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These 6848 comments are related to an article called:

Anything Goes Politics Edition

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posted on 3/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Just Shoot (U10408)
posted about a minute ago
Zlatan or KFC, how much of being a Muslim is based upon actions, or intent?

By this I mean, can you be classed as a Muslim if you don't pray 5 times a day because you don't want to? What about if you pray 5 times a day, but think it is poppycock? The same with Ramadan. Eating during daylight hours, vs sleeping all day and eating at night because that is when you are awake.

Imaan or faith is basically 3 things

Attestation of the tongue

Intention in the heart

Action of the limbs

comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted about a minute ago
You haven't answered a single question and you accuse me of sticking MY fingers in my ears.

Your stance is 'I know you are but what am I'..

Infant stuff

Like Darwin you be making chit up lad

posted on 3/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted about a minute ago
comment by Zlatanariyan (U19849)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted less than a minute ago
You have challenged NOTHING in your entire life is the point.


Come on boy we supposed to be debatin
Says Mr blah de blah.....yeah ok......I asked you a question....
Again you make irrelevant points to deflect from it.


speaks of deflection

Read your last few points science boy

comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

Galv I answered your question twice I believe

Ask it again

3rd time lucky and all that

posted on 3/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Just Shoot (U10408)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Zlatanariyan (U19849)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Just Shoot (U10408)
posted about a minute ago
Zlatan or KFC, how much of being a Muslim is based upon actions, or intent?

By this I mean, can you be classed as a Muslim if you don't pray 5 times a day because you don't want to? What about if you pray 5 times a day, but think it is poppycock? The same with Ramadan. Eating during daylight hours, vs sleeping all day and eating at night because that is when you are awake.

Imaan or faith is basically 3 things

Attestation of the tongue

Intention in the heart

Action of the limbs

So, if you don't say, believe and do, you are not true Muslim?

Pretty much yeah

However in Islam there are general rulings and specific rulings.

What I mean here is that we know people can do or not do certain actions out of fear. So allowances are made. Same with ignorance for the average joe

posted on 3/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 3 minutes ago
Tantrums are to be expected I guess.
With any luck as time goes on these ancient stories will be confined to the dust-bin and seen as a stain on the development of our species...


Deflection like a mudderstucker

Come on Mr Darwin science guy, you got nothing more to say than make accusations?

posted on 3/2/17

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posted on 3/2/17

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posted on 3/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Just Shoot (U10408)
posted 4 seconds ago
comment by Zlatanariyan (U19849)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Just Shoot (U10408)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Zlatanariyan (U19849)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Just Shoot (U10408)
posted about a minute ago
Zlatan or KFC, how much of being a Muslim is based upon actions, or intent?

By this I mean, can you be classed as a Muslim if you don't pray 5 times a day because you don't want to? What about if you pray 5 times a day, but think it is poppycock? The same with Ramadan. Eating during daylight hours, vs sleeping all day and eating at night because that is when you are awake.

Imaan or faith is basically 3 things

Attestation of the tongue

Intention in the heart

Action of the limbs

So, if you don't say, believe and do, you are not true Muslim?

Pretty much yeah

However in Islam there are general rulings and specific rulings.

What I mean here is that we know people can do or not do certain actions out of fear. So allowances are made. Same with ignorance for the average joe
Without getting personal, as a percentage how many Muslim men do you think are virgins when they get married? Answer that with people you know in mind.

Truth is I don't know overall bug I know many who weren't.

But can I ask why you ask this question?

Reason I ask is the whole virginity thing is way over played and misunderstood by Muslim and non Muslim alike

comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 2 minutes ago
Is anyone else reading this btw?

Cry for help?

posted on 3/2/17

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posted on 3/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Just Shoot (U10408)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 2 minutes ago
My point is this
It's 2017
The Earth is 4.5 billion years old.

Your God is either evil, apathetic or doesn't exist.

Galv, why do you willingly believe the Earth is 4,500,000,000 year old? Is it because a book told you?
Not just the one book no.....
Not just the one un-changed book no....

You mean shaykh Google and rabbi wiki

posted on 3/2/17

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posted on 3/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Zlatanariyan (U19849)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Galvs...Friend of Reason (U10415)
posted 2 minutes ago
Is anyone else reading this btw?

Cry for help?

I want people to see just how childish/angry you are when we were having a simple debate about the fundamental question.
Instead of debating you call Darwin a plagiarist who speaks nonsense (the same allegation I and others label at those who wrote your book)
You have studied ONE book...everything you say, do or think comes from this one book....(if indeed you ARE a good Muslim of course)


Childish and angry

I and others

I am debating what I wrote is fact. Just because you don't know doesn't mean it ain't true

posted on 3/2/17

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posted on 3/2/17

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posted on 3/2/17

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 3/2/17

comment by Just Shoot (U10408)
posted about a minute ago
Zlatan, I ask this question as I find it quite difficult to understand how a book can lay down rules and people say to follow it, but don't follow all of it. If the Quran is the word of God, why do people think some rules are more important than others? Does the Quran say they are? No.

The virginity thing was just an example that follows on from my mind, body and soul point. It could be used for anything that is haram; listening to music, murder, plucking eyebrows, praying, ramadam, giving to charity, etc.

Islam isn't just about the Quran though. The process is Quran, Sunnah and sahabah. So the book, actions and sayings of Muhammad and then the practise of the companions.

Some rules are more important tbf but generally we have many reasons for disagreement from illiteracy to government scholars. People forget that people like my mum grew up in troubled times and never went to school as it wasn't a priority. So for her religion was always going to be bits and pieces and as kids we would also "inherit" that unless we looked into it.

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