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Malcolm Glazer

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posted on 28/5/14

So just to get this straight this won't effect the club in any way?
His son's will continue to run the club?
And I guess they will be still fully committed and won't be looking to sell the club.

posted on 28/5/14

I just heard that on bbc 1 news and checked on bbc football. Only 86 years old to.

posted on 28/5/14

'Only' 86? hafi

posted on 28/5/14

I'm not a Man Utd fan, but the guy lumped your club with massive debt so he could buy the club. So effectively he got the club for nothing and the Utd fans paid for him to have it. So he took out hundreds of millions to do so. Meanwhile the squad has gotten worse and worse whilst the also took money out as well as getting it for free.

Life is bigger than football, but how any Man utd fan can give this family sympathy is beyond me and I'm not even a utd fan.

comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 28/5/14

86 years and 3 days to be precise haf

posted on 28/5/14

Hafi Ffs have some respect

posted on 28/5/14

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 28/5/14

In Hafi's family, 86 is stil young.

posted on 28/5/14

"Any word on which son gets his shares in Utd? Heard there was a bit of a feud not so long ago in the family."

Pretty sure that it is all owned by the Glazer family anyway and split equally between his six children. The feud was between him and his siblings about their parents will (I think that was it!)

comment by Benched (U7195)

posted on 28/5/14

Cheers melts.

posted on 28/5/14

R.I.P Malcolm Glazer

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 28/5/14

86 years is nothing to a robot

posted on 28/5/14

Some of the comments on here, Jesus.

No one's asking you to mourn for the man, but there are some things you should just be decent enough to keep to yourself.

posted on 28/5/14

No worries Benched.

Just my thoughts in general on it, I know a lot of United fans had issues with the Glazers and their takeover and I understand that. At the same time though, some of your fanbase underestimate just how well they have done off the pitch for you in terms of maximising the brand and setting the bar commercially, a model that we amongst others are replicating part of.

Yes, people can argue that was needed to pay off the debt, but those foundations that they built on will be there a long time after you pay that off.

Has their ownership hindered you as a club? I personally have never thought so, had you stayed as a plc or another owner taken over, I doubt the investment in your playing squad would have differed that much to what they have done. You have remained more than competitive throughout their tenure until the blip this year, and all reports seem to indicate Van Gaal will be given the funds required.

People just aren't used to leveraged buyouts in the UK and you are probably the most high profile example of one. For all the protests and things that are uncomfortable about your current ownership model, you really could have had worse owners to be honest.

posted on 28/5/14


posted on 28/5/14

Isnt that sort of what i just said?

posted on 28/5/14

Sorry reddevils, I didn't see your post. Yes, yes it was!

posted on 28/5/14

No bother.

posted on 28/5/14

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posted on 28/5/14

Why do news sites say 85 when it was 86 years 3 days ish. Anyway I remember the green and gold nonsense and the red knights. While as a fan it hurt a bit seeing so much loan interest payment into the 10's of millions dollars being used for the glazers personal debt repayment, they still owned the club and increased revnue so as I was cool with that as long as they made man utd very profitable to cover debt repayments and not make us much worse off. To be fair I think SAF knew that for a few years while the payments for debt went down meant in the later years man utd would be able to spend big. This happened last season but agent moyes messed up the plan. I am glad van gaal was recruited before today as at least we can have a legendary story of the manager being named man utd manager under Malcolm Glazer brings man utd success.

On a personal level its a shame passing away at 86 years 3 days seems quite young. I think we should cherish Sir Alex Ferguson while we still have him. Darren Ferguson shares the same birthday as me to which I found spooky and I remember when he first became Peterborough manager.

Thoughts are with the Glazer family.

posted on 28/5/14

I read some comments here and my faith in humanity gets very bleak. RIP Mr Glazer.

posted on 28/5/14

On a personal level its a shame passing away at 86 years 3 days seems quite young.

posted on 28/5/14

I saw Dan Roan at OT on bbc news saying the kids own 90% of man utd still.

comment by Lambsy (U2861)

posted on 28/5/14

Sad news, condolences to his family, RIP Malcolm.

posted on 28/5/14

Only just seen the news.

Not the biggest fan but this is still sad news. RIP Malcolm Glazer.

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