals fault when these things go wrong, you cannot blame SAF

posted on 6/1/13

Debate too deep now......later

posted on 6/1/13

Really? What sort of matches do you go to?

At least you have the decency to admit that it was intentional, though
First of all I've admitted nothing.
Secondly if you're going to come on this boards to claims players to handle the ball intentionally in matches then you're clearly lying to yourself.

posted on 6/1/13

IGOR smells of wee

posted on 6/1/13

That is how it works red, referee's regularly make honest mistakes in Liverpool's favour but the occasional decision we get in our favour is proof of the referee's bias!

posted on 6/1/13

Players pull shirts, hold players during set pieces, foul other players, claim corners, goal kicks, and throw ins intentionally, knowing full well they shouldn't.
So on reflection, an accidental handball, is the least of footballs problems.

posted on 6/1/13

This article started badly for you, and it's only got worse.
If it makes you feel better

posted on 6/1/13


Have we? All officials? The officials at the match today? Or particular ones?

We've called out a some refs when decisions haven't gone our way, like when Suarez was stamped on Vs Stoke, or the blatant pen Vs Norwich. Anyone would. Are you saying United fans don't criticise refs, or bemoan decisions that don't go their way?

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