comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 16 hours, 46 minutes ago
comment by Superb (U6486)
posted 48 minutes ago
Only thing they could do to get me remotely interested is if they announce a Logan-esque old man Bond movie with Brosnan returning. Especially as his reign as Bond was cut short.
More likely a multiversal type thing where they bring back all the Bonds including a CGI Connery and the new Bond has to round them all up and send them back to their universes.
I just spat my coffee out
comment by Dr Mamba Luther King (U1282)
posted about 10 hours ago
There is a school of thought that Bond in its current format is now overtaken by events and will continue to struggle unless some contemporary creativity occurs. People who grew up with misogynistic, womanising, elitist Bond are dying off now, and Gen Zs and Alphas aren't down with that sheet.
Bond is a misogynist, thats his character arc... He's a cold MF, because he's constantly shaking hands with death...
Now I bet he's gonna be left wing and will date a trans woman or something
comment by Superb (U6486)
posted 31 minutes ago
Well yeah that's what we're all afraid of with Amazon in full creative charge.
My hope is they hire someone with a strong creative point of view to oversee it, and the movies are always primary.
comment by NPE - Maresca's Minions (U22712)
posted 4 hours, 47 minutes ago
Amazon Prime is a mixed bag, but I can literally say the same about any studio or streamer right now.
The bigger worry isn't their movies will be bad, there's already bad Bond movies. It will be them trying to franchise the character to death.
Bond's best days are behind him perhaps. Amazon will take the blame.
Id let it die tbh
Problem is Amazon are going to wring every last drop they can from the IP before its finally dusted though
Agree with Blarmy
Shud justa endied it
Know need 4 moor Bond
comment by 1manontherun 7-0 (U4291)
posted 5 hours, 43 minutes ago
comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 16 hours, 46 minutes ago
comment by Superb (U6486)
posted 48 minutes ago
Only thing they could do to get me remotely interested is if they announce a Logan-esque old man Bond movie with Brosnan returning. Especially as his reign as Bond was cut short.
More likely a multiversal type thing where they bring back all the Bonds including a CGI Connery and the new Bond has to round them all up and send them back to their universes.
I just spat my coffee out
Y knot?
Tjeir has bean lotsa crazy stuff in prev Bond moovies tbf
Apparently they wanted to spin off Halle Berry’s character Jinx back before the Craig era started. That sort of thing might have worked but doubt it would now
comment by Blarmy (U14547)
posted about 2 hours ago
Apparently they wanted to spin off Halle Berry’s character Jinx back before the Craig era started. That sort of thing might have worked but doubt it would now
Honestly all these things are great ideas which 100% would work with great writers. However, it seems the biggest thing we are missing are good writers. You have the odd few but most couldn't write a decent character if their lives depended on it
Also if you don't have exec/producers that understand the product you will just alienate the main audience and it will flop
But yeh would love to see Bond back in the 50s-70s era. Bring back all the big Bads of the cold war etc, lose all the modern tech. Classic Austin's et al
comment by Blarmy (U14547)
posted 12 hours, 38 minutes ago
Apparently they wanted to spin off Halle Berry’s character Jinx back before the Craig era started. That sort of thing might have worked but doubt it would now
Stoopid idea.
comment by #4zA (U22472)
posted 1 day, 17 hours ago
comment by 1manontherun 7-0 (U4291)
posted 5 hours, 43 minutes ago
comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 16 hours, 46 minutes ago
comment by Superb (U6486)
posted 48 minutes ago
Only thing they could do to get me remotely interested is if they announce a Logan-esque old man Bond movie with Brosnan returning. Especially as his reign as Bond was cut short.
More likely a multiversal type thing where they bring back all the Bonds including a CGI Connery and the new Bond has to round them all up and send them back to their universes.
I just spat my coffee out
Y knot?
Tjeir has bean lotsa crazy stuff in prev Bond moovies tbf
Wasn't there like a tank chase through the middle of a city in one of them? You know, classic secret agent stuff.
jussed look at the UBERSCHEET that is cummin r weigh this yr ffs
a remake of Tranes, Planes n Autombeelz starrin Will Smith n Kevin Heart ffs
comment by it'sonlyagame (U6426)
posted 6 hours, 3 minutes ago
comment by #4zA (U22472)
posted 1 day, 17 hours ago
comment by 1manontherun 7-0 (U4291)
posted 5 hours, 43 minutes ago
comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 16 hours, 46 minutes ago
comment by Superb (U6486)
posted 48 minutes ago
Only thing they could do to get me remotely interested is if they announce a Logan-esque old man Bond movie with Brosnan returning. Especially as his reign as Bond was cut short.
More likely a multiversal type thing where they bring back all the Bonds including a CGI Connery and the new Bond has to round them all up and send them back to their universes.
I just spat my coffee out
Y knot?
Tjeir has bean lotsa crazy stuff in prev Bond moovies tbf
Wasn't there like a tank chase through the middle of a city in one of them? You know, classic secret agent stuff.
n a fist fite on a Space Shuttle
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
Gene Hackman RIP
One of the great actors. 😔
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 16 minutes ago
Gene Hackman RIP
One of the great actors. 😔
His wife and dog dead too. Assuming the wife killed the dog and then herself after Hackman died naturally??
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 16 minutes ago
Gene Hackman RIP
One of the great actors. 😔
His wife and dog dead too. Assuming the wife killed the dog and then herself after Hackman died naturally??
The dog killed them both. He was working undercover for decades. His real name is Krypto.
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
RIP Legend
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 17 minutes ago
comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 16 minutes ago
Gene Hackman RIP
One of the great actors. 😔
His wife and dog dead too. Assuming the wife killed the dog and then herself after Hackman died naturally??
They say not suspicious so perhaps accidental poisenenibg or something?
Just hope he didn't bump the Mrs off which seems not to be the case.
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
My top 5 personal fav Gene Hackman films:
Boy, this is a tough one.. but I’ll go with..
1) Crimson Tide
2) Mississippi Burning
3) The Hoosiers/ Best Shot
4) The Royal Tenenbaums
5) Superman The Movie
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
1. Bonnie and Clyde
2. Mississippi Burning
3. Night Moves
4. The Conversation
5. Superman
6. No Way Out
7. Crimson Tide
8. Enemy of the State
9. Unforgiven
10. The French Connection
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
comment by Pure Predator (U23088)
posted 56 minutes ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 17 minutes ago
comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 16 minutes ago
Gene Hackman RIP
One of the great actors. 😔
His wife and dog dead too. Assuming the wife killed the dog and then herself after Hackman died naturally??
They say not suspicious so perhaps accidental poisenenibg or something?
Just hope he didn't bump the Mrs off which seems not to be the case.
I'm struggling to see how it can't be suspicious. The dog definitely didn't kill itself.
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
I'd recommend a Gene Hackman movie from the early 70's called Prime Cut. Bit forgotten about now but also stars Lee Marvin. Quite out there, worth watching if you like Gene Hackman and Lee Marvin.
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
comment by Superb (U6486)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Pure Predator (U23088)
posted 56 minutes ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 17 minutes ago
comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 16 minutes ago
Gene Hackman RIP
One of the great actors. 😔
His wife and dog dead too. Assuming the wife killed the dog and then herself after Hackman died naturally??
They say not suspicious so perhaps accidental poisenenibg or something?
Just hope he didn't bump the Mrs off which seems not to be the case.
I'm struggling to see how it can't be suspicious. The dog definitely didn't kill itself.
Gas leak or similar?
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
There is no way that Gene Hackman killed his own dog.
I'm not having that.
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
Something killed the dog though. I don't understand how it's being reported as no foul play and if it was a gas leak or suspected gas leak then why isn't that being reported ?
The most likely turn of events if it wasn't an accident is Hackman dying from natural causes, the wife then killing her dog before killing herself from grief. Don't know why the dog had to die in that scenario though.
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Page 1262 of 1267
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posted on 21/2/25
comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 16 hours, 46 minutes ago
comment by Superb (U6486)
posted 48 minutes ago
Only thing they could do to get me remotely interested is if they announce a Logan-esque old man Bond movie with Brosnan returning. Especially as his reign as Bond was cut short.
More likely a multiversal type thing where they bring back all the Bonds including a CGI Connery and the new Bond has to round them all up and send them back to their universes.
I just spat my coffee out
posted on 21/2/25
comment by Dr Mamba Luther King (U1282)
posted about 10 hours ago
There is a school of thought that Bond in its current format is now overtaken by events and will continue to struggle unless some contemporary creativity occurs. People who grew up with misogynistic, womanising, elitist Bond are dying off now, and Gen Zs and Alphas aren't down with that sheet.
Bond is a misogynist, thats his character arc... He's a cold MF, because he's constantly shaking hands with death...
Now I bet he's gonna be left wing and will date a trans woman or something
posted on 21/2/25
comment by Superb (U6486)
posted 31 minutes ago
Well yeah that's what we're all afraid of with Amazon in full creative charge.
My hope is they hire someone with a strong creative point of view to oversee it, and the movies are always primary.
posted on 21/2/25
comment by NPE - Maresca's Minions (U22712)
posted 4 hours, 47 minutes ago
Amazon Prime is a mixed bag, but I can literally say the same about any studio or streamer right now.
The bigger worry isn't their movies will be bad, there's already bad Bond movies. It will be them trying to franchise the character to death.
Bond's best days are behind him perhaps. Amazon will take the blame.
posted on 21/2/25
Id let it die tbh
Problem is Amazon are going to wring every last drop they can from the IP before its finally dusted though
posted on 21/2/25
Agree with Blarmy
Shud justa endied it
Know need 4 moor Bond
posted on 21/2/25
comment by 1manontherun 7-0 (U4291)
posted 5 hours, 43 minutes ago
comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 16 hours, 46 minutes ago
comment by Superb (U6486)
posted 48 minutes ago
Only thing they could do to get me remotely interested is if they announce a Logan-esque old man Bond movie with Brosnan returning. Especially as his reign as Bond was cut short.
More likely a multiversal type thing where they bring back all the Bonds including a CGI Connery and the new Bond has to round them all up and send them back to their universes.
I just spat my coffee out
Y knot?
Tjeir has bean lotsa crazy stuff in prev Bond moovies tbf
posted on 21/2/25
Apparently they wanted to spin off Halle Berry’s character Jinx back before the Craig era started. That sort of thing might have worked but doubt it would now
posted on 21/2/25
comment by Blarmy (U14547)
posted about 2 hours ago
Apparently they wanted to spin off Halle Berry’s character Jinx back before the Craig era started. That sort of thing might have worked but doubt it would now
Honestly all these things are great ideas which 100% would work with great writers. However, it seems the biggest thing we are missing are good writers. You have the odd few but most couldn't write a decent character if their lives depended on it
Also if you don't have exec/producers that understand the product you will just alienate the main audience and it will flop
But yeh would love to see Bond back in the 50s-70s era. Bring back all the big Bads of the cold war etc, lose all the modern tech. Classic Austin's et al
posted on 22/2/25
comment by Blarmy (U14547)
posted 12 hours, 38 minutes ago
Apparently they wanted to spin off Halle Berry’s character Jinx back before the Craig era started. That sort of thing might have worked but doubt it would now
Stoopid idea.
posted on 23/2/25
comment by #4zA (U22472)
posted 1 day, 17 hours ago
comment by 1manontherun 7-0 (U4291)
posted 5 hours, 43 minutes ago
comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 16 hours, 46 minutes ago
comment by Superb (U6486)
posted 48 minutes ago
Only thing they could do to get me remotely interested is if they announce a Logan-esque old man Bond movie with Brosnan returning. Especially as his reign as Bond was cut short.
More likely a multiversal type thing where they bring back all the Bonds including a CGI Connery and the new Bond has to round them all up and send them back to their universes.
I just spat my coffee out
Y knot?
Tjeir has bean lotsa crazy stuff in prev Bond moovies tbf
Wasn't there like a tank chase through the middle of a city in one of them? You know, classic secret agent stuff.
posted on 23/2/25
jussed look at the UBERSCHEET that is cummin r weigh this yr ffs
a remake of Tranes, Planes n Autombeelz starrin Will Smith n Kevin Heart ffs
posted on 23/2/25
comment by it'sonlyagame (U6426)
posted 6 hours, 3 minutes ago
comment by #4zA (U22472)
posted 1 day, 17 hours ago
comment by 1manontherun 7-0 (U4291)
posted 5 hours, 43 minutes ago
comment by Pun (U21588)
posted 16 hours, 46 minutes ago
comment by Superb (U6486)
posted 48 minutes ago
Only thing they could do to get me remotely interested is if they announce a Logan-esque old man Bond movie with Brosnan returning. Especially as his reign as Bond was cut short.
More likely a multiversal type thing where they bring back all the Bonds including a CGI Connery and the new Bond has to round them all up and send them back to their universes.
I just spat my coffee out
Y knot?
Tjeir has bean lotsa crazy stuff in prev Bond moovies tbf
Wasn't there like a tank chase through the middle of a city in one of them? You know, classic secret agent stuff.
n a fist fite on a Space Shuttle
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
Gene Hackman RIP
One of the great actors. 😔
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 16 minutes ago
Gene Hackman RIP
One of the great actors. 😔
His wife and dog dead too. Assuming the wife killed the dog and then herself after Hackman died naturally??
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 16 minutes ago
Gene Hackman RIP
One of the great actors. 😔
His wife and dog dead too. Assuming the wife killed the dog and then herself after Hackman died naturally??
The dog killed them both. He was working undercover for decades. His real name is Krypto.
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
RIP Legend
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 17 minutes ago
comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 16 minutes ago
Gene Hackman RIP
One of the great actors. 😔
His wife and dog dead too. Assuming the wife killed the dog and then herself after Hackman died naturally??
They say not suspicious so perhaps accidental poisenenibg or something?
Just hope he didn't bump the Mrs off which seems not to be the case.
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
My top 5 personal fav Gene Hackman films:
Boy, this is a tough one.. but I’ll go with..
1) Crimson Tide
2) Mississippi Burning
3) The Hoosiers/ Best Shot
4) The Royal Tenenbaums
5) Superman The Movie
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
1. Bonnie and Clyde
2. Mississippi Burning
3. Night Moves
4. The Conversation
5. Superman
6. No Way Out
7. Crimson Tide
8. Enemy of the State
9. Unforgiven
10. The French Connection
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
comment by Pure Predator (U23088)
posted 56 minutes ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 17 minutes ago
comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 16 minutes ago
Gene Hackman RIP
One of the great actors. 😔
His wife and dog dead too. Assuming the wife killed the dog and then herself after Hackman died naturally??
They say not suspicious so perhaps accidental poisenenibg or something?
Just hope he didn't bump the Mrs off which seems not to be the case.
I'm struggling to see how it can't be suspicious. The dog definitely didn't kill itself.
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
I'd recommend a Gene Hackman movie from the early 70's called Prime Cut. Bit forgotten about now but also stars Lee Marvin. Quite out there, worth watching if you like Gene Hackman and Lee Marvin.
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
comment by Superb (U6486)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Pure Predator (U23088)
posted 56 minutes ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 17 minutes ago
comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 16 minutes ago
Gene Hackman RIP
One of the great actors. 😔
His wife and dog dead too. Assuming the wife killed the dog and then herself after Hackman died naturally??
They say not suspicious so perhaps accidental poisenenibg or something?
Just hope he didn't bump the Mrs off which seems not to be the case.
I'm struggling to see how it can't be suspicious. The dog definitely didn't kill itself.
Gas leak or similar?
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
There is no way that Gene Hackman killed his own dog.
I'm not having that.
posted 1 month, 1 day ago
Something killed the dog though. I don't understand how it's being reported as no foul play and if it was a gas leak or suspected gas leak then why isn't that being reported ?
The most likely turn of events if it wasn't an accident is Hackman dying from natural causes, the wife then killing her dog before killing herself from grief. Don't know why the dog had to die in that scenario though.
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