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What did Suarez do wrong?

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posted on 6/1/13


"when it comes to goals that are clearly unfairly scored it is not that rare though (klose, di canio, fowler)"

How far apart did them incidents take place? Was it days, weeks, months or years?

How often are goals unfairly allowed? Is it days, weeks, months or years?

This isn't a case of 'Suarez should admit it/apologise' because its the right thing to do. This is a case of we want Suarez to do this because we're on our moral high horse, and it's a stick to beat a rival with.

Before you say it. What I've said is not a 'victim mentality'. It's the truth, how do I know this. Because I'd go the same if it were United/Everton et al.

posted on 6/1/13

im sorry but the last 18 months had been a PR disaster for Liverpool. The only people who dont seem to know it is Liverpool supporters.

In one line you say suarez is given the rough treatment by supporters but then move on to say he owes people nothing. Expect him to get abuse then if that is the mentality.
You talk about awareness, and mentality, and write that pile of old tosh.
Liverpool football club owe you, or your club, or any other in this premier league anything in terms of apologies, or two line statements.
If people want to regurgitate old stories, or label players, then thats entirely up to them.
Worry about your own PR, your own players indiscretions, and well worry about ours, and at the end of the season well all get to together, pull out a list, and apologise to each other, for players who dived, players who claimed cornes or goal kicks or throw ins knowing full well they shouldnt, and fans who shouted abuse, or threw objects at players, managers who abused referees, or fellow managers.
Funny thing is, if we did that, our list would be finished, whilst others would still be apologising.

posted on 6/1/13

Luis judas john_terry bin_laden adolf Suarez, must be expensive to put on the back of your shirts

posted on 6/1/13

We don't because we're not bothered about other clubs. Utd are the ones that sing about us and have banners about us. They even had to mention us when they unveiled the status of Mr Ferguson.


When your captain scores he cant stop thinking about us......

posted on 6/1/13

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comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 6/1/13

How is what he did any worse than Ramsey's cheating? Tripping over himself then trying to claim for a penalty.

posted on 6/1/13

I think Fergie should release a load of two line statements apologising to Alan Pardew, Spurs, referees, every other club in the league and its fans. It's not fair Fergie's so mean sometimes .

See how pathetic it sounds?

posted on 6/1/13

You talk about awareness, and mentality, and write that pile of old tosh.
Liverpool football club owe you, or your club, or any other in this premier league anything in terms of apologies, or two line statements.
If people want to regurgitate old stories, or label players, then thats entirely up to them.
Worry about your own PR, your own players indiscretions, and well worry about ours, and at the end of the season well all get to together, pull out a list, and apologise to each other, for players who dived, players who claimed cornes or goal kicks or throw ins knowing full well they shouldnt, and fans who shouted abuse, or threw objects at players, managers who abused referees, or fellow managers.
Funny thing is, if we did that, our list would be finished, whilst others would still be apologising.


funny how every club a few months paid respect to liverpool over hillsbrough. so in fact liverpool owe to other football clubs for standing shoulder to shoulder with them as a tribute to the victims.

Some people have such a short term memory.

posted on 6/1/13

funny how every club a few months paid respect to liverpool over hillsbrough. so in fact liverpool owe to other football clubs for standing shoulder to shoulder with them as a tribute to the victims.
Are you for real ?

posted on 6/1/13

nonsense - Many other players get the attention and more that Suarez gets



Nobody cares about the likes of Scholes or Crouch handballing in the process of attempting to score, but look at the reaction Suarez has caused.

God knows what would have happened if Suarez or his manager had expressed the sort of attitude that Pulis had after Crouch's goal.

posted on 6/1/13


"funny how every club a few months paid respect to liverpool over hillsbrough. so in fact liverpool owe to other football clubs for standing shoulder to shoulder with them as a tribute to the victims."

Sorry I didn't realise other clubs standing shoulder to shoulder with us, over a clear case of corruption, was doing us a favour.

posted on 6/1/13

That's a pretty ridiculous, callous and disrespectful comment gawa. Very classless.

posted on 6/1/13

funny how every club a few months paid respect to liverpool over hillsbrough. so in fact liverpool owe to other football clubs for standing shoulder to shoulder with them as a tribute to the victims.

Some people have such a short term memory.

So handball has now turned Hillsbrough

posted on 6/1/13


Nobody cares about the likes of Scholes or Crouch handballing in the process of attempting to score, but look at the reaction Suarez has caused.

God knows what would have happened if Suarez or his manager had expressed the sort of attitude that Pulis had after Crouch's goal.
You act like suarez is the most hated player every. He is not.

posted on 6/1/13

The video below is of Macheda stopping the game to admit the handball that resulted in a goal.


posted on 6/1/13

funny how every club a few months paid respect to liverpool over hillsbrough. so in fact liverpool owe to other football clubs for standing shoulder to shoulder with them as a tribute to the victims.

Some people have such a short term memory.

So handball has now turned Hillsbrough

it has gone from handball to some saying liverpool not owning any one person, club or thing a nickle. which they do.

posted on 6/1/13


Have you not got anything to say about your ill judged Hillsborough comment?

posted on 6/1/13


yes look up

posted on 6/1/13

gawasoldier1984 (U2134)

Are you for real?

posted on 6/1/13

T bone

Macheda was called a cheat at the time by other fans, just accept Suarez is getting again today and move on

posted on 6/1/13

Really disappointed in you for bringing up a tragedy in a simple football discussion.

posted on 6/1/13

funny how every club a few months paid respect to liverpool over hillsbrough. so in fact liverpool owe to other football clubs for standing shoulder to shoulder with them as a tribute to the victims.
That was a mark of respect for dead men women and children, and the families they left behind who and fought against all odds for justice.
Christ, if every moron on the old 606, or this current incarnation of the forum who had ever insinuated, or held views that were contrary to the actual truth about Hillsborough were made to apologise, there wouldnt be time, or space on this forum to discuss football.
Run along now soft lad, because you talking utter s.h!t@.

posted on 6/1/13


So go on then. What exactly do Liverpool FC owe clubs for their support and solidarity about Hillsborough?

posted on 6/1/13

allthough i guess maybe the ref thought it was accidental handball, which would be pretty horrific refereeing.
Hippo if you believe Rodgers this may very well be the case. He said he asked the fourth official who agreed it was handball but also agreed it was accident, although the fourth official may have had a better view than the ref.

posted on 6/1/13

Did Hernandez go to the referee and tell him he was offside when he scored against Chelsea ? Did young ever man up and admit he dived? Did Roy carrol admit the ball crossed the line? I dislike Liverpool but Suarez has done nothing wrong, this is just like the British media to pick on foreigners

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