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These 256 comments are related to an article called:

JA606 GE Opinion Poll

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posted on 20/4/17

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posted on 20/4/17

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posted on 20/4/17

comment by sandy (U20567)
posted 2 hours, 30 minutes ago
comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by rossobianchi #EquipaLulaDaAlegria (U17054)
posted 17 hours, 10 minutes ago
comment by harlequinHebdo (U16981)
posted 36 seconds ago
What a boring article this has now become,I thought it was just an opinion poll !

Too many old windbags on here.
Not interested on serious political commentary/debate?

What would liven things up for you?
I must have missed the serious debate..... All I can see is people deriding in any way they can, the party they don't vote for, as if their own is somehow morally superior to the other.

Face it, they really are as bad as each other, driven by individuals who are only interested in building a legacy for themselves, good or bad. The best example is Corbyn. Face it, he's simply unelectable, yet he stubbornly holds onto power, wiping out any chance of Labour achieving anything at the polls.

I've never voted Conservative, by the way.....

Why is Corbyn unelectable. We hear this ridiculous sound bite every day, but completely devoid of any reasoning. He has very sound policies on everything from health to housing. So to just to follow the media line that he is simply unelectable is so bloody lazy. Give some reasons to back up this statement, other than he may not dress like a toff.

He can't even unite his own party for starters. And he's a RA sympathiser, he's not much better than McGuiness in my eyes.

posted on 20/4/17

RA sympathsier is very overstated.

He doesn't do the basics right though, Corbyn.

posted on 20/4/17

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posted on 20/4/17

comment by Sugar-Ray (U21430)
posted 47 minutes ago
comment by Baz tard (U19119)
posted 1 minute ago
So...May is refusing to do televised debates?

You have to ask why?
1) she doesn't need to.
2) she can't defend her policies.

Empty chair her.
I'd love to see that, but sadly it won't happen.

Hopefully there'll be a few debates though. The public need a (much, much) better view of each party's policies, because they get little coverage in the press, and the debates last time round actually worked fairly well in that respect I thought.

posted on 20/4/17

I have a feeling May will eventually agree to a TV debate as it is now a big issue, and her opponents will ensure it remains one.

Why she decided to pre-empt all this by stating she wasn’t prepared to do a TV debate is bizarre. Any competent opposition should be tearing the Tories to bits over their incompetent handling of Brexit.

posted on 20/4/17

TV Debates are not productive and they just end up a popularity contest. They just end up turning into a slanging match. May is completely right not to do this as it wont give the public a fair and well considered understanding on the issues. Perhaps if it was just corbyn and may then it could but when you have 7 leaders debating then its just shouting over each other and nothing can really be learned.

If there are debates then i think the party needs to have a min amount of seats to take part.

I prefer the Q&A where the leaders have 1 to 1 interview with a reporter and then a Q&A with the audience. It allows for proper policy discussion without the leader constantly being interrupted and just the leaders moaning about each other. It tests them on their policy and provides a more well informed discussion

posted on 20/4/17

comment by Super Kami Willy - Brexit means Brexit (U9880)
posted 8 minutes ago
TV Debates are not productive and they just end up a popularity contest. They just end up turning into a slanging match. May is completely right not to do this as it wont give the public a fair and well considered understanding on the issues. Perhaps if it was just corbyn and may then it could but when you have 7 leaders debating then its just shouting over each other and nothing can really be learned.

If there are debates then i think the party needs to have a min amount of seats to take part.

I prefer the Q&A where the leaders have 1 to 1 interview with a reporter and then a Q&A with the audience. It allows for proper policy discussion without the leader constantly being interrupted and just the leaders moaning about each other. It tests them on their policy and provides a more well informed discussion
Agree to an extent, in that yes TV debates generally surround popularity, rather than policy. Which if truth be told is reflective of politics in general.

However as ITV (and given huge ratings I expect others will follow suit) are having a debate anyway, May is going to look weak if she doesn’t attend.

Her defence is that she prefers to speak to people door to door. Even if she spent every minute of every day canvassing, her exposure (getting message across) would be pittance compared to a prime time TV debate – watched by millions.

Throughout her career May has been a terrible public speaker. Without notes/auto queue she often looks awkward and unprepared. Which I suspect is the real reason she is reluctant to engage in a TV debate.

posted on 20/4/17

Every sitting PM perhaps bar Brown have been against tv debates

I suspect brown did it cause he was losing in the polls and needed to do something to change it

posted on 20/4/17

I think Cameron agreed to it in 2015 because he was advised it would look bad if he didn't

I remember similar comments from him saying he didn't want to do them

posted on 20/4/17

Has anybody else noticed that BBC article comments sections have become as ridiculous as those on the Daily Mail website?

Here's a representative selection from an article published on the forthcoming election today:


Con: Let’s get on with it
Lab: Plant the QE seed & harvest the magic money tree
Grn: kum ba yah
NI: Choose Green or Orange"

(Likes 115; dislikes 32)

"Every picture you see is Jeremy C surrounded by lots of ethnic minorities supporters giving the appearance that he,s more bothered about their rights and welfare than that of the country. He would surely do better with a more balanced view so he does,nt look like a protester."

(Likes 46; dislikes 14)

"I used to be a Liberal and a Labour supporter, but that all stopped once I witnessed 'New Labour'.

No party please everyone. The current Labour party is too left wing, it's a protest party, many of their ideas sound good, similar to Hugo Chavez's message to the people of Venezuela, now in turmoil. It'll cost a fortune, people will not pay for it, hoards will emigrate at the expense of UK Plc. "

(Likes 40; dislikes 5)


Oh but it is a foregone conclusion Jeremy... you and your abhorrent band of followers are history - and not before time.

Although she wields absolutely no power whatsoever, it still offends me that our Shadow Home Secretary is an anti-white racist vile excuse for a human being.

Keep spewing your obnoxious bile for the next 6 weeks and let us wipe you off the face of the Earth."

(Likes 38; dislikes 12)

What has happened to the British people?

posted on 20/4/17


I stopped reading the comments sections as agree it littered with eejits.

It’s any wonder the country is in the mess it is now, given this seems to be reflective of the electorate

comment by renoog (U4449)

posted on 20/4/17

Has anybody else noticed that BBC article comments sections have become as ridiculous as those on the Daily Mail website?
It's well-known that these sort of public platforms get hijacked by people who want to push an agenda and create a false image of public opinion.

Often I'll read these articles when they're fresh off the press and the comments and the voting patterns are entirely sensible. A few hours later I'll check again and it's flooded with DM-style comments and the votes have been reversed.

I downloaded a piece of software called Megaphone a few years back to see this sort of propaganda in action; I'd get diverted to all sorts of Israel-related polls and online debates, and would simply have to click a button in the corner of my desktop for the software to register votes and comments on petitions etc. on my behalf, including on the now-defunct BBC's Have Your Say debates. I'm sure something similar exists to push right-wing agendas.

posted on 20/4/17

It's not called propaganda any more,it's fake news.

posted on 20/4/17

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 20/4/17

comment by renoog (U4449)
posted 28 minutes ago
Has anybody else noticed that BBC article comments sections have become as ridiculous as those on the Daily Mail website?
It's well-known that these sort of public platforms get hijacked by people who want to push an agenda and create a false image of public opinion.

Often I'll read these articles when they're fresh off the press and the comments and the voting patterns are entirely sensible. A few hours later I'll check again and it's flooded with DM-style comments and the votes have been reversed.

I downloaded a piece of software called Megaphone a few years back to see this sort of propaganda in action; I'd get diverted to all sorts of Israel-related polls and online debates, and would simply have to click a button in the corner of my desktop for the software to register votes and comments on petitions etc. on my behalf, including on the now-defunct BBC's Have Your Say debates. I'm sure something similar exists to push right-wing agendas.
Yeah, I've read that there are people employed (not necessarily exclusively) to add comments and votes to social media, online articles and polls as members of the public.

Anyone seen or read any evidence of this happening?

posted on 20/4/17

comment by rossobianchi #EquipaLulaDaAlegria (U17054)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by renoog (U4449)
posted 28 minutes ago
Has anybody else noticed that BBC article comments sections have become as ridiculous as those on the Daily Mail website?
It's well-known that these sort of public platforms get hijacked by people who want to push an agenda and create a false image of public opinion.

Often I'll read these articles when they're fresh off the press and the comments and the voting patterns are entirely sensible. A few hours later I'll check again and it's flooded with DM-style comments and the votes have been reversed.

I downloaded a piece of software called Megaphone a few years back to see this sort of propaganda in action; I'd get diverted to all sorts of Israel-related polls and online debates, and would simply have to click a button in the corner of my desktop for the software to register votes and comments on petitions etc. on my behalf, including on the now-defunct BBC's Have Your Say debates. I'm sure something similar exists to push right-wing agendas.
Yeah, I've read that there are people employed (not necessarily exclusively) to add comments and votes to social media, online articles and polls as members of the public.

Anyone seen or read any evidence of this happening?
Only on TV!

The last season of Homeland touched on this. A great series for anyone interested.

posted on 20/4/17

How is this article any different ?

posted on 20/4/17

This forum certainly does not reflect public opinion going by this, or indeed other political threads.

posted on 20/4/17

comment by HRH King Ledley (U20095)
posted 4 minutes ago
How is this article any different ?
If there are people being paid to post biased political commentaries on JA606, their paymasters really need to look again at their tactics

posted on 20/4/17

Is 'Wahl dude' still on this site? I was never convinced he was human.

posted on 20/4/17

comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? (U3126)
posted 9 seconds ago
Is 'Wahl dude' still on this site? I was never convinced he was human.
Yeah Pearcedude, Wahlbro has rebranded himself as something along the lines of 'Cesc + Costa'

posted on 20/4/17

comment by HRH King Ledley (U20095)
posted 8 minutes ago
This forum certainly does not reflect public opinion going by this, or indeed other political threads.
When measured against the latest YouGov poll, the voting on this thread isn't a million miles away.

It sees Labour over-represented to an extent - which I would expect from a web forum in itself likely over-representing younger voters - but the parties are represented in the correct order by overall popularity.

YouGov for The Times, April 2017:

CON 48%(+4), LAB 24%(+1), LDEM 12%(nc), UKIP 7%(-3).

posted on 20/4/17

Tories and UKIP stay silent though rosso

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