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These 28903 comments are related to an article called:

The Movies and TV shows club

Page 1147 of 1157

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted 4 weeks ago

comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 5 minutes ago
I know a good Tom Hanks joke…

The best jokes are these running ones (gump pun not intended)

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted 4 weeks ago

Rey Skywalker would destroy the Predator with a mere thought and generally show all the men up.

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted 4 weeks ago

Which one is he?

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted 4 weeks ago

think hethat big fat one who look like a slug

posted 4 weeks ago

Top Boy

Cracking through this brilliant series (on season three now)

posted 4 weeks ago

comment by Bill. (U23088)
posted 9 hours, 14 minutes ago
gal gadot did a good job in fairness. mostly cos you couldn't take your eyes of her legs.
sigourney weaver?
Charlize Theron, more so with Atomic Blonde than Furiosa

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted 4 weeks ago

comment by whodunnit (U22710)
posted 5 hours, 34 minutes ago
comment by Bill. (U23088)
posted 9 hours, 14 minutes ago
gal gadot did a good job in fairness. mostly cos you couldn't take your eyes of her legs.
sigourney weaver?
Charlize Theron, more so with Atomic Blonde than Furiosa
Such a crap movie

posted 4 weeks ago

comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by whodunnit (U22710)
posted 5 hours, 34 minutes ago
comment by Bill. (U23088)
posted 9 hours, 14 minutes ago
gal gadot did a good job in fairness. mostly cos you couldn't take your eyes of her legs.
sigourney weaver?
Charlize Theron, more so with Atomic Blonde than Furiosa
Such a crap movie
it was meh, not horrible, not great. Charlize was pretty good in it though.

posted 4 weeks ago

she's a fantastic actress.

had a lot of hardships growing up. saw her mum shoot her dad dead.

posted 4 weeks ago

comment by Bill. (U23088)
posted 30 minutes ago
she's a fantastic actress.

had a lot of hardships growing up. saw her mum shoot her dad dead.
agreed, not aware of her personal life, but always comes across pretty well.

Seems pretty diverse in her roles, not afraid to get out her comfort zone.

posted 4 weeks ago

I think it was Roger Ebert described her performance in Monster as the greatest acting performance of all time.

posted 4 weeks ago

comment by Bill. (U23088)
posted 52 minutes ago
I think it was Roger Ebert described her performance in Monster as the greatest acting performance of all time.
Never seen that...just found it on prime... I'll let you now

posted 4 weeks ago

comment by Sheriff JW Pepper (U1007)
posted 25 minutes ago
comment by Bill. (U23088)
posted 52 minutes ago
I think it was Roger Ebert described her performance in Monster as the greatest acting performance of all time.
Never seen that...just found it on prime... I'll let you now
good film

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted 4 weeks ago

Loved her in 2 Days in the Valley

One of many Pulp Fiction knock offs but one of the better ones

posted 4 weeks ago


Who wants a warm hug?…. Not me

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted 4 weeks ago

Looks like they're going back tae the roots of the franchise.

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

So no agreement on the theme. I’ll choose it again.

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

I blame Bill

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 21 hours, 10 minutes ago
Looks like they're going back tae the roots of the franchise.
*to , you dont have the right to use the word "tae"

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

comment by whodunnit (U22710)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 21 hours, 10 minutes ago
Looks like they're going back tae the roots of the franchise.
*to , you dont have the right to use the word "tae"
Dunnae tell me wit tae do ya dobber

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

top 5 most original films

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by whodunnit (U22710)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 21 hours, 10 minutes ago
Looks like they're going back tae the roots of the franchise.
*to , you dont have the right to use the word "tae"
Dunnae tell me wit tae do ya dobber
*dinnae , dunnae is where you go to take a $hit.

dobber has changed its meaning over recent years and is more accurate than you originally intended !!

comment by Pun (U21588)

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

comment by whodunnit (U22710)
posted 53 seconds ago
comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by whodunnit (U22710)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 21 hours, 10 minutes ago
Looks like they're going back tae the roots of the franchise.
*to , you dont have the right to use the word "tae"
Dunnae tell me wit tae do ya dobber
*dinnae , dunnae is where you go to take a $hit.

dobber has changed its meaning over recent years and is more accurate than you originally intended !!
You learn something new every day

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

comment by Bill. (U23088)
posted 5 minutes ago
top 5 most original films
Groundhog day
Palm Springs
Edge of tomorrow

Groundhog day
Palm Springs
Edge of tomorrow

Groundhog day
Palm Springs
Edge of tomorrow

Groundhog day
Palm Springs
Edge of tomorrow

posted 3 weeks, 6 days ago

comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by whodunnit (U22710)
posted 53 seconds ago
comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by whodunnit (U22710)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 21 hours, 10 minutes ago
Looks like they're going back tae the roots of the franchise.
*to , you dont have the right to use the word "tae"
Dunnae tell me wit tae do ya dobber
*dinnae , dunnae is where you go to take a $hit.

dobber has changed its meaning over recent years and is more accurate than you originally intended !!
You learn something new every day
dobber used to mean someone was a pr1 ck , now it means dirty orange ba$tard (derogatory towards protestants/rangers fans)

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