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The Movies and TV shows club

Page 1143 of 1157

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted on 2/6/24

comment by Bill. (U23088)
posted 3 minutes ago
so what was original/inventive in the 90s?*

*(apart from the Matrix)
Good Will Hunting, 6th Sense, Armageddon, Independence Day

posted on 2/6/24

comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 18 seconds ago
comment by Bill. (U23088)
posted 3 minutes ago
so what was original/inventive in the 90s?*

*(apart from the Matrix)
Good Will Hunting, 6th Sense, Armageddon, Independence Day

fak off

Good Will Hunting????????????????

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted on 2/6/24

comment by Bill. (U23088)
posted 27 seconds ago
comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 18 seconds ago
comment by Bill. (U23088)
posted 3 minutes ago
so what was original/inventive in the 90s?*

*(apart from the Matrix)
Good Will Hunting, 6th Sense, Armageddon, Independence Day

fak off

Good Will Hunting????????????????
Original, good movie you List heathen

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted on 2/6/24

Lion King too

Best Disney movie.

posted on 2/6/24

there's got to be more to originality than making a movie that's never been made before though?

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted on 2/6/24

comment by Bill. (U23088)
posted 2 minutes ago
there's got to be more to originality than making a movie that's never been made before though?

posted on 2/6/24

comment by Bill. (U23088)
posted 15 minutes ago
so what was original/inventive in the 90s?*

*(apart from the Matrix)

Off the top of my head:

The Matrix
Men In Black
Pulp Fiction
The Usual Suspects
The Silence of the Lambs
Reservoir Dogs
Goodwill Hunting
Home Alone
Groundhog Day
Toy Story
Edward Scissorhands
The Blair Witch Project
The Truman Show
The Sixth Sense
Face Off
True Romance

posted on 2/6/24

That's just Hollywood releases. I'm sure there are plenty more international movies that I am unaware of.

posted on 2/6/24

Oh and those movies were actually released between 1990 and 1999.

posted on 2/6/24

The Matrix - yes (use of technology)
Seven - not really
Men In Black - some crappy technical 5 minute wonders
Pulp Fiction - a bit
The Usual Suspects - not really
The Silence of the Lambs - no
Reservoir Dogs - struggling
Jumanji - yeah ok
Goodwill Hunting - no
Home Alone - no
Fargo - not particularly
Groundhog Day - no
Toy Story - yeah ok
Edward Scissorhands - yeah ok
The Blair Witch Project - yeah
The Truman Show - yeah ok
Trainspotting - yeah ok
The Sixth Sense - not really
Face Off - not really
True Romance - no

posted on 2/6/24

comment by The Guvnor XI -AKA The Shōguv (U12889)
posted 4 minutes ago
Oh and those movies were actually released between 1990 and 1999.

Sean Conneryesque slap down from Guv here

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted on 2/6/24

How is Good Will Hunting not original?

posted on 2/6/24

How is Men in Black not original?

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted on 2/6/24

Man's had a shocker!

posted on 2/6/24

comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 12 minutes ago
How is Good Will Hunting not original?

How IS it original?

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted on 2/6/24

comment by Bill. (U23088)
posted 37 seconds ago
comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 12 minutes ago
How is Good Will Hunting not original?

How IS it original?
Please define original for us

posted on 2/6/24

comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 14 minutes ago
comment by Bill. (U23088)
posted 37 seconds ago
comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 12 minutes ago
How is Good Will Hunting not original?

How IS it original?
Please define original for us

Sorry missed this.

Give me a few minutes...

posted on 2/6/24





1918 (I think)










comment by Pun (U21588)

posted on 2/6/24

OK but can you define original for us?

posted on 2/6/24

posted on 2/6/24

something ground breaking. a new approach to filming. new techniques. a new style, genre or structure. breaking the rules.

the trouble for the later decades though, is that all the rules were broken in the 60s.

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted on 2/6/24

I think you're conflating innovation with originality.

posted on 2/6/24

You forgot a main component of an original movie.

The story has never been done before.

posted on 2/6/24

innovation is a facet of originality.

rather than having a pointless argument, would it not be worthwhile to appreciate the clips I've gone to the trouble to present?

up to you of course, but just a suggestion.

posted on 2/6/24

So here's a question, is Avatar 1 an original movie?

I would argue no.

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