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These 141 comments are related to an article called:

Malcolm Glazer

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posted on 28/5/14

i cant understand some people.

the guy invested in the club, brought massive revenue in and always made money available to improve the squad.

you may not have liked him but have some fúcking respect.

posted on 28/5/14

dunc, I've not read the rest of the thread it's understandable why people dislike him. However, that is irrelevant when it comes to something like this.

posted on 29/5/14

totally agree mate, but if you hate someone so much you'd celebrate his death then your probably better off keeping your opinions to yourself.

people are acting like he was a cross between Hitler, Starlin and pol pot.

At the end of the day he was a buisnessman who took advantage and bought a football club.

Had Utd been in financial dire straights when the glazers took over then those same people wouldnt have given a shít about the debt.

despite all the bítching and moaning these people still went out and bought ST and tickets.

Its a serious sad state of affairs when people chose to celebrate the death of someone over something as non important than football.

posted on 29/5/14

"we should cherish Sir Alex Ferguson while we still have him. Darren Ferguson shares the same birthday as me to which I found spooky "

Someone else was born on the same day as you? How spooky

posted on 29/5/14

Spot on, Dunc.

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 29/5/14

Some disappointing comments from some sad people.


posted on 29/5/14

RIP Malcolm Glazer. Condolences to the family

posted on 29/5/14

RIP Malcolm.

Can't believe the comments in bad taste from MUST vice-chairman:

Manchester United Supporters' Trust vice-chair Sean Bones said: "It would be inappropriate for me to make any comment about the death of Malcolm Glazer as I didn't know him or his family personally.

"However, as a supporter, I am aware of the detrimental effect the Glazers have had on the football club and the huge debt that has been placed on Manchester United."

posted on 29/5/14

Someone needs to ask the clown that when they were cosying up to the red knights, how did they think those guys were going to buy the club

posted on 29/5/14

He could have just added "but my condolences extend to his family" on to the first paragraph and forget about the second which was just an attempt to get a barb on the main news pages - using someone's death for self-promotion or promotion of your cause is sick.

posted on 29/5/14

its all bóllocks.

like i said earlier, had the club been close to administration, then noone would have cared less about the debt.

one of peoples biggest problems is they have to pull a few more quid out of there pocket.
these guys choose to buy season tickets, noone holds a gun to their head.
For all the bítching and moaning people did they still went out and bought season tickets.... pretty hypocritical really.

these people were also stupid enough to think by wearing a green and gold top, the Glazers would say

"wow, we cant handle this".

when in fact what they were probably saying was

"look at these daft 's sat there protesting... yet still buying tickets

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 29/5/14

posted on 29/5/14

its all bóllocks.

like i said earlier, had the club been close to administration, then noone would have cared less about the debt.

one of peoples biggest problems is they have to pull a few more quid out of there pocket.
these guys choose to buy season tickets, noone holds a gun to their head.
For all the bítching and moaning people did they still went out and bought season tickets.... pretty hypocritical really.

these people were also stupid enough to think by wearing a green and gold top, the Glazers would say

"wow, we cant handle this".

when in fact what they were probably saying was

"look at these daft 's sat there protesting... yet still buying tickets
Sorry but can't agree with that whatsoever. Many of these fans were there long before glazer took over and will be there long after. They are there to support there club and if they want to protest about Glazer then that's their prerogative. To be fair many United fans did stop going and that was the main reason FC United were set up.
Would you say the city fans were idiots when they went to the Arsenal game and protested about the ticket prices?
Or the Newcastle fans protesting about Ashley?

Fans are there to support their club and if they don't like what is happening at their club they can voice their opinion AT the game.

As for Glazer. Yes it's not nice he has died. Wouldn't wish that upon him but can't say I felt anything when I saw it. Many thousands people die around the world every day. I personally have my important things to worry about in all honesty. Still not nice for the family though

posted on 29/5/14

Anyone who stopped supporting Utd because of the owners is not a Utd fan.

posted on 29/5/14


I had no idea he was 85, but thoughts to his family.

posted on 29/5/14

Sorry but can't agree with that whatsoever.


It was spot on.

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