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These 117 comments are related to an article called:

Liverpool are in Danger

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posted on 19/5/14

An already answer my question, perhaps you should update your profile seeing as you spend so much time creating articles on ours.

posted on 19/5/14

Out of 22 of my articles, only four have been on the Liverpool board

posted on 19/5/14

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posted on 19/5/14

Hmmm... And every other one has been on another teams board. My point is if you are going to WUM then at least let us know why you are wumming. In your case I can understand the bitterness of missing out on the CL and having David Moyes destroying Utd in one season.

Still with no CL football or Europe to worry about I'm sure you will be romping away with the league next season

posted on 19/5/14

I haven't bothered to count AGAIN, but am fairly certain that most of the article are on our own board.

As a United fan, the fortunes of those around us have a direct impact on our club, so I feel justified in commenting on those clubs.

Where do you propose I place an article entitled "Are City and Chelsea Ruining Football?"?

Equally, do you really think I am going to write similarly provocative articles about my own club!

Come on, be realistic!! Although I will try to do so.

posted on 19/5/14

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posted on 19/5/14

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posted on 19/5/14

Penalty Spot has previously claimed to be a neutral fan of football and a journalist as well. Now he finally admits he's a Manc. At this point in time only a Manc would try to pass himself off as not being a United fan.

posted on 19/5/14

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posted on 19/5/14

Penalty Spot has previously claimed to be a neutral fan of football and a journalist as well. Now he finally admits he's a Manc. At this point in time only a Manc would try to pass himself off as not being a United fan.

posted on 19/5/14

Penalty Spot has previously claimed to be a neutral fan of football and a journalist as well. Now he finally admits he's a Manc. At this point in time only a Manc would try to pass himself off as not being a United fan.

posted on 19/5/14

"Penalty Spot has previously claimed to be a neutral fan of football and a journalist as well"

That was tongue-in-cheek!
I highly doubt any journalists would post on here.
I should have pretended to be Steven Gerrard - would you have believed that too!!

posted on 19/5/14

I would stop digging now. Just update your profile and be honest with your articles. I think a little bit of wumming spices up the proceedings.

posted on 19/5/14


I shall take your advice. Thanks for not being a total ass about it, too

posted on 19/5/14

Stupid phone.
Tongue in cheek? Seems everything you post is tongue in cheek. Its also a nice cop out for a Utd fan.
Also, other posters are able to elicit a reaction and spark debate without being provocative. Perhaps you are not intelligent enough but its on excuse. This article is complete excrement I dont know why decent posters bother.

posted on 19/5/14

* no excuse

posted on 19/5/14

posted 9 minutes ago

I shall take your advice. Thanks for not being a total ass about it, too


posted on 19/5/14

"Perhaps you are not intelligent enough"

Yeah ok.

If you think I'm going to sit here and list my academic achievements and awards to prove whether I'm "clever" or no, I'm afraid I am not.

People's writing styles vary. Look at some of the stuff in the Sun. I am talking about people that are PAID to wrote that stuff.

There was a column about Barca/Atletico, and about how far Barca had fallen. It harked back to its halcyon days of a few years back, and how dominant they were. Yet the journalist only referred to TWO specific matches. Conveniently, the two CL finals against United in 2009 and 2011.

Of course, he had no agenda did he........

posted on 19/5/14

Van Gaal no experience in the premier league and having to rebuild the squad...

Predict man utd to finish outside the top four again, maybe scrape a Europa league place.

posted on 19/5/14

People's writing styles vary. It depends on the intelligence and wit of the writer. Others achieve discourse without being provocative. It depends on how witty you are. Dont feel bad you are good just that the other posters on here are smarter.
The Sun
Academic achievements

posted on 19/5/14

" Dont feel bad you are good just that the other posters on here are smarter."


I'm not questioning it, just wondered how you're able to assess all this.

posted on 19/5/14

In awe of your writing skills.
From a 'Pool fan.

posted on 19/5/14

OP, you´re a funny guy. Do you work for the daily fail? Was wondering cos it the type of stuff they would print.

posted on 19/5/14

"comment by Red Kev (U19375)
posted 6 seconds ago
OP, you´re a funny guy. Do you work for the daily fail? Was wondering cos it the type of stuff they would print."

I wish!!
No I'm just bored at work

This is a very average piece - I feel SWIM must be flattering me!!

posted on 19/5/14

Judging from your articles you must wonder about a lot of stuff. Been here a long time. You must think you are the first of your kind to come along. Been there done that. Simpleton.

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