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Benayoun is a Disgrace

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posted on 5/8/14

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comment by renoog (U4449)

posted on 5/8/14

It depends what you mean by 'good intentions'. America has no strategic interest in the Middle East apart from oil. Any involvement they have had in the region has been to depose non-compliant regimes and replace them with more pliable partners, to ensure the uninterrupted flow of oil into their hungry multi-trillion dollar economy. Which is great for them and the other countries that buy oil, but not so great for all the thousands who died from the turmoil unleashed in those countries (many of which had no history of ever attacking US citizens).

posted on 5/8/14

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posted on 5/8/14

I'm fair sick of people talking about 'the Muslims' like they're an actual group of people, with common interests, common political views, common anything really - some people's views on life are stuck in the fecking dark ages. Get out and meet some people, 99% of them don't want to steal from you, murder your children or eat your pets.

And, if they do, there's a more than good chance they're called Dave and their family has lived in your town for 10 generations. ffs.

posted on 5/8/14

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posted on 5/8/14

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posted on 5/8/14

comment by Cal Neva (U11544)
posted 5 minutes ago
But it seems that some people pick and choose which conflict to campaign about.
Odd thing to say, of course people pick and chose - or do you think everyone should campaign about everything? We'd never get any work done.

posted on 5/8/14

Get out and meet some people, 99% of them don't want to steal from you, murder your children or eat your pets.

And, if they do, there's a more than good chance they're called Dave and their family has lived in your town for 10 generations. ffs.
This is actually paranoia. No one thinks Muslims are cannibals or whatever you think.. However rhetoric and actions from the Muslim world aren't positive when it comes to America.

People citing oil, how come they haven't invaded African countries for oil? Iraq war was an ill judged political move by the American republican party (in which they expected a Thatcher-esque, Falkland result, hence why Bush declared 'mission accomplished' afterwards) to win the 04 election. However you cannot play politics with people's lives and I think should Bush and certain republican party representatives should be tried for war crimes.

posted on 5/8/14

I think everyone is fully aware that Muslims are a diverse bunch and most are good people.

Evidence of this was shown in the uprisings across the Muslim nations in recent years, they don't want to tolerate the disgraceful means by which their captors operate, we can only hope that Palestinians try the same thing regarding Hamas, but the stranglehold is strong sadly.

posted on 5/8/14

"This is actually paranoia. No one thinks Muslims are cannibals or whatever you think."

Cannibals? WTF?

"However rhetoric and actions from the Muslim world aren't positive when it comes to America."

Utter bóllocks. Now that's paranoia - stating that over 2 billion people hate america just because they're Muslims. I hate to break it to you, but the vast majority of them are probably fairly indifferent about America and just get on with their lives.

posted on 5/8/14

comment by #Forza (U19575)
posted 44 minutes ago

damned if we do, damned if we dont

Tbh the Muslim world dislikes the USA for what they do, not what they don't do.

The Middle East doesn't want American interference generally (Israel aside) as it is generally never in Muslims interests when they do...

comment by renoog (U4449)

posted on 5/8/14

People citing oil, how come they haven't invaded African countries for oil? Iraq war was an ill judged political move by the American republican party (in which they expected a Thatcher-esque, Falkland result, hence why Bush declared 'mission accomplished' afterwards) to win the 04 election. However you cannot play politics with people's lives and I think should Bush and certain republican party representatives should be tried for war crimes.
Africa is nowhere near as big an oil producer as the Middle East. The Gulf countries combined produce around a third of the world's oil. The infrastructure is there already and it's enough to satisfy America's needs without the need for African oil. Iran has long been on their agenda because they see it as a threat to regional stability (and hence the security of their oil supply) which is why they have gotten involved in its neighbouring countries in order to limit its influence. It was next on their list under Bush. General Wesley Clark alluded to this plan in an interview a while back (google 7 countries in 5 years). I think with Bush's departure (as well as Rumsfeld, Cheney etc) that's not so much their agenda these days.

posted on 5/8/14

comment by HenrysCat (U3608)
posted 8 minutes ago
"This is actually paranoia. No one thinks Muslims are cannibals or whatever you think."

Cannibals? WTF?

"However rhetoric and actions from the Muslim world aren't positive when it comes to America."

Utter bóllocks. Now that's paranoia - stating that over 2 billion people hate america just because they're Muslims. I hate to break it to you, but the vast majority of them are probably fairly indifferent about America and just get on with their lives.
Well I didn't say every single Muslim hates America. However it's common knowledge that the Muslim world don't really like or want to like America until they need America.
There are other non-Muslim countries around the world that take same approach.

No one knows the level/quantity of oil in Africa. Every single day more oil is discovered in African countries.

posted on 5/8/14

"Well I didn't say every single Muslim hates America."

Well, you kind of did. And others have said much the same.

"However it's common knowledge that the Muslim world don't really like or want to like America until they need America."

Ah, well now that's different and much more evenly worded, and I don't think the 'Muslim world' is any different to any other worlds out there in that respect.

"There are other non-Muslim countries around the world that take same approach."

Exactly, pretty much all of them I suspect, no-one would invite someone else to run their country for them.

posted on 5/8/14

comment by SAF_The_Legend-FreePalestine (U5768)
posted 18 minutes ago
comment by #Forza (U19575)
posted 44 minutes ago

damned if we do, damned if we dont

Tbh the Muslim world dislikes the USA for what they do, not what they don't do.

The Middle East doesn't want American interference generally (Israel aside) as it is generally never in Muslims interests when they do...
Thats not true though is it.

Afghanistan as an example was to give the people a chance to be free, they got that wish but sadly once the USA leaves the people are overcome by the extremists yet again.

I think Algeria has a good relationship with the USA based on the same reasons.

Iraq another now, soon as the west pulls out, extremist groups try to seize power again against the populations wishes.

posted on 5/8/14

Well, you kind of did. And others have said much the same.
Wow Where?
If I say Britain defeated Germany, does it mean every single person in Britain defeated Germany?

I mentioned rhetoric... voices from the Muslim world, e.g. leaders and popular voices.

posted on 5/8/14

Muslim's that like the US will never hit the headlines but the one's who can't stand the US will always hit the headlines. The same applies with Russians, Chinese and North Koreans.

Just because you don't agree with the foreign policy off the US does not mean you will you hate a country. Many none Muslim countries dislike the US due to it's foreign policy.

posted on 5/8/14

Tbh the Muslim world dislikes the USA for what they do, not what they don't do.

The Middle East doesn't want American interference generally (Israel aside) as it is generally never in Muslims interests when they do...

yeah, but wave a green card in the air and you'd have a stampede

posted on 5/8/14

comment by returnofDaSilvaSurfer (U12750)
posted 32 seconds ago
Tbh the Muslim world dislikes the USA for what they do, not what they don't do.

The Middle East doesn't want American interference generally (Israel aside) as it is generally never in Muslims interests when they do...

yeah, but wave a green card in the air and you'd have a stampede
hahahaha spot on

posted on 5/8/14

Muslim's that like the US will never hit the headlines but the one's who can't stand the US will always hit the headlines. The same applies with Russians, Chinese and North Koreans.
Exactly. Rhetoric from these countries and communities influence the attitudes in Western countries which influence government policies.

However this idea that the US has a single fixed foreign policy nonsense. 9/11 obviously affected their foreign policy. Iraq war was politically motivated though IMO.

comment by (U18543)

posted on 5/8/14

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posted on 5/8/14

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comment by (U18543)

posted on 5/8/14

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posted on 5/8/14

It's not a lie, and it is true - there would be a stampede. But not the same people, some would like to live there, others want to live where they are - how they want.

comment by (U18543)

posted on 5/8/14

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