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These 6848 comments are related to an article called:

Anything Goes Politics Edition

Page 67 of 274

comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 38 seconds ago
Fair enough...no need to get petty about it either...

I'll start with a fairly obvious one....

Where did humans come from?
Was it a divine creator (none of you can agree on...this doesn't help your cause....you've missed a trick here) or did human life evolve from species who share our DNA? Many of whom are long extinct.

I readily accept that we still don't know how life itself began yet. (regardless of the species God made in his image) but we are actively trying to find out those answers.... at least science WANTS to find out.


First of all you need to leave what you think you know about religion at the door. So this can't agree on a divine creator and created in his own image etc

Secondly if you are a scientist wanting to find out then you need yonleave the mockery at the front door too

Now back to the fundamental questions. Is that your first where we came from?

comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Zlatanariyan (U19849)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted about 2 hours ago
The fact we still have religions in the face of the blindingly obvious is the most telling.
I can generalise all religions as believing in the supernatural at least........

And I don't read fiction....I prefer autobiographies or accounts of true stories.

Your an atheist/scientist of course you believe in the supernatural and fiction
Tell me what supernatural things I believe in then?
Confusing comment......
I know you are but what am I doesn't work here I'm afraid.

Darwin for starters

posted on 3/2/17

Allahu akbar , why do wannabe terrorists shout this

posted on 3/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by The happy gaffer pranks (U6283)
posted 39 seconds ago
Allahu akbar , why do wannabe terrorists shout this

Allah ho Akbar literally means God is great.

A lot of Muslims use it in every day life

posted on 3/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted about a minute ago
Darwin is supernatural is he?
You talk about mockery

As for leaving religion at the door?
It's the first question
Was it God or not? how can I leave religion at the door

Darwin if you care to read some of his stuff in detail is full of chit, even the stuff he plagiarized. That's not mockery its addressing your "sky fairies" type of comments with a "you for real" type meme

I didn't say leave religion at the door, I said what you know about religion.

I will happily discuss religion with you, what I don't have time for is lazy sloganism based on nonsense

comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 2 minutes ago
But yes............where did humans come from is the first question here as you could read....because religion arrogantly believes we are the perfect (I wont say animal here) specimen after being 'made in his image'....


Again with the presumptions.

My religion doesn't say that as you so arrogantly claim.

My religion does say we have a creator who created us and as yet science proves it.

posted on 3/2/17

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posted on 3/2/17

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posted on 3/2/17

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posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 36 seconds ago
Not sure how that last bit got in the comment...

posted on 3/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 17 seconds ago
Ok..I'll ignore that blatant and laughable deflection ...plagiarism being the funniest one.....and say that for example, even if Darwin never wrote a single truth in his life, scientists don't just stop and say 'oh well he must be right' ....No....they actively try to support or dis-prove those theories...to build on them or to dis-regard them when shown to be a fallacy (all the while recording those 'facts' that were wrong)

You on the other hand have one 'manual' that rarely (if ever) changes that was written? couple of thousand years before you were born and you believe every single word.

There's a world of difference, and also a large helping of hypocrisy in your post.
You however


Darwin did plagiarise and his theories didn't stans the test of time, instead new theories were made to try and explain the old ones but the 2 don't tie in.

As I suspects your knowledge on Darwin is as limited as your knowledge on religion. Much easier to mock and jeer others beliefs but when your own are challenged its all about deflection and laughable blah blah blah

FYI my book was written 1400ish years ago and it has been constant within that time.

comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Zlatanariyan (U19849)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 2 minutes ago
But yes............where did humans come from is the first question here as you could read....because religion arrogantly believes we are the perfect (I wont say animal here) specimen after being 'made in his image'....


Again with the presumptions.

My religion doesn't say that as you so arrogantly claim.

My religion does say we have a creator who created us and as yet science proves it.
Make your mind up

OK I see I will have to watch what I write as you will be focussing on that to try and show you have some sort of point

As I explained twice now, the in his image isn't from my religion

In answer to your question about where human beings came from my religion says from a creator.

Maybe you ask 1 thing at a time and less waffle so you don't get confused

posted on 3/2/17

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posted on 3/2/17

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posted on 3/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 2 minutes ago
Not read a word I've said....cannot reason with you.
May your God go with you


Thought so

Happens every time you lot get challenges back

posted on 3/2/17

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posted on 3/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 2 minutes ago
My point is this
It's 2017
The Earth is 4.5 billion years old.

Your God is either evil, apathetic or doesn't exist.


So no point just blah de blah

comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted about a minute ago
As I explained twice now, the in his image isn't from my religion

No it's off another one you plagiarised.
You and Darwin are more similar than you care to admit

Blah de blah

comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted less than a minute ago
You have challenged NOTHING in your entire life is the point.


Come on boy we supposed to be debatin

posted on 3/2/17

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