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Malcolm Glazer

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posted on 28/5/14

What's wrong with people, celebrating someone's passing, you could understand if it were an evil dictator or someone like thatcher but glazer was a businessman who despite being unpopular with supporters, brought a lot of much needed investment into the club. R.I.P

posted on 28/5/14

I genuinely didn't realise there was such a level of ill feeling from certain sections of the United support.


Think Hicks and Gillette and times by 100

posted on 28/5/14

Celebrate is not what i'd do. Thats disrespectful.

Not giving 2 shitts about him when he didnt give 2 shitts about us i'd say is pretty normal.

Not every dead person has to be mourned over by everyone

comment by Prem (U7618)

posted on 28/5/14


We may not have always agreed with all the goings on in regards to our owner's handling of our club but we certianly do not rejoice in his death. Unfortunately their are a small minority who have no sense of respect.

posted on 28/5/14

he was a businessman and saw united as a great business and took his chance. many would do the same as him so cant blame him at all

comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 28/5/14

he was a businessman and saw united as a great business and took his chance. many would do the same as him so cant blame him at all

comment by Szoboss (U6997)

posted on 28/5/14

comment by conormcgrace (U4307)
posted 10 minutes ago
Happy fecking days!!!

Some people are just not wired up properly in the head. What kind of person thinks this for goodness sake?!

Hope it was peaceful. RIP.

posted on 28/5/14

He was 86 years old apparently

comment by Prem (U7618)

posted on 28/5/14

Does anyone know the cause of death?

posted on 28/5/14

Not the right time for some of the nastiness but as a City supporter who has a lot of friends that are match going United fans, i know there is hatred directed towards that family.

Like i said not the right time for it.

posted on 28/5/14

Glazers are far more unpopular with ST holders than non match going fans. That's why.

In saying that........a man has sadly passed away. Like him or loathe him, it's still sad.

No ill feeling, no celebration, no joy from me. I don't think I will be losing sleep either at the same time. People die everyday and he was 85. If I live to 85, I'll take that right now.

posted on 28/5/14

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 28/5/14

Im pretty sure he has backed United and given us vast amounts of funds when needed. Yes we were in a lot of debt, but we are getting ourselves out of debt. Once we get out of that debt, we will easily be the richest club in the world.

posted on 28/5/14

It's certainly wrong to celebrate his death and I have no ill feeling towards the guy but at the end of the day it's just a rich old white guy who died.

Dunno why anyone really cares either way.

posted on 28/5/14

No ill feeling, no celebration, no joy from me. I don't think I will be losing sleep either at the same time. People die everyday and he was 85.
That's the minimum I'd expect from any person with the news of someone passing away. To read joyous comments is pathetic. Like we somehow had it hard...

posted on 28/5/14

comment by Stretford_Ender85 (U10955)
posted 2 minutes ago
I genuinely didn't realise there was such a level of ill feeling from certain sections of the United support.


Think Hicks and Gillette and times by 100

Aw come on!!

Look, I've no wish to get into an argument on this particular thread, but to compare H&G to Glazer is totally wide of the mark.

H&G nearly brought Liverpool to it's knees and we were hours away from going into Administration.

From an outsider, I think your owners have been there for United whenever big money transfers had to be sanctioned. the only caveat was the debt leveraged onto the club, but even that has shown signs of reducing.

Anyway, RIP Malcom

posted on 28/5/14

@dazg29: Party time! Good riddance you fecking mercenary! I'll enjoy tonight! Might just renew my ST now. #lovely http://t.co/nF0ECEBgNs


comment by Prem (U7618)

posted on 28/5/14

He actually helped us to sustain our success even during times when it seemed as if they were evil businessmen who were draining our club of financial competivness.

Granted we had a excellent manager who guided us to success after success, but he certainly needed the investment provided by the Glazers.

It was a partnership that excelled no matter what light it was seen in.

posted on 28/5/14

Had to resist the urge from making a bad joke to that Robb!

posted on 28/5/14

comment by RVP's Left Foot - Welcome to Vanchester (U11781)
posted 1 minute ago
@dazg29: Party time! Good riddance you fecking mercenary! I'll enjoy tonight! Might just renew my ST now. #lovely http://t.co/nF0ECEBgNs

I think this Manchester United fan thinks we've suddenly been relieved of our dictatorship under Malcolm Glazer. The cub has now become debt-free and we have £1billion in transfer funds ready to spend on footballers...

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 28/5/14

He's taken around £1billion out of United to pay for their takeover, they were probably lucky they had SAF as manager to be so successful and take attention away from it.

posted on 28/5/14

85 isn't a bad age to get to, so regardless of what he did rip to him.

Will you be any better off now he's gone? Don't think so, you've been run by his son's for long enough!

posted on 28/5/14

Didn't the geezer have a stroke?

comment by Benched (U7195)

posted on 28/5/14

Any word on which son gets his shares in Utd? Heard there was a bit of a feud not so long ago in the family.

comment by Saggy8 (U19042)

posted on 28/5/14


Some sick people on this thread, damn. They should be banned from the site

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