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SNP got half UKIP vote

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posted on 8/5/15

Same system that's been going for ages. Single-seat constituencies will always throw up results of this kind. Why is it suddenly all wrong?

'Spose it was all well and good while it keeps out the more radical options that one doesn't agree with.

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 8/5/15

Wait...we use a first past the post system?

posted on 8/5/15

It's either the most folk voting wins and England with most voters decide everything or each bit gets a say if they win their seat.

Both ways flawed. But ukip got more votes than snp so first way wins this time IMO.

posted on 8/5/15

First past the post most likely is the best way,to get a majority govt,free from coalition,but it is so unfair,lol.

Are coalition's bad?

posted on 8/5/15

It's all bollox anyway.

posted on 8/5/15

Nae offence guys,but just do it next time,and leave.
From where I’m sitting, it doesn’t look like they’re waiting for your invitation, tbh.

Wonder who the snp will blame in indyland?
More to the point, who are we going to blame in England? Once we’ve fvcked off the immigrants, the Scots, the Welsh, and the EU, we’re going to have an economic miracle and peace and goodwill to all men, can’t wait.

But....just in case we don't.......who should we blame then?

posted on 8/5/15


Blame yourself,and take some responsibility.

Strange how Scots can blame England,but you feel it is wrong the other way around?

Why is that?

I am not English,but tired of scots nat's whining and sniping.

posted on 8/5/15

Strange how Scots can blame England,but you feel it is wrong the other way around?
Where the fvck did this question come from?
I never expressed any opinion about Scots blaming England: I don't live there, so don't know, and couldn't give a monkey's, whether they do or don't.

And where did I say it was wrong the other way around?
Was that meant to be on a different thread?
I was asking for suggestions about who we should blame., I donn't remember saying anything was wrong.

So I see you've suggested we blame ourselves..that's a bit fvcking radical, isn't it?
Can't see that happening.

comment by DC 76 (U19776)

posted on 8/5/15

Hope you've a stash buried for the upcoming festivities tbbab

posted on 8/5/15


Whatever do you mean,mate.

posted on 8/5/15


In your post you said England blamed Scots,Welsh etc........do you remember,ten minutes ago.
Can England not feel a bit fed up with Scottish nationalists too,then?

To update you,SNP do blame Westminster/England for their woes.

Get the news on wessie,and keep up,lol.

posted on 8/5/15

posted on 8/5/15

posted on 8/5/15

People are not stupid,and sure Murdoch papers backed the SNP and tories?

I am mad,but think that snp Scotland should go it alone now,Mick.Marriage is over,and English nationalism has won in the tory vote.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 8/5/15

Now, obviously we can't have a referendum for every decision.
Gay marriage has been voted down four times in NI despite about 80% of the population being in favour. I think in situations like that, people should be afforded a say.

posted on 8/5/15


Yea,ukip will succeed in local elections,and that is another form of nationalism,that can be negative,and divisive,like the snp,plaid,unionist and republican parties.

Made up borders,identities,us and them attitudes and too often,tension and violence.

posted on 8/5/15


Not long in and family illness stuff only had about 12 hours sleep since Wed.

You are bang on.

The fuse has been lit and the game is abogie as we say.

This FPTP result means the end of the UK.

We will all be impoverished by this.

And I don't mean fiscally only.

posted on 8/5/15

If Scotland had been independent 1945 I would not have seen my first birthday.

I was in the newly established NHS hospital for the first ten months of my life.

Lungs wouldn't work.

Only the combined economy of scale of the entire UK could have

launched the first free-at-point-service National Health Service in

the world.

We are on a hand cart to Hell.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 8/5/15

TMQ how do labour do the rebuilding job? Top down overhaul, spilt the party between Scotland and England? Will the SNP implode as austerity bites and sacrifices over the next 5 years hit home?

posted on 8/5/15

So are most regions in the world.

Nationalism is seen as the cure for everyones' ills.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 8/5/15

comment by The Mighty Quinn (U4099)
posted 29 seconds ago
So are most regions in the world.

Nationalism is seen as the cure for everyones' ills.

It's an easy sell appealing to tribalism. That's why we have ships sinking in the Med and few folk bothered.

posted on 8/5/15

comment by Admin1 (U1)
posted 4 minutes ago
Now, obviously we can't have a referendum for every decision.
Gay marriage has been voted down four times in NI despite about 80% of the population being in favour. I think in situations like that, people should be afforded a say.

Who says we can't have a system where we decide what issue we do or don't want to have a say in?

As an example, provisional proposals could go up for a certain period, say a couple of weeks, and depending on the popular demand for a referendum, you hold it or simply refer it back to Parliament for them to decide.

There are SO many ways in which a better, fuller democracy could be achieved...it just so happens that it would mean wrestling power away from precisely those people who are in the best position to push for a broader-based democracy.

posted on 8/5/15


As it was first time round.

From bottom up.

No distinction between these contrived dotted lines on a map set out by a medieval war

I have rejoined the Labour Party today

Persuading others to do so as well.

As I have posted ad nauseam on here.

I have more in common with a Geordie nurse and a Scouse teacher than I do with a billionaire Edinburgh fatcat lawyer or a tartan swaddled absentee Highland landlord.

posted on 8/5/15

Hope the family illness is not too serious,Mighty,bud.

The NHS saved me too as a niddler,as I had really severe asthma,and was in intensive care with attacks.

I was shocked to hear that Scotland was Tory in the 1950's,then labour,until recently..........when the cranky Krankie Sturgeon became popular.

posted on 8/5/15

In your post you said England blamed Scots,Welsh etc........do you remember,ten minutes ago.
No, I didn't.
I was listing some potential candidates, and then I said they won't be eligible after we've fvcked them all off.

Can England not feel a bit fed up with Scottish nationalists too,then?
Feel free, I'm not in a position to tell you who to be fed up with. For my part, it hasn't really affected me emotionally either way.

To update you,SNP do blame Westminster/England for their woes.
Get the news on wessie,and keep up,lol.
Had a broad idea of their policies, but that's all the attention I paid. I'm afraid I wasn't as emotionally engaged in it as you appear to be.
Finding out what the issues were was as much attention as I felt I needed to pay.

By and large, I think wider unions are better economically, (unlike those who think a union with Scotland is good, but a union with the EU is bad, for reasons I'm not sure I can make sense of), but if it's going to upset too many people....best leave it, it's probably not going to make any difference to me personally.

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