comment by Coutinho's Happy Feet (U18971)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by I am gooner now (U16927)
posted 4 minutes ago
One of the worse things about trump is he's normalising and justifying racism and bigotry again, similar to how America was in the 50s.
There is certainly an aspect that racists and bigots are backing Trumo, but I saw a good youtube video on what Trump actually said not long ago. The media is using clips of his speeches to manipulate the impression of what he said.
I posted earlier that the media reported so it sounded like he said he did not want immigrants from the middle east as they are terrorists, rapists and murderers. When you watch the uncut version of his speech what he actually said was that hiding amongst the immigrants are terroists, rapists and murderers and he didnt want them in his country.
You just prove how easy it is for the media to manipulate those who have not learned to investigate things for themselves and work through the propeganda.
Yeah you said this earlier but couldn't back it up when I asked.
Also why were both pro and anti Trump media organisations quoting the same comments by Trump. Undermines your argument no?
Not the one I saw before, but has one of the points
pp, we have a conversation pending from before Christmas. Hope to get back to it some time. Haaven't followed through because the thread went a bit stale.
comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (U8398)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Yes way Jose (U5768)
posted 24 seconds ago
comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (U8398)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Yes way Jose (U5768)
posted 1 minute ago
TBH Europe as a whole is probably more Christian than anything else, whilst Britain may not be very religious somewhere like Poland is much more religious...
That said I was more referring to past events when Europe was more religious.
It's funny that the same people who (rightly) hate Isis and regular Muslims on the street being lumped together will gladly lump the entire west together as white Christians.
How would you describe Europeans then?
Especially considering much of what I was talking about referred to a fair few decades back....
Black Muslims?
Mixed race Jews?
No, Europe is quite clearly dominated by White Christians, less so these days but certainly back a few decades.
Even if a country is so called "Christian" doesn't mean
that people are following Christianity.
The reason being if you go back to the root Christianity they got their name from people calling them little Jesus’s. It was actually a derogatory term, because they were so much like him.
If you look at Jesus, he was full of love, compassion, righteousness, grace...
That's why within Christianity, it's about being Christ like, and when you're not people always blurt out "and you call yourself a Christian"
I can understand that argument, although I disagree I can strongly understand the position you have on this.
I can't remember his username right now but he often makes a similar argument for Islamic terrorists not following Islam's laws so they are not actually Islamic.
It does sort of remind me of the no true scotsman fallacy though. For example, I say 'no Scots drink vodka' you show me a Scottish person drinking vodka, I say 'No true scotsman would drink vodka'
TBH Jesus I am actually a big fan of, the whole new testament is very left wing hippy if you ask me (which is close to what I am) it's just that many of his followers seem different.
That's my issue with Islam, no one really knows what it is to be a proper muslim?
For Christianity, you can look to Jesus
For Islam if you do the same test and look to Mohammed, them I'm really scared, as he seemed to spread his ideology with war and killing.
I think if you come to the conclusion that the New Testament and Jesus was very left (which I equate to socialism)
then I doubt you have really read it, socialism is a very anti Christian concept actually.
It depends what you mean by socialism TBH, some people seem to have this idea that socialism = Stalinist Russia whereas I have heard someone else claim that Tony Blair was a socialist!! (Blair is a Christian funnily enough)
When I talk about socialism I tend to think of the Scandinavian countries. Which I would argue are far closer to the new testament Christian morality than countries such as say America, which are ironically far more religious.
It is one thing I have always found strange about the very strongly right wing Christian element of the Republican party, they almost seem like the opposite of Jesus not the same at all.
comment by Mourinho delenda est (U6426)
posted 1 minute ago
pp, we have a conversation pending from before Christmas. Hope to get back to it some time. Haaven't followed through because the thread went a bit stale.
oh my! I can't remember those conversations, but I think I basically said similar to what I said above, about not actually knowing what it is to be a good Muslim.
With Christianity it's easy!
comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (U8398)
posted 3 minutes ago
No, because as I said before those stuff go against the teachings of Christ.
Can you be so sure what the radicals are doing go against the teachings of Mohammed?
The people I have known in the last 20 years who have given the scariest account of Muslims are ex-Muslims who have converted to Christianity or left Islam.
They were painting a picture 20 years ago of what we now call extremist Muslims. It was an accurate picture of extremists wanting to force Sharia Law on the entire world.
comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (U8398)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Yes way Jose (U5768)
posted 57 seconds ago
You seem pretty to paint 'white Christian Europe' as responsible for the discrimination when painting an entire swath of a continent is just as bad as someone saying the entire arab middle east is responsible for terrorism
Surely saying the entirety of Europe is response for the holocaust would be the equivalent of saying the entire arab middle east is responsible for terrorism?
Claiming that those who carried out the holocaust were White Christians is probably pretty similar to claiming that those who carry out Islamic terrorism are Islamic....
Would you deny Islamic terrorists are Islamic?
They may not follow some of the rules but that is true of many religious people.
No, because as I said before those stuff go against the teachings of Christ.
Can you be so sure what the radicals are doing go against the teachings of Mohammed?
TBH I find with pretty much all religions there is enough wiggle room with various translations and interpretation to justify just about anything, that goes for Christianity just as much as Islam.
I have heard a few Christian stories that look very bad using modern day standards, It is harder to judge with Islam because it is hard to separate what is actually in the book and what the local branch of the BNP are telling everyone is in there...
I have no doubt that just like Christianity, Islam's holy book has some passages that do not sit well with modern day morality.
comment by I am gooner now (U16927)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Coutinho's Happy Feet (U18971)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by I am gooner now (U16927)
posted 4 minutes ago
One of the worse things about trump is he's normalising and justifying racism and bigotry again, similar to how America was in the 50s.
There is certainly an aspect that racists and bigots are backing Trumo, but I saw a good youtube video on what Trump actually said not long ago. The media is using clips of his speeches to manipulate the impression of what he said.
I posted earlier that the media reported so it sounded like he said he did not want immigrants from the middle east as they are terrorists, rapists and murderers. When you watch the uncut version of his speech what he actually said was that hiding amongst the immigrants are terroists, rapists and murderers and he didnt want them in his country.
You just prove how easy it is for the media to manipulate those who have not learned to investigate things for themselves and work through the propeganda.
Yeah you said this earlier but couldn't back it up when I asked.
Also why were both pro and anti Trump media organisations quoting the same comments by Trump. Undermines your argument no?
Not the one I saw before, but has one of the points
When Trump infamously called for ALL Muslims to be banned from entering the US was that edited?
When Trump said "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." was that edited?
When he accused Ted Cruz's Father of being involved in JFK's assassination was that edited?
When Trump made his remarks about "grabbing women by the........" was that edited?
Weird how Trump, who had called the election rigged, hadn't brought up this selective editing up more. Very uncharacteristic.
Why did the pro Trump media use the same quotes? Thought they were on his side?
@Yes way Jose
I'm just saying to keep it simple, compare being Jesus like to being Mohammed like.
Also another thing with, modern day morality will always clash with Chistianity because that morality is always changing.
Would you give me a scripture from the bible that equates socialism you like to what's in the bible. I'm not versed with all that?
comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (U8398)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Mourinho delenda est (U6426)
posted 1 minute ago
pp, we have a conversation pending from before Christmas. Hope to get back to it some time. Haaven't followed through because the thread went a bit stale.
oh my! I can't remember those conversations, but I think I basically said similar to what I said above, about not actually knowing what it is to be a good Muslim.
With Christianity it's easy!
You think that because you aren't Muslim.
If you think that Christianity is better than is Islam then that's fine it's your religion but don't pretend to know how easy or difficult it is to understand Islam.
You know little to nothing about it except what you are told not what you have researched.
comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (U8398)
posted 13 minutes ago
comment by Mourinho delenda est (U6426)
posted 1 minute ago
pp, we have a conversation pending from before Christmas. Hope to get back to it some time. Haaven't followed through because the thread went a bit stale.
oh my! I can't remember those conversations, but I think I basically said similar to what I said above, about not actually knowing what it is to be a good Muslim.
With Christianity it's easy!
About Nigeria, the reasons behind the conflict there.
The way I look at it is this.
Do I wanna get nuked?
Under Hilary IMO we would have had a higher chance of being nuked.
Under Trump we probably won't.
The nuke factor wins for me
Rob, literally less than a week ago Trump tweeted he wants to expand america's nuclear arsenal and he's supposedly asked before both why can't we use nuclear weapons and what's the point in having them if we can't use them.
Trump's already pi$$ed off several countries and he's not even in power yet.
TBH I said left wing to start with it was actually you who first said socialism.
Ye without sin cast the first stone, as he stood in front of the prostitute.
Being strong on punishment for law and order is important to the right.
Strong morality is another aspect of the right rather than the left, more likely to get legislation helping prostitutes (even if it doesn't involve legalising the activity) from the left wing.
The right wing will just crack down harder on the immoral.
The money lenders thrown out of the temple, not just castigated because of the location, or the figure on their coins, but because they took advantage of people to make money...
That sounds perfectly like the elite our right wing clings to and supports, quite frankly some of our left wing if you include the likes of Tony Blair as left wing.
Just 2 quick examples of the top of my head.
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 10 seconds ago
comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (U8398)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Mourinho delenda est (U6426)
posted 1 minute ago
pp, we have a conversation pending from before Christmas. Hope to get back to it some time. Haaven't followed through because the thread went a bit stale.
oh my! I can't remember those conversations, but I think I basically said similar to what I said above, about not actually knowing what it is to be a good Muslim.
With Christianity it's easy!
You think that because you aren't Muslim.
If you think that Christianity is better than is Islam then that's fine it's your religion but don't pretend to know how easy or difficult it is to understand Islam.
You know little to nothing about it except what you are told not what you have researched.
I didn't say I was a Christian neither did I say I knew a lot about Islam either, just little bits from friends, at university, debates and stuff.
I haven't actually exegetically studied the stuff, but I would say it is difficult to understand.
comment by The Welsh Xavi (U15412)
posted 3 minutes ago
The way I look at it is this.
Do I wanna get nuked?
Under Hilary IMO we would have had a higher chance of being nuked.
Under Trump we probably won't.
The nuke factor wins for me
Rob, literally less than a week ago Trump tweeted he wants to expand america's nuclear arsenal and he's supposedly asked before both why can't we use nuclear weapons and what's the point in having them if we can't use them.
Trump's already pi$$ed off several countries and he's not even in power yet.
The one most likely to use them is being brought into the fold by Trump rather than ostracised like what Hilary and Obama were/are doing.
Kung Fu is actually the poster I was talking about earlier.
Much like you would argue those Christians who have done wrong aren't real Christians (as they aren't following the religion properly) he would argue the same against groups like ISIS being Islamic, as they aren't following the rules.
Whilst I do disagree I can understand the argument for it.
comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (U8398)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 10 seconds ago
comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (U8398)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Mourinho delenda est (U6426)
posted 1 minute ago
pp, we have a conversation pending from before Christmas. Hope to get back to it some time. Haaven't followed through because the thread went a bit stale.
oh my! I can't remember those conversations, but I think I basically said similar to what I said above, about not actually knowing what it is to be a good Muslim.
With Christianity it's easy!
You think that because you aren't Muslim.
If you think that Christianity is better than is Islam then that's fine it's your religion but don't pretend to know how easy or difficult it is to understand Islam.
You know little to nothing about it except what you are told not what you have researched.
I didn't say I was a Christian neither did I say I knew a lot about Islam either, just little bits from friends, at university, debates and stuff.
I haven't actually exegetically studied the stuff, but I would say it is difficult to understand.
I can assure you it isn't.
Ok, but you’ve taken these scriptures out of context, and you’ve interpreted them wrong.
1. “Ye without sin cast the first stone, as he stood in front of the prostitute.”
Ok, this is one thing I remember in church all those years ago, Jesus never said prostitution was wrong, in fact he told her to “ go and not sin any more”
The fact of the matter is all those guys that were accusing her sinned and even did worse!
2. “but because they took advantage of people to make money…”
misinterpreting scripture again, he got angry not because of that but because of how they were not using the temple for what God intended you can see it in the following scripture “My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.”
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (U8398)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 10 seconds ago
comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (U8398)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Mourinho delenda est (U6426)
posted 1 minute ago
pp, we have a conversation pending from before Christmas. Hope to get back to it some time. Haaven't followed through because the thread went a bit stale.
oh my! I can't remember those conversations, but I think I basically said similar to what I said above, about not actually knowing what it is to be a good Muslim.
With Christianity it's easy!
You think that because you aren't Muslim.
If you think that Christianity is better than is Islam then that's fine it's your religion but don't pretend to know how easy or difficult it is to understand Islam.
You know little to nothing about it except what you are told not what you have researched.
I didn't say I was a Christian neither did I say I knew a lot about Islam either, just little bits from friends, at university, debates and stuff.
I haven't actually exegetically studied the stuff, but I would say it is difficult to understand.
I can assure you it isn't.
Many are distorting and using Islam, politically.
comment by Cal Neva (U11544)
posted 2 minutes ago
Tbh they are all books written by people. Why should people take them so seriously? Some people people kill for them.
Religious books contain a set of values the followers hold dear.
Constitutions hold values that nationalists hold dear.
Both sets of followers kill, it isn't exclusive to religion.
More people have been killed in the name of democracy in recent years.
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 11 seconds ago
comment by Cal Neva (U11544)
posted 2 minutes ago
Tbh they are all books written by people. Why should people take them so seriously? Some people people kill for them.
Religious books contain a set of values the followers hold dear.
Constitutions hold values that nationalists hold dear.
Both sets of followers kill, it isn't exclusive to religion.
More people have been killed in the name of democracy in recent years.
atheist views have killed more people than religion
I understand the motivations for Trump although to me they don't make that much sense when it comes to actually voting him in.
What's better "the political elite" or "the corporate elite"?
I imagine if you put it that way to most americans who voted trump even they'd agree that both options are equally bad and trump is without done one of them.
His top appointments have been genuinely scary, I'm not as fussed by the man himself and that's despite his ridiculous racism, lies and disturbing environmental views as I was hoping he was just using those views/opinions to gain power.
However, the people he's brought in are pure filth - the greediest and lowest form of corporate sc*m. He's draining the swamp and then redepositing it into the white house.
It is again a case of a lot of voters making bad choices but for good reasons.
*Clinton was a truly poor choice too though
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
comment by Cal Neva (U11544)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 10 seconds ago
comment by Cal Neva (U11544)
posted 2 minutes ago
Tbh they are all books written by people. Why should people take them so seriously? Some people people kill for them.
Religious books contain a set of values the followers hold dear.
Constitutions hold values that nationalists hold dear.
Both sets of followers kill, it isn't exclusive to religion.
More people have been killed in the name of democracy in recent years.
Do you really need a book to tell you how to live your life?
Muslim's think they alone are right, as do R Catholic's and I am from a born again Christian background, where some take the fundamentalist stance.
God is love, and I believe in a personal relationship with God, rather than the I am right cry.
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trump supporters
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posted on 30/12/16
comment by Coutinho's Happy Feet (U18971)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by I am gooner now (U16927)
posted 4 minutes ago
One of the worse things about trump is he's normalising and justifying racism and bigotry again, similar to how America was in the 50s.
There is certainly an aspect that racists and bigots are backing Trumo, but I saw a good youtube video on what Trump actually said not long ago. The media is using clips of his speeches to manipulate the impression of what he said.
I posted earlier that the media reported so it sounded like he said he did not want immigrants from the middle east as they are terrorists, rapists and murderers. When you watch the uncut version of his speech what he actually said was that hiding amongst the immigrants are terroists, rapists and murderers and he didnt want them in his country.
You just prove how easy it is for the media to manipulate those who have not learned to investigate things for themselves and work through the propeganda.
Yeah you said this earlier but couldn't back it up when I asked.
Also why were both pro and anti Trump media organisations quoting the same comments by Trump. Undermines your argument no?
Not the one I saw before, but has one of the points
posted on 30/12/16
pp, we have a conversation pending from before Christmas. Hope to get back to it some time. Haaven't followed through because the thread went a bit stale.
posted on 30/12/16
comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (U8398)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Yes way Jose (U5768)
posted 24 seconds ago
comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (U8398)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Yes way Jose (U5768)
posted 1 minute ago
TBH Europe as a whole is probably more Christian than anything else, whilst Britain may not be very religious somewhere like Poland is much more religious...
That said I was more referring to past events when Europe was more religious.
It's funny that the same people who (rightly) hate Isis and regular Muslims on the street being lumped together will gladly lump the entire west together as white Christians.
How would you describe Europeans then?
Especially considering much of what I was talking about referred to a fair few decades back....
Black Muslims?
Mixed race Jews?
No, Europe is quite clearly dominated by White Christians, less so these days but certainly back a few decades.
Even if a country is so called "Christian" doesn't mean
that people are following Christianity.
The reason being if you go back to the root Christianity they got their name from people calling them little Jesus’s. It was actually a derogatory term, because they were so much like him.
If you look at Jesus, he was full of love, compassion, righteousness, grace...
That's why within Christianity, it's about being Christ like, and when you're not people always blurt out "and you call yourself a Christian"
I can understand that argument, although I disagree I can strongly understand the position you have on this.
I can't remember his username right now but he often makes a similar argument for Islamic terrorists not following Islam's laws so they are not actually Islamic.
It does sort of remind me of the no true scotsman fallacy though. For example, I say 'no Scots drink vodka' you show me a Scottish person drinking vodka, I say 'No true scotsman would drink vodka'
TBH Jesus I am actually a big fan of, the whole new testament is very left wing hippy if you ask me (which is close to what I am) it's just that many of his followers seem different.
That's my issue with Islam, no one really knows what it is to be a proper muslim?
For Christianity, you can look to Jesus
For Islam if you do the same test and look to Mohammed, them I'm really scared, as he seemed to spread his ideology with war and killing.
I think if you come to the conclusion that the New Testament and Jesus was very left (which I equate to socialism)
then I doubt you have really read it, socialism is a very anti Christian concept actually.
It depends what you mean by socialism TBH, some people seem to have this idea that socialism = Stalinist Russia whereas I have heard someone else claim that Tony Blair was a socialist!! (Blair is a Christian funnily enough)
When I talk about socialism I tend to think of the Scandinavian countries. Which I would argue are far closer to the new testament Christian morality than countries such as say America, which are ironically far more religious.
It is one thing I have always found strange about the very strongly right wing Christian element of the Republican party, they almost seem like the opposite of Jesus not the same at all.
posted on 30/12/16
comment by Mourinho delenda est (U6426)
posted 1 minute ago
pp, we have a conversation pending from before Christmas. Hope to get back to it some time. Haaven't followed through because the thread went a bit stale.
oh my! I can't remember those conversations, but I think I basically said similar to what I said above, about not actually knowing what it is to be a good Muslim.
With Christianity it's easy!
posted on 30/12/16
comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (U8398)
posted 3 minutes ago
No, because as I said before those stuff go against the teachings of Christ.
Can you be so sure what the radicals are doing go against the teachings of Mohammed?
The people I have known in the last 20 years who have given the scariest account of Muslims are ex-Muslims who have converted to Christianity or left Islam.
They were painting a picture 20 years ago of what we now call extremist Muslims. It was an accurate picture of extremists wanting to force Sharia Law on the entire world.
posted on 30/12/16
comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (U8398)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Yes way Jose (U5768)
posted 57 seconds ago
You seem pretty to paint 'white Christian Europe' as responsible for the discrimination when painting an entire swath of a continent is just as bad as someone saying the entire arab middle east is responsible for terrorism
Surely saying the entirety of Europe is response for the holocaust would be the equivalent of saying the entire arab middle east is responsible for terrorism?
Claiming that those who carried out the holocaust were White Christians is probably pretty similar to claiming that those who carry out Islamic terrorism are Islamic....
Would you deny Islamic terrorists are Islamic?
They may not follow some of the rules but that is true of many religious people.
No, because as I said before those stuff go against the teachings of Christ.
Can you be so sure what the radicals are doing go against the teachings of Mohammed?
TBH I find with pretty much all religions there is enough wiggle room with various translations and interpretation to justify just about anything, that goes for Christianity just as much as Islam.
I have heard a few Christian stories that look very bad using modern day standards, It is harder to judge with Islam because it is hard to separate what is actually in the book and what the local branch of the BNP are telling everyone is in there...
I have no doubt that just like Christianity, Islam's holy book has some passages that do not sit well with modern day morality.
posted on 30/12/16
comment by I am gooner now (U16927)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Coutinho's Happy Feet (U18971)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by I am gooner now (U16927)
posted 4 minutes ago
One of the worse things about trump is he's normalising and justifying racism and bigotry again, similar to how America was in the 50s.
There is certainly an aspect that racists and bigots are backing Trumo, but I saw a good youtube video on what Trump actually said not long ago. The media is using clips of his speeches to manipulate the impression of what he said.
I posted earlier that the media reported so it sounded like he said he did not want immigrants from the middle east as they are terrorists, rapists and murderers. When you watch the uncut version of his speech what he actually said was that hiding amongst the immigrants are terroists, rapists and murderers and he didnt want them in his country.
You just prove how easy it is for the media to manipulate those who have not learned to investigate things for themselves and work through the propeganda.
Yeah you said this earlier but couldn't back it up when I asked.
Also why were both pro and anti Trump media organisations quoting the same comments by Trump. Undermines your argument no?
Not the one I saw before, but has one of the points
When Trump infamously called for ALL Muslims to be banned from entering the US was that edited?
When Trump said "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." was that edited?
When he accused Ted Cruz's Father of being involved in JFK's assassination was that edited?
When Trump made his remarks about "grabbing women by the........" was that edited?
Weird how Trump, who had called the election rigged, hadn't brought up this selective editing up more. Very uncharacteristic.
Why did the pro Trump media use the same quotes? Thought they were on his side?
posted on 30/12/16
@Yes way Jose
I'm just saying to keep it simple, compare being Jesus like to being Mohammed like.
Also another thing with, modern day morality will always clash with Chistianity because that morality is always changing.
Would you give me a scripture from the bible that equates socialism you like to what's in the bible. I'm not versed with all that?
posted on 30/12/16
comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (U8398)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Mourinho delenda est (U6426)
posted 1 minute ago
pp, we have a conversation pending from before Christmas. Hope to get back to it some time. Haaven't followed through because the thread went a bit stale.
oh my! I can't remember those conversations, but I think I basically said similar to what I said above, about not actually knowing what it is to be a good Muslim.
With Christianity it's easy!
You think that because you aren't Muslim.
If you think that Christianity is better than is Islam then that's fine it's your religion but don't pretend to know how easy or difficult it is to understand Islam.
You know little to nothing about it except what you are told not what you have researched.
posted on 30/12/16
comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (U8398)
posted 13 minutes ago
comment by Mourinho delenda est (U6426)
posted 1 minute ago
pp, we have a conversation pending from before Christmas. Hope to get back to it some time. Haaven't followed through because the thread went a bit stale.
oh my! I can't remember those conversations, but I think I basically said similar to what I said above, about not actually knowing what it is to be a good Muslim.
With Christianity it's easy!
About Nigeria, the reasons behind the conflict there.
posted on 30/12/16
The way I look at it is this.
Do I wanna get nuked?
Under Hilary IMO we would have had a higher chance of being nuked.
Under Trump we probably won't.
The nuke factor wins for me
Rob, literally less than a week ago Trump tweeted he wants to expand america's nuclear arsenal and he's supposedly asked before both why can't we use nuclear weapons and what's the point in having them if we can't use them.
Trump's already pi$$ed off several countries and he's not even in power yet.
posted on 30/12/16
TBH I said left wing to start with it was actually you who first said socialism.
Ye without sin cast the first stone, as he stood in front of the prostitute.
Being strong on punishment for law and order is important to the right.
Strong morality is another aspect of the right rather than the left, more likely to get legislation helping prostitutes (even if it doesn't involve legalising the activity) from the left wing.
The right wing will just crack down harder on the immoral.
The money lenders thrown out of the temple, not just castigated because of the location, or the figure on their coins, but because they took advantage of people to make money...
That sounds perfectly like the elite our right wing clings to and supports, quite frankly some of our left wing if you include the likes of Tony Blair as left wing.
Just 2 quick examples of the top of my head.
posted on 30/12/16
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 10 seconds ago
comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (U8398)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Mourinho delenda est (U6426)
posted 1 minute ago
pp, we have a conversation pending from before Christmas. Hope to get back to it some time. Haaven't followed through because the thread went a bit stale.
oh my! I can't remember those conversations, but I think I basically said similar to what I said above, about not actually knowing what it is to be a good Muslim.
With Christianity it's easy!
You think that because you aren't Muslim.
If you think that Christianity is better than is Islam then that's fine it's your religion but don't pretend to know how easy or difficult it is to understand Islam.
You know little to nothing about it except what you are told not what you have researched.
I didn't say I was a Christian neither did I say I knew a lot about Islam either, just little bits from friends, at university, debates and stuff.
I haven't actually exegetically studied the stuff, but I would say it is difficult to understand.
posted on 30/12/16
comment by The Welsh Xavi (U15412)
posted 3 minutes ago
The way I look at it is this.
Do I wanna get nuked?
Under Hilary IMO we would have had a higher chance of being nuked.
Under Trump we probably won't.
The nuke factor wins for me
Rob, literally less than a week ago Trump tweeted he wants to expand america's nuclear arsenal and he's supposedly asked before both why can't we use nuclear weapons and what's the point in having them if we can't use them.
Trump's already pi$$ed off several countries and he's not even in power yet.
The one most likely to use them is being brought into the fold by Trump rather than ostracised like what Hilary and Obama were/are doing.
posted on 30/12/16
Kung Fu is actually the poster I was talking about earlier.
Much like you would argue those Christians who have done wrong aren't real Christians (as they aren't following the religion properly) he would argue the same against groups like ISIS being Islamic, as they aren't following the rules.
Whilst I do disagree I can understand the argument for it.
posted on 30/12/16
comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (U8398)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 10 seconds ago
comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (U8398)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Mourinho delenda est (U6426)
posted 1 minute ago
pp, we have a conversation pending from before Christmas. Hope to get back to it some time. Haaven't followed through because the thread went a bit stale.
oh my! I can't remember those conversations, but I think I basically said similar to what I said above, about not actually knowing what it is to be a good Muslim.
With Christianity it's easy!
You think that because you aren't Muslim.
If you think that Christianity is better than is Islam then that's fine it's your religion but don't pretend to know how easy or difficult it is to understand Islam.
You know little to nothing about it except what you are told not what you have researched.
I didn't say I was a Christian neither did I say I knew a lot about Islam either, just little bits from friends, at university, debates and stuff.
I haven't actually exegetically studied the stuff, but I would say it is difficult to understand.
I can assure you it isn't.
posted on 30/12/16
Ok, but you’ve taken these scriptures out of context, and you’ve interpreted them wrong.
1. “Ye without sin cast the first stone, as he stood in front of the prostitute.”
Ok, this is one thing I remember in church all those years ago, Jesus never said prostitution was wrong, in fact he told her to “ go and not sin any more”
The fact of the matter is all those guys that were accusing her sinned and even did worse!
2. “but because they took advantage of people to make money…”
misinterpreting scripture again, he got angry not because of that but because of how they were not using the temple for what God intended you can see it in the following scripture “My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.”
posted on 30/12/16
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
posted on 30/12/16
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (U8398)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 10 seconds ago
comment by Passion Power -I'm a .....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (U8398)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Mourinho delenda est (U6426)
posted 1 minute ago
pp, we have a conversation pending from before Christmas. Hope to get back to it some time. Haaven't followed through because the thread went a bit stale.
oh my! I can't remember those conversations, but I think I basically said similar to what I said above, about not actually knowing what it is to be a good Muslim.
With Christianity it's easy!
You think that because you aren't Muslim.
If you think that Christianity is better than is Islam then that's fine it's your religion but don't pretend to know how easy or difficult it is to understand Islam.
You know little to nothing about it except what you are told not what you have researched.
I didn't say I was a Christian neither did I say I knew a lot about Islam either, just little bits from friends, at university, debates and stuff.
I haven't actually exegetically studied the stuff, but I would say it is difficult to understand.
I can assure you it isn't.
Many are distorting and using Islam, politically.
posted on 30/12/16
comment by Cal Neva (U11544)
posted 2 minutes ago
Tbh they are all books written by people. Why should people take them so seriously? Some people people kill for them.
Religious books contain a set of values the followers hold dear.
Constitutions hold values that nationalists hold dear.
Both sets of followers kill, it isn't exclusive to religion.
More people have been killed in the name of democracy in recent years.
posted on 30/12/16
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
posted on 30/12/16
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 11 seconds ago
comment by Cal Neva (U11544)
posted 2 minutes ago
Tbh they are all books written by people. Why should people take them so seriously? Some people people kill for them.
Religious books contain a set of values the followers hold dear.
Constitutions hold values that nationalists hold dear.
Both sets of followers kill, it isn't exclusive to religion.
More people have been killed in the name of democracy in recent years.
atheist views have killed more people than religion
posted on 30/12/16
I understand the motivations for Trump although to me they don't make that much sense when it comes to actually voting him in.
What's better "the political elite" or "the corporate elite"?
I imagine if you put it that way to most americans who voted trump even they'd agree that both options are equally bad and trump is without done one of them.
His top appointments have been genuinely scary, I'm not as fussed by the man himself and that's despite his ridiculous racism, lies and disturbing environmental views as I was hoping he was just using those views/opinions to gain power.
However, the people he's brought in are pure filth - the greediest and lowest form of corporate sc*m. He's draining the swamp and then redepositing it into the white house.
It is again a case of a lot of voters making bad choices but for good reasons.
*Clinton was a truly poor choice too though
posted on 30/12/16
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
posted on 30/12/16
comment by Cal Neva (U11544)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 10 seconds ago
comment by Cal Neva (U11544)
posted 2 minutes ago
Tbh they are all books written by people. Why should people take them so seriously? Some people people kill for them.
Religious books contain a set of values the followers hold dear.
Constitutions hold values that nationalists hold dear.
Both sets of followers kill, it isn't exclusive to religion.
More people have been killed in the name of democracy in recent years.
Do you really need a book to tell you how to live your life?
Muslim's think they alone are right, as do R Catholic's and I am from a born again Christian background, where some take the fundamentalist stance.
God is love, and I believe in a personal relationship with God, rather than the I am right cry.
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