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These 6848 comments are related to an article called:

Anything Goes Politics Edition

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posted on 3/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Zlatanariyan (U19849)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Zlatanariyan (U19849)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 2 minutes ago
Is anyone else reading this btw?

Cry for help?

I want people to see just how childish/angry you are when we were having a simple debate about the fundamental question.
Instead of debating you call Darwin a plagiarist who speaks nonsense (the same allegation I and others label at those who wrote your book)
You have studied ONE book...everything you say, do or think comes from this one book....(if indeed you ARE a good Muslim of course)


Childish and angry

I and others

I am debating what I wrote is fact. Just because you don't know doesn't mean it ain't true

And I explained that EVEN IF Darwin never wrote a single word of truth Science itself would de-bunk that.....
Not the word of an old book

Science didn't debunk it though they came up with theories to try and prove even things Darwin debunked in his life time

Let's be honest here you know jack all about darwin do you?

posted on 3/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Just Shoot (U10408)
posted about a minute ago
comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Just Shoot (U10408)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 2 minutes ago
My point is this
It's 2017
The Earth is 4.5 billion years old.

Your God is either evil, apathetic or doesn't exist.

Galv, why do you willingly believe the Earth is 4,500,000,000 year old? Is it because a book told you?
Not just the one book no.....
Not just the one un-changed book no....
So, plagiarism makes you believe?
Most religions are plagiarised from eachother

It's called science mateIt's why you're able to type things on the internet right now.
They're doing it all the time too as well ..they're not sat round living lives to ancient books.......constantly striving for faster, better things for you as a human to enjoy......

Religion plagiarised? How

Religion was one of the maim reasons why you got scientists

Most people learnt to read through religious institutions

comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted about a minute ago
You've been reading too many biased websites clearly.

You should try reading tbh

YouTube is not always your friend

Maybe I am doing you an injustice and all you ever wanted was to be a cool kid

posted on 3/2/17

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posted on 3/2/17

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posted on 3/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted less than a minute ago
Oooh how bitchy you can get....how very predictable...


I was helping you out, give you some respite as you were struggling

posted on 3/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Just Shoot (U10408)
posted less than a minute ago
Oi! Zlatan and Galvs! Behave. Both of you are answering my questions in a sensible way, but are bickering like children together. Stop it, or i will tell your mum.

You are right and our discussion is being spoilt

In my defence I was happy to discuss with him but he was intent on trading insults rather than have a mature discussion

Tbf to him this happens 99% of the time with his ilk. Could have just cut and paste reams of stuff

posted on 3/2/17

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posted on 3/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted less than a minute ago
And so you go on....Talk about reading when you've read just the one book...


3 if you separate old an new testament

Its Also obvious I read more Darwin than you too.

And I am sure when you start discussing I will have read more science too

comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted about a minute ago
Beyond delusion now....I didn't start the bitching, tantrums, deflections or insults...
That was you, a man of God....

Man of God?

You know I am Muslim right?

Guess why I ask?

posted on 3/2/17

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posted on 3/2/17

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posted on 3/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted less than a minute ago
How is any of that (even if true) relevant to the original question? Enlighten me

Its relevant because you obviously dont know what you are talking about

You are discussing a subject matter you are unfamiliar with. That's just Darwin and science

Don't get me started on your ignorance on religion

posted on 3/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted about a minute ago
comment by Zlatanariyan (U19849)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted about a minute ago
Beyond delusion now....I didn't start the bitching, tantrums, deflections or insults...
That was you, a man of God....

Man of God?

You know I am Muslim right?

Guess why I ask?
Sorry I got mixed up ......so many Gods...it's difficult to remember 'em all....I'm lowering myself to bitching too now

Lowering yourself?

Its the only thing you haven't been poor in

posted on 3/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Cal Neva (U11544)
posted less than a minute ago
You are not mocking Darwin are you?

No just galv

posted on 3/2/17

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posted on 3/2/17

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