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These 141 comments are related to an article called:

Malcolm Glazer

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posted on 28/5/14

Go in peace

posted on 28/5/14

What happens to the club?. His son takes over?

posted on 28/5/14


Nothing will change. His sons have been making all the business decisions for years.

posted on 28/5/14


posted on 28/5/14

comment by ツ Captain 'Plastic' Subjectivity (U12048)
posted 3 minutes ago
Wooptie woop

posted on 28/5/14

Joel and Avram are both co-chairmen, aren't they?

posted on 28/5/14


posted on 28/5/14

You'd think Avi and/or Joel would take full charge of the club now.

He's an incredible business man who made it to the very top of his profession and has led a rich and varied life.


comment by Cloggy (U1250)

posted on 28/5/14

comment by ツ Captain 'Plastic' Subjectivity (U12048)
posted 6 minutes ago
Wooptie woop

posted on 28/5/14


Yes. It is them that SAF always dealt with.

posted on 28/5/14

does anyone has any idea on how this will effect united?

posted on 28/5/14

Avi and Joel have been running the club for years, nothing will change

posted on 28/5/14


It will not.

posted on 28/5/14

Whatever you think of him as an owner it is sad when anyone dies.

The moment football money turned into a money game it was inevitable that someone like this would buy United.

However, we could have had much much worse owners.


posted on 28/5/14

If someone makes a nasty remark, dont derail the thread even more by making it an issue. Just leave your condolences, thats it.


comment by Cloggy (U1250)

posted on 28/5/14

posted on 28/5/14

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posted on 28/5/14

Never liked him or the family. Never agreed with what they did to this club and still don't. And I was there on the marches.

In saying that.............a man has stilled passed away. He's still somebody's dad and was somebody's son.


posted on 28/5/14

Sorry to hear sad news. Sincere Condolences.

posted on 28/5/14

posted on 28/5/14

Yeah, sad news indeed.

Condolences from a Liverpool fan

posted on 28/5/14

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posted on 28/5/14

Whoever is celebrating this needs to give their head a wobble

posted on 28/5/14

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comment by tmd16 (U4307)

posted on 28/5/14

Happy fecking days!!!

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