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The Labour Party

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posted on 15/2/13

Wouldnt vote for any of them now.
Also the amount of areas where your vote is meaningless makes our electoral system a farce.

comment by Beeb (U1841)

posted on 15/2/13

A Scottish Tory are you? No wonder you feel so bitter.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 15/2/13

Milliband's head is hinged to his neck the same way a car's nodding dogs is...

Nice chap, probably very bright, loves his job...looks like a rejected Thunderbirds puppet.

posted on 15/2/13

i wont be voting for an independent scotland, i wont be writing salmonds name into the history books.

I vote for labour, but i cant see what their policies are except that they seem to be for winning and against the tories winning.

posted on 15/2/13

Labour policies got us into this state, why would you expect the next gen to be any better

posted on 15/2/13

sad as it is, cameron is the best "politician" of the lot of them, in terms of public speaking.

his policies though are shocking.

comment by Ghod#18 (U9390)

posted on 15/2/13

comment by Juan Kerr (U1841)

posted 1 minute ago

A Scottish Tory are you? No wonder you feel so bitter.


not necessarily mate, just know the fact that whatever this goverment does it will be criticised

posted on 15/2/13

No poilicies apart from slate off Mr Cameron

Well they are the opposition......

Aye Cameron is doing a grand job trying to repair the economy.....on the verge of a triple dip recession

You do know that there was a higher period of growth before labour were voted out than there has ever been under this government. Want to know the biggest boot in the baws, this government has finaly admitted that they should of invested in building projects instead of making massive cuts at the start of their term they were told this by numerous sources but in good old tory fashion they went with the cuts option.

Its Neo Thatcherism by a government NOBODY voted for.

As for the supposed opposition its non existent, its the same boring vanilla 'professional' politicians that represent no one.

I would say wait for the revolution but unfortunately people are far too comfortable these days to make an real drastic change to their lives.

comment by Ghod#18 (U9390)

posted on 15/2/13

Ive only started taking an interest in politics in the last year or so but ive always been aware of the basics!!

I know theres 2 or 3 in the Labour Party who are a lot better than Ed Milliband and would have a better chance outing the current goverment at the next election.

but going into a triple dip recession isnt the Goverments fault is it?

posted on 15/2/13

Ghod it is when they mismanage our country to levels of incompetence an african dictator would be proud of.

The Big Society anybody remember this cracking idea.....something for nothing

Google Cameron U turn ghod and just see how many times this government have completely ballacks things up. Now they want to take us out of the EU

Sorry for sounding harsh its good to see that people are taking an interest in what is going on around them.

posted on 15/2/13

Triple dip recession = Tory fault
Economic crisis under labour = worldwide recession

As ever Labour voters bury their heads and blame the Torys! Labour were victims of a worldwide recession (dont mention no more boom n bust dont mention not putting away a sheckle in the good times for a rainy day) But when the Torys are in charge its ALL their fault! Deary deary me you labour loonies

posted on 15/2/13

It was a worldwide recession not a uk one, we have done bettet than most while using a heck of a lot of money on the army

posted on 15/2/13

What Chuman said

Iceland was perhaps hit worse than most at the 2007 crash but now has an economy which is growing faster than the US.

When asked how they did it a government spokesperson said "We put the bankers in jail and increased public spending."

posted on 15/2/13

Btw just for clarity im no labour supporter either.

There is no political party which represents me and I would say the vast majority of our country.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 15/2/13

This is the cushiest recession I've ever experienced.

Not painless, but I'm not seeing mass marches, walk-outs or battles with the polis.

Very disappointing! I blame Twitter!

posted on 15/2/13


You wonder if any of these politicians have cracked a history book, countries that have removed themselves for a recession have went on a major public spending spree. (construction porjects)

The tories want you to believe that they only way out of it is to trim the fat and tighten our belts its nonsense and plays into their ideals of our society.

Thatcher was succesful in destroying the working classes now Cameron wants to punish the poor.

Look at his attempts of turning the private sector against the public sector over pensions its disgraceful

posted on 15/2/13

The sad thing is that politics is about sound bites these days.

Foot, was a far clever chap than Kinnock but unelectable.

Hauge is by far the cleverest MP we have but again unelectable.
Mind the skip hat and the water slide

You need a certain look, a youngish persona

Its all bshhitt

posted on 15/2/13

Anyone here watch the west wing when it was on?

Fantastic show

posted on 15/2/13

This is the cushiest recession I've ever experienced.

Not painless, but I'm not seeing mass marches, walk-outs or battles with the polis.

Very disappointing! I blame Twitter!

Hector thatcher done a good job of battering that form of protest out of the public.

comment by Ghod#18 (U9390)

posted on 15/2/13

I agree Cameron has been a bit like the weather with his decisions but I do think him personally is trying his best and is doing a pretty decent job, its the people round about him letting him down!!

I hate the old 'we're run by a bunch of Etonians'

that line comes out when theres no argument left and the ones who feel 'less off' try and get everyone bacj on there side

posted on 15/2/13

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 15/2/13

Lets get off the Thatcher bashing! The Iron Lady IS a legend

posted on 15/2/13

Hector thatcher done a good job of battering that form of protest out of the public.

were the steest not full of fan dans last year trashing the place.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 15/2/13

Some might call it 'progress'..

But it's a youthful right of package to have a small scale civil disturbance against 'The Man'..
Kids are having their aggression 'couched' out of them..I'd like to have seen Plod try and 'kettle' an demonstration when Ay was t'lad...

comment by Ghod#18 (U9390)

posted on 15/2/13

thatcher ran a tight ship and it drove the Kingdom apart

the current Tory goverment led by Cameron are entirely different, which annoys the old proper Tory backbenchers

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