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SNP got half UKIP vote

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posted on 9/5/15

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posted on 9/5/15

posted on 9/5/15

The utter shambolic disaster that is the Labour party could ensure that the tories are in power for a very long time. With such things mooted by Cameron as 'Permanent Austerity' I can't fcking wait to get out the UK.

Plus again I will say the two potential breaking points for this 'United' kingdom are the EU referendum and Trident. Add those three up and you most definitely have a recipe for Scottish independence.

I'm not saying this is my choice of how things should work but this is the way it could easily pan out over the next few years.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 9/5/15

Wish there was a Yorkshire party, a Cornwall and Devon party, wish every part of the UK was parochially minded.

posted on 9/5/15

Austerity is just spending only what you can afford to spend.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 9/5/15

comment by Mick Dee (U14135)
posted 29 minutes ago
That's exactly right.

One of the main reasons why Westminster don't want to lose us is that we can prove to the electorate down south that a fair and prosperous society is possible on this island. independence could very well be the catalyst for an English revolution, when the people down there start asking why they cannot have what we have.

For the same reason we will never get truly devolved powers
The Tory politician in me would say the countenance of that is death by a thousand cuts. Squeeze the SNP until they are forced to start cutting stuff like free prescriptions, keep pressuring them until the services/polices are reduced on par to those in RUK. Keep telling the electorate that Scotland has the power to put up taxes and save these things. SNP knowing that is suicide to the scottish economy wouldn't do that, this causes a backlash against SNP whose support starts to wobble/crumble. The status quo is restored and the poltical elite are pleased the working class English voters cant look north of the border and ask questions.

posted on 9/5/15

Austerity is another name for getting rid of a welfare state that the tories never wanted in the first place, and as usual punishes the most vulnerable in society while the rich get tax cuts. I notice the first policy mooted by Cameron is a lift on the fox hunting ban

posted on 9/5/15

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comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 9/5/15

comment by Curly - "We're all doomed" (U1103)
posted 9 seconds ago
Quite right, foxes are kants
The Dog fighting for the elites.

posted on 9/5/15

I quite like them actually. Shallow fried in a little garlic butter

posted on 9/5/15

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comment by DC 76 (U19776)

posted on 9/5/15

Although dog is popular in several communist regimes

posted on 9/5/15

Sounds like it's hard cheese and sour grapes for you

comment by DC 76 (U19776)

posted on 9/5/15

posted on 9/5/15

Austerity is just spending only what you can afford to spend.


@Kaiser, more of the brainwashed by Murdoch.

So if that's the case how come Osborne has doubled the debt in 5 years. How come Osborne has borrowed more money in 5 years than Labour did in 15?

Austerity was based on lies and a mistaken economic paper that was proved to be wrong.


It was an excuse for an ideology cut of the welfare state. However if you cut these things you stagnate the economy.

Torys economics is based on shipping the poor out of London and building flats which they sell to the Chinese and Russian Billionaires. The economy is based on subsidising big corps with tax payments to top up low wages who ship the money out of the country. It's based on selling off government assets to friends of the Torys. It's based on allowing the banks free reign, bankers who caused the crash in the first place.

The whole thing is a house of cards and so many are brainwashed to the obvious.

posted on 9/5/15

we massively overspend at levels we can't afford and we tax at double the level we should

cut taxes in half!!!!!
cut spending by way more than that!!!

we'll get there

posted on 9/5/15

National debt is about 2 trillion and always rising, it won't ever get paid off but it doesn't stop society constantly advancing. if they really wanted to balance the books they would go after banks or tax big business, yet apparently we have no money and need to cut from the lowest levels of society. It's so nonsensical that the system is clearly rigged, Tory propoganda is based on lies and fear but Labour are just the illusion of having an alternative. Regardless of who's in charge wealth is always created at at exponential rate and concentrated at the top, house prices will always rise, the debt will always increase etc. yet ordinary people talk about paying off the deficit as if we're all in it together.

posted on 9/5/15

Get rid of Trident, a weapon that we will never use and is completely pointless, austerity gone

Keep the plan for upgrading Trident, tata UK

posted on 9/5/15

Any one can get credit.

I have a squeaky clean credit history - Category J.

If I was to borrow I get very favourable rates.

Someone with a Category C or D pays a lot more for the same.

Works the same with nation states.

Small countries who did have a robust Lender Of Last Resort got whacked in 2008 are still paying Wonga rates.

And will be for years ahead.

posted on 9/5/15

*who did not

posted on 9/5/15

Trident costs £2billion a year

we overspend by £2billion a week

there are 51 other weeks to deal with

and that's just to stop the debt from rising

if we want to actually reduce the debt, we need even more cuts than that

comment by DC 76 (U19776)

posted on 9/5/15

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posted on 9/5/15

probably the best idea we have

comment by DC 76 (U19776)

posted on 9/5/15

Makes sense....Scotland'll take the retaliatory strike anyway

posted on 9/5/15

Let's go fekin menthol.......................

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