comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 5 seconds ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 7 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
So, you're not an internationalist, comrade🤣
Not having a pop, it's just the concept of nationality, nationalism, cultural and ethnic distinct identity, borders drawn on maps, is all a bit, right wing, innit.
Russians are not our kind, springs to mind.
Could apply to anywhere on earth of course, and any group, any distinct cultural and ethnic group...and white supremacists use such terminology.
Aaand closer to home the Green and Orange supremacists? Not a personal dig. Just an observation.
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 15 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
I do not think Putin cares, but harks back to USSR days when all this was red Russian fields....the west moved east right up to mother Russian borders and he flipped, went Tonto or planned to do this for years.
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 7 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
So, you're not an internationalist, comrade🤣
Not having a pop, it's just the concept of nationality, nationalism, cultural and ethnic distinct identity, borders drawn on maps, is all a bit, right wing, innit.
Russians are not our kind, springs to mind.
Could apply to anywhere on earth of course, and any group, any distinct cultural and ethnic group...and white supremacists use such terminology.
I am absolutely an internationalist, where international cooperation is voluntary and based on democratic mandates established by peoples able to self-determine.
I am pointing out that Russia and Ukraine have been distinct entities with distinct identities for a century, as acknowledged by the Ukrainian and Russian people and, until Putin rocked up, both governments.
This is a matter of international law, of self-determination, and of protecting freedom and democracy against the will of an authoritarian dictator.
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 15 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
I do not think Putin cares, but harks back to USSR days when all this was red Russian fields....the west moved east right up to mother Russian borders and he flipped, went Tonto or planned to do this for years.
My point is that it wasn’t all red Russian fields, mate. As recognised by Khrushchev, Gorbachev and others. Even by facking Trotsky.
Ukraine was a Soviet Socialist Republic, and part of the USSR. But it wasn’t part of the Russian SFSR.
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 7 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
So, you're not an internationalist, comrade🤣
Not having a pop, it's just the concept of nationality, nationalism, cultural and ethnic distinct identity, borders drawn on maps, is all a bit, right wing, innit.
Russians are not our kind, springs to mind.
Could apply to anywhere on earth of course, and any group, any distinct cultural and ethnic group...and white supremacists use such terminology.
I am absolutely an internationalist, where international cooperation is voluntary and based on democratic mandates established by peoples able to self-determine.
I am pointing out that Russia and Ukraine have been distinct entities with distinct identities for a century, as acknowledged by the Ukrainian and Russian people and, until Putin rocked up, both governments.
This is a matter of international law, of self-determination, and of protecting freedom and democracy against the will of an authoritarian dictator.
Tbab, do you think Erdoghan should retake the former Ottoman Empire? Ridiculous?
As ridiculous as thinking Russians and Ukrainians are the same people. And all those former parts of the OttomanEmpire have a shared religion and close racial/ethnic ties.
comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 5 seconds ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 7 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
So, you're not an internationalist, comrade🤣
Not having a pop, it's just the concept of nationality, nationalism, cultural and ethnic distinct identity, borders drawn on maps, is all a bit, right wing, innit.
Russians are not our kind, springs to mind.
Could apply to anywhere on earth of course, and any group, any distinct cultural and ethnic group...and white supremacists use such terminology.
Aaand closer to home the Green and Orange supremacists? Not a personal dig. Just an observation.
Very much so mate, and I was one of them back in the eighties and nineties, an Ulster protestant loyalist hardliner with hate for the Irish republicans, green hardliners who also felt the same about orange bassas such as masel, prods in general and Brits as a group.
No orange or brits in Ireland or green Irish in Ulster was what some believed deep down, or not so deep down, and same with ethnic religious and political conflicts in Yugoslavia or middle East or Africa, but we try to dress hate up.
Ukrainian and Russian nationalists are pretty far right hardliners who now want to kill each other, but as I said this week, they are pretty much the same people and alike, just as we are in the orange and green camps here, lol.
Part of me is just fed up with any form of nationalism, flag waving, patriotism, cultural and ethnic identity and religious fundamentalism, I guess🤣🤣
Being in the thick of it here, but never actually taking up arms, I likely have a fear or loathing of violence and war, after seeing bombs and grenades off near me, people shot, people I was at meeting with blown up or shot, mates dads murdered, being in street riots and fights, all due to distinct cultural, ethnic, religious and national identity notions 🤨
Violence and hatred just creates a spiral, and once we kick it off, can be hard to put the lid back on, and now Russia and Ukraine will both suffer, all due to Putin and notions of nationalism.
comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 7 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
So, you're not an internationalist, comrade🤣
Not having a pop, it's just the concept of nationality, nationalism, cultural and ethnic distinct identity, borders drawn on maps, is all a bit, right wing, innit.
Russians are not our kind, springs to mind.
Could apply to anywhere on earth of course, and any group, any distinct cultural and ethnic group...and white supremacists use such terminology.
I am absolutely an internationalist, where international cooperation is voluntary and based on democratic mandates established by peoples able to self-determine.
I am pointing out that Russia and Ukraine have been distinct entities with distinct identities for a century, as acknowledged by the Ukrainian and Russian people and, until Putin rocked up, both governments.
This is a matter of international law, of self-determination, and of protecting freedom and democracy against the will of an authoritarian dictator.
Tbab, do you think Erdoghan should retake the former Ottoman Empire? Ridiculous?
As ridiculous as thinking Russians and Ukrainians are the same people. And all those former parts of the OttomanEmpire have a shared religion and close racial/ethnic ties.
the ottomans how about the romans since thats who they stole the area off, or how about the people before them
they're all mixed in with eachother, the 2 Russia's (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine)
All the same people, one people through blood ties and inter-marriage
Listen to this girl
Finnish President potentially about to announce joining of NATO. Press conference coming up shortly
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 15 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
I do not think Putin cares, but harks back to USSR days when all this was red Russian fields....the west moved east right up to mother Russian borders and he flipped, went Tonto or planned to do this for years.
My point is that it wasn’t all red Russian fields, mate. As recognised by Khrushchev, Gorbachev and others. Even by facking Trotsky.
Ukraine was a Soviet Socialist Republic, and part of the USSR. But it wasn’t part of the Russian SFSR.
I know bud, I know.
Putin thinks Ukraine should not exist and his Russia is sacrosanct, and he was ok with Ukraine in the USSR or Warsaw pact empire, but not going indy, or over to the west.
I think we misunderstand each other here quite often, and I as m not saying Go Putin, take Ukraine, but rather looking at this from how some in Russia or Putin may, even though they are wrong.
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 15 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
I do not think Putin cares, but harks back to USSR days when all this was red Russian fields....the west moved east right up to mother Russian borders and he flipped, went Tonto or planned to do this for years.
My point is that it wasn’t all red Russian fields, mate. As recognised by Khrushchev, Gorbachev and others. Even by facking Trotsky.
Ukraine was a Soviet Socialist Republic, and part of the USSR. But it wasn’t part of the Russian SFSR.
I know bud, I know.
Putin thinks Ukraine should not exist and his Russia is sacrosanct, and he was ok with Ukraine in the USSR or Warsaw pact empire, but not going indy, or over to the west.
I think we misunderstand each other here quite often, and I as m not saying Go Putin, take Ukraine, but rather looking at this from how some in Russia or Putin may, even though they are wrong.
comment by peks - 1974 (U6618)
posted 1 minute ago
they're all mixed in with eachother, the 2 Russia's (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine)
All the same people, one people through blood ties and inter-marriage
Listen to this girl
This is true. I know a shedload of Ukrainian/Russian Russian/Byelorussian Latvian/Ukrainian some with 3 or 4 ethnicities when you include grandparents.
comment by bmcl1987 (U14177)
posted 5 minutes ago
Finnish President potentially about to announce joining of NATO. Press conference coming up shortly
Huge ramifications considering it's geographical position and historic claims by Russia concerning parts of Finland.
comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 7 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
So, you're not an internationalist, comrade🤣
Not having a pop, it's just the concept of nationality, nationalism, cultural and ethnic distinct identity, borders drawn on maps, is all a bit, right wing, innit.
Russians are not our kind, springs to mind.
Could apply to anywhere on earth of course, and any group, any distinct cultural and ethnic group...and white supremacists use such terminology.
I am absolutely an internationalist, where international cooperation is voluntary and based on democratic mandates established by peoples able to self-determine.
I am pointing out that Russia and Ukraine have been distinct entities with distinct identities for a century, as acknowledged by the Ukrainian and Russian people and, until Putin rocked up, both governments.
This is a matter of international law, of self-determination, and of protecting freedom and democracy against the will of an authoritarian dictator.
Tbab, do you think Erdoghan should retake the former Ottoman Empire? Ridiculous?
As ridiculous as thinking Russians and Ukrainians are the same people. And all those former parts of the OttomanEmpire have a shared religion and close racial/ethnic ties.
I am attempting to see what unites orange and green, Ukraine and Russian, people in general, rather than focus on ethnic, racial, cultural, national or religious distinction here🤣
comment by 🇺🇦 Boris 'Inky' Gibson 🇺🇦 (U5901)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by bmcl1987 (U14177)
posted 5 minutes ago
Finnish President potentially about to announce joining of NATO. Press conference coming up shortly
Huge ramifications considering it's geographical position and historic claims by Russia concerning parts of Finland.
agreed, cant wait for finland to get its older border back
comment by Taki Minamino (U20650)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 7 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
So, you're not an internationalist, comrade🤣
Not having a pop, it's just the concept of nationality, nationalism, cultural and ethnic distinct identity, borders drawn on maps, is all a bit, right wing, innit.
Russians are not our kind, springs to mind.
Could apply to anywhere on earth of course, and any group, any distinct cultural and ethnic group...and white supremacists use such terminology.
I am absolutely an internationalist, where international cooperation is voluntary and based on democratic mandates established by peoples able to self-determine.
I am pointing out that Russia and Ukraine have been distinct entities with distinct identities for a century, as acknowledged by the Ukrainian and Russian people and, until Putin rocked up, both governments.
This is a matter of international law, of self-determination, and of protecting freedom and democracy against the will of an authoritarian dictator.
Tbab, do you think Erdoghan should retake the former Ottoman Empire? Ridiculous?
As ridiculous as thinking Russians and Ukrainians are the same people. And all those former parts of the OttomanEmpire have a shared religion and close racial/ethnic ties.
the ottomanshow about the romans since thats who they stole the area off, or how about the people before them
Well the argument is about the USSR. The former parts of the Turkish empire are all about the same age as USSR would be. There's also talk of a resurgence if the Russian Empire that's been defunct longer than the Ottoman empire. So have a wee giggle, honey.
comment by bmcl1987 (U14177)
posted 10 minutes ago
Finnish President potentially about to announce joining of NATO. Press conference coming up shortly
What do your Finnish relatives think about this?
comment by Taki Minamino (U20650)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by 🇺🇦 Boris 'Inky' Gibson 🇺🇦 (U5901)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by bmcl1987 (U14177)
posted 5 minutes ago
Finnish President potentially about to announce joining of NATO. Press conference coming up shortly
Huge ramifications considering it's geographical position and historic claims by Russia concerning parts of Finland.
agreed, cant wait for finland to get its older border back
I crossed that border by train about 15 years ago. At Vyborg, I stupidly went to toilet while Russian guards were on board checking visas (must have thought I had more time). There was a knock at the toilet door, then it instantly sprang open and there was an armed Russian guard standing there
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 22 minutes ago
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 7 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
So, you're not an internationalist, comrade🤣
Not having a pop, it's just the concept of nationality, nationalism, cultural and ethnic distinct identity, borders drawn on maps, is all a bit, right wing, innit.
Russians are not our kind, springs to mind.
Could apply to anywhere on earth of course, and any group, any distinct cultural and ethnic group...and white supremacists use such terminology.
I am absolutely an internationalist, where international cooperation is voluntary and based on democratic mandates established by peoples able to self-determine.
I am pointing out that Russia and Ukraine have been distinct entities with distinct identities for a century, as acknowledged by the Ukrainian and Russian people and, until Putin rocked up, both governments.
This is a matter of international law, of self-determination, and of protecting freedom and democracy against the will of an authoritarian dictator.
I largely concur, mate.
Putin is messing this up.
Did you hear Ken Livingstone say Crimea
Was never part of Ukraine, btw?
I am not saying Ukraine does or should not exist, but they also should not hate each other, but neo natzi nationalism in Ukraine and far right Russian nationalist now hate each other and both nations expressed racist and facist sentiment, beacause that is where ethnic, cultural, religious and nationality distinct differences often lead to
Ukraine should be free to be a democracy and their own boss, and Putin should butt out, no question.
comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by bmcl1987 (U14177)
posted 10 minutes ago
Finnish President potentially about to announce joining of NATO. Press conference coming up shortly
What do your Finnish relatives think about this?
Obv very worried at the moment as my wife’s 4 brothers would be called up to fight in any conflict. Would like to join NATO though to provide that protection as Russia has ogled Finnish land for decades as per other comments here.
He’s just announced that them and Sweden will “remain extremely close” but not join at this point.
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 21 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 7 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
So, you're not an internationalist, comrade🤣
Not having a pop, it's just the concept of nationality, nationalism, cultural and ethnic distinct identity, borders drawn on maps, is all a bit, right wing, innit.
Russians are not our kind, springs to mind.
Could apply to anywhere on earth of course, and any group, any distinct cultural and ethnic group...and white supremacists use such terminology.
I am absolutely an internationalist, where international cooperation is voluntary and based on democratic mandates established by peoples able to self-determine.
I am pointing out that Russia and Ukraine have been distinct entities with distinct identities for a century, as acknowledged by the Ukrainian and Russian people and, until Putin rocked up, both governments.
This is a matter of international law, of self-determination, and of protecting freedom and democracy against the will of an authoritarian dictator.
Tbab, do you think Erdoghan should retake the former Ottoman Empire? Ridiculous?
As ridiculous as thinking Russians and Ukrainians are the same people. And all those former parts of the OttomanEmpire have a shared religion and close racial/ethnic ties.
On Erdogan and Turkey-Ottoman empire, No, I do not want that back, or the USSR or British empire.
I am not backing Putin or attacking Ukraine.
Putin is the bad guy and Ukraine the victim.
I am just thinking out loud at times and trying to look at this from other angles, but Putin is an evil tyrant who has fekked up badly here.
Ukraine should be free to decide it's future.
I hope the whole world backs them, and it is not just left to UK and American forces, for example.
Perhaps if the world United against Putin and threatened to go in to remove him?
But, that raises WW3 fears so catch 22.
comment by Clockwork Red: Jadon and the Argonauts (U4892)
posted 24 minutes ago
comment by Taki Minamino (U20650)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by 🇺🇦 Boris 'Inky' Gibson 🇺🇦 (U5901)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by bmcl1987 (U14177)
posted 5 minutes ago
Finnish President potentially about to announce joining of NATO. Press conference coming up shortly
Huge ramifications considering it's geographical position and historic claims by Russia concerning parts of Finland.
agreed, cant wait for finland to get its older border back
I crossed that border by train about 15 years ago. At Vyborg, I stupidly went to toilet while Russian guards were on board checking visas (must have thought I had more time). There was a knock at the toilet door, then it instantly sprang open and there was an armed Russian guard standing there
At least u had ur weapon out also
NATO Rapid Response Force is go
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posted on 25/2/22
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 5 seconds ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 7 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
So, you're not an internationalist, comrade🤣
Not having a pop, it's just the concept of nationality, nationalism, cultural and ethnic distinct identity, borders drawn on maps, is all a bit, right wing, innit.
Russians are not our kind, springs to mind.
Could apply to anywhere on earth of course, and any group, any distinct cultural and ethnic group...and white supremacists use such terminology.
Aaand closer to home the Green and Orange supremacists? Not a personal dig. Just an observation.
posted on 25/2/22
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 15 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
I do not think Putin cares, but harks back to USSR days when all this was red Russian fields....the west moved east right up to mother Russian borders and he flipped, went Tonto or planned to do this for years.
posted on 25/2/22
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 7 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
So, you're not an internationalist, comrade🤣
Not having a pop, it's just the concept of nationality, nationalism, cultural and ethnic distinct identity, borders drawn on maps, is all a bit, right wing, innit.
Russians are not our kind, springs to mind.
Could apply to anywhere on earth of course, and any group, any distinct cultural and ethnic group...and white supremacists use such terminology.
I am absolutely an internationalist, where international cooperation is voluntary and based on democratic mandates established by peoples able to self-determine.
I am pointing out that Russia and Ukraine have been distinct entities with distinct identities for a century, as acknowledged by the Ukrainian and Russian people and, until Putin rocked up, both governments.
This is a matter of international law, of self-determination, and of protecting freedom and democracy against the will of an authoritarian dictator.
posted on 25/2/22
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 15 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
I do not think Putin cares, but harks back to USSR days when all this was red Russian fields....the west moved east right up to mother Russian borders and he flipped, went Tonto or planned to do this for years.
My point is that it wasn’t all red Russian fields, mate. As recognised by Khrushchev, Gorbachev and others. Even by facking Trotsky.
Ukraine was a Soviet Socialist Republic, and part of the USSR. But it wasn’t part of the Russian SFSR.
posted on 25/2/22
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 7 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
So, you're not an internationalist, comrade🤣
Not having a pop, it's just the concept of nationality, nationalism, cultural and ethnic distinct identity, borders drawn on maps, is all a bit, right wing, innit.
Russians are not our kind, springs to mind.
Could apply to anywhere on earth of course, and any group, any distinct cultural and ethnic group...and white supremacists use such terminology.
I am absolutely an internationalist, where international cooperation is voluntary and based on democratic mandates established by peoples able to self-determine.
I am pointing out that Russia and Ukraine have been distinct entities with distinct identities for a century, as acknowledged by the Ukrainian and Russian people and, until Putin rocked up, both governments.
This is a matter of international law, of self-determination, and of protecting freedom and democracy against the will of an authoritarian dictator.
Tbab, do you think Erdoghan should retake the former Ottoman Empire? Ridiculous?
As ridiculous as thinking Russians and Ukrainians are the same people. And all those former parts of the OttomanEmpire have a shared religion and close racial/ethnic ties.
posted on 25/2/22
comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 5 seconds ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 7 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
So, you're not an internationalist, comrade🤣
Not having a pop, it's just the concept of nationality, nationalism, cultural and ethnic distinct identity, borders drawn on maps, is all a bit, right wing, innit.
Russians are not our kind, springs to mind.
Could apply to anywhere on earth of course, and any group, any distinct cultural and ethnic group...and white supremacists use such terminology.
Aaand closer to home the Green and Orange supremacists? Not a personal dig. Just an observation.
Very much so mate, and I was one of them back in the eighties and nineties, an Ulster protestant loyalist hardliner with hate for the Irish republicans, green hardliners who also felt the same about orange bassas such as masel, prods in general and Brits as a group.
No orange or brits in Ireland or green Irish in Ulster was what some believed deep down, or not so deep down, and same with ethnic religious and political conflicts in Yugoslavia or middle East or Africa, but we try to dress hate up.
Ukrainian and Russian nationalists are pretty far right hardliners who now want to kill each other, but as I said this week, they are pretty much the same people and alike, just as we are in the orange and green camps here, lol.
Part of me is just fed up with any form of nationalism, flag waving, patriotism, cultural and ethnic identity and religious fundamentalism, I guess🤣🤣
Being in the thick of it here, but never actually taking up arms, I likely have a fear or loathing of violence and war, after seeing bombs and grenades off near me, people shot, people I was at meeting with blown up or shot, mates dads murdered, being in street riots and fights, all due to distinct cultural, ethnic, religious and national identity notions 🤨
Violence and hatred just creates a spiral, and once we kick it off, can be hard to put the lid back on, and now Russia and Ukraine will both suffer, all due to Putin and notions of nationalism.
posted on 25/2/22
comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 7 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
So, you're not an internationalist, comrade🤣
Not having a pop, it's just the concept of nationality, nationalism, cultural and ethnic distinct identity, borders drawn on maps, is all a bit, right wing, innit.
Russians are not our kind, springs to mind.
Could apply to anywhere on earth of course, and any group, any distinct cultural and ethnic group...and white supremacists use such terminology.
I am absolutely an internationalist, where international cooperation is voluntary and based on democratic mandates established by peoples able to self-determine.
I am pointing out that Russia and Ukraine have been distinct entities with distinct identities for a century, as acknowledged by the Ukrainian and Russian people and, until Putin rocked up, both governments.
This is a matter of international law, of self-determination, and of protecting freedom and democracy against the will of an authoritarian dictator.
Tbab, do you think Erdoghan should retake the former Ottoman Empire? Ridiculous?
As ridiculous as thinking Russians and Ukrainians are the same people. And all those former parts of the OttomanEmpire have a shared religion and close racial/ethnic ties.
the ottomans how about the romans since thats who they stole the area off, or how about the people before them
posted on 25/2/22
they're all mixed in with eachother, the 2 Russia's (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine)
All the same people, one people through blood ties and inter-marriage
Listen to this girl
posted on 25/2/22
Finnish President potentially about to announce joining of NATO. Press conference coming up shortly
posted on 25/2/22
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 15 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
I do not think Putin cares, but harks back to USSR days when all this was red Russian fields....the west moved east right up to mother Russian borders and he flipped, went Tonto or planned to do this for years.
My point is that it wasn’t all red Russian fields, mate. As recognised by Khrushchev, Gorbachev and others. Even by facking Trotsky.
Ukraine was a Soviet Socialist Republic, and part of the USSR. But it wasn’t part of the Russian SFSR.
I know bud, I know.
Putin thinks Ukraine should not exist and his Russia is sacrosanct, and he was ok with Ukraine in the USSR or Warsaw pact empire, but not going indy, or over to the west.
I think we misunderstand each other here quite often, and I as m not saying Go Putin, take Ukraine, but rather looking at this from how some in Russia or Putin may, even though they are wrong.
posted on 25/2/22
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 15 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
I do not think Putin cares, but harks back to USSR days when all this was red Russian fields....the west moved east right up to mother Russian borders and he flipped, went Tonto or planned to do this for years.
My point is that it wasn’t all red Russian fields, mate. As recognised by Khrushchev, Gorbachev and others. Even by facking Trotsky.
Ukraine was a Soviet Socialist Republic, and part of the USSR. But it wasn’t part of the Russian SFSR.
I know bud, I know.
Putin thinks Ukraine should not exist and his Russia is sacrosanct, and he was ok with Ukraine in the USSR or Warsaw pact empire, but not going indy, or over to the west.
I think we misunderstand each other here quite often, and I as m not saying Go Putin, take Ukraine, but rather looking at this from how some in Russia or Putin may, even though they are wrong.
posted on 25/2/22
comment by peks - 1974 (U6618)
posted 1 minute ago
they're all mixed in with eachother, the 2 Russia's (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine)
All the same people, one people through blood ties and inter-marriage
Listen to this girl
This is true. I know a shedload of Ukrainian/Russian Russian/Byelorussian Latvian/Ukrainian some with 3 or 4 ethnicities when you include grandparents.
posted on 25/2/22
comment by bmcl1987 (U14177)
posted 5 minutes ago
Finnish President potentially about to announce joining of NATO. Press conference coming up shortly
Huge ramifications considering it's geographical position and historic claims by Russia concerning parts of Finland.
posted on 25/2/22
comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 7 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
So, you're not an internationalist, comrade🤣
Not having a pop, it's just the concept of nationality, nationalism, cultural and ethnic distinct identity, borders drawn on maps, is all a bit, right wing, innit.
Russians are not our kind, springs to mind.
Could apply to anywhere on earth of course, and any group, any distinct cultural and ethnic group...and white supremacists use such terminology.
I am absolutely an internationalist, where international cooperation is voluntary and based on democratic mandates established by peoples able to self-determine.
I am pointing out that Russia and Ukraine have been distinct entities with distinct identities for a century, as acknowledged by the Ukrainian and Russian people and, until Putin rocked up, both governments.
This is a matter of international law, of self-determination, and of protecting freedom and democracy against the will of an authoritarian dictator.
Tbab, do you think Erdoghan should retake the former Ottoman Empire? Ridiculous?
As ridiculous as thinking Russians and Ukrainians are the same people. And all those former parts of the OttomanEmpire have a shared religion and close racial/ethnic ties.
I am attempting to see what unites orange and green, Ukraine and Russian, people in general, rather than focus on ethnic, racial, cultural, national or religious distinction here🤣
posted on 25/2/22
comment by 🇺🇦 Boris 'Inky' Gibson 🇺🇦 (U5901)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by bmcl1987 (U14177)
posted 5 minutes ago
Finnish President potentially about to announce joining of NATO. Press conference coming up shortly
Huge ramifications considering it's geographical position and historic claims by Russia concerning parts of Finland.
agreed, cant wait for finland to get its older border back
posted on 25/2/22
comment by Taki Minamino (U20650)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 7 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
So, you're not an internationalist, comrade🤣
Not having a pop, it's just the concept of nationality, nationalism, cultural and ethnic distinct identity, borders drawn on maps, is all a bit, right wing, innit.
Russians are not our kind, springs to mind.
Could apply to anywhere on earth of course, and any group, any distinct cultural and ethnic group...and white supremacists use such terminology.
I am absolutely an internationalist, where international cooperation is voluntary and based on democratic mandates established by peoples able to self-determine.
I am pointing out that Russia and Ukraine have been distinct entities with distinct identities for a century, as acknowledged by the Ukrainian and Russian people and, until Putin rocked up, both governments.
This is a matter of international law, of self-determination, and of protecting freedom and democracy against the will of an authoritarian dictator.
Tbab, do you think Erdoghan should retake the former Ottoman Empire? Ridiculous?
As ridiculous as thinking Russians and Ukrainians are the same people. And all those former parts of the OttomanEmpire have a shared religion and close racial/ethnic ties.
the ottomanshow about the romans since thats who they stole the area off, or how about the people before them
Well the argument is about the USSR. The former parts of the Turkish empire are all about the same age as USSR would be. There's also talk of a resurgence if the Russian Empire that's been defunct longer than the Ottoman empire. So have a wee giggle, honey.
posted on 25/2/22
comment by bmcl1987 (U14177)
posted 10 minutes ago
Finnish President potentially about to announce joining of NATO. Press conference coming up shortly
What do your Finnish relatives think about this?
posted on 25/2/22
comment by Taki Minamino (U20650)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by 🇺🇦 Boris 'Inky' Gibson 🇺🇦 (U5901)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by bmcl1987 (U14177)
posted 5 minutes ago
Finnish President potentially about to announce joining of NATO. Press conference coming up shortly
Huge ramifications considering it's geographical position and historic claims by Russia concerning parts of Finland.
agreed, cant wait for finland to get its older border back
I crossed that border by train about 15 years ago. At Vyborg, I stupidly went to toilet while Russian guards were on board checking visas (must have thought I had more time). There was a knock at the toilet door, then it instantly sprang open and there was an armed Russian guard standing there
posted on 25/2/22
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 22 minutes ago
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 7 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
So, you're not an internationalist, comrade🤣
Not having a pop, it's just the concept of nationality, nationalism, cultural and ethnic distinct identity, borders drawn on maps, is all a bit, right wing, innit.
Russians are not our kind, springs to mind.
Could apply to anywhere on earth of course, and any group, any distinct cultural and ethnic group...and white supremacists use such terminology.
I am absolutely an internationalist, where international cooperation is voluntary and based on democratic mandates established by peoples able to self-determine.
I am pointing out that Russia and Ukraine have been distinct entities with distinct identities for a century, as acknowledged by the Ukrainian and Russian people and, until Putin rocked up, both governments.
This is a matter of international law, of self-determination, and of protecting freedom and democracy against the will of an authoritarian dictator.
I largely concur, mate.
Putin is messing this up.
Did you hear Ken Livingstone say Crimea
Was never part of Ukraine, btw?
I am not saying Ukraine does or should not exist, but they also should not hate each other, but neo natzi nationalism in Ukraine and far right Russian nationalist now hate each other and both nations expressed racist and facist sentiment, beacause that is where ethnic, cultural, religious and nationality distinct differences often lead to
Ukraine should be free to be a democracy and their own boss, and Putin should butt out, no question.
posted on 25/2/22
comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by bmcl1987 (U14177)
posted 10 minutes ago
Finnish President potentially about to announce joining of NATO. Press conference coming up shortly
What do your Finnish relatives think about this?
Obv very worried at the moment as my wife’s 4 brothers would be called up to fight in any conflict. Would like to join NATO though to provide that protection as Russia has ogled Finnish land for decades as per other comments here.
posted on 25/2/22
He’s just announced that them and Sweden will “remain extremely close” but not join at this point.
posted on 25/2/22
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
posted on 25/2/22
comment by son of quebec (U8127)
posted 21 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by thebluebellsarablue (U9292)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by And... Rosso... Though its... Yeah and... That... (U17054)
posted 7 minutes ago
Also worth pointing out that:
- the Bolsheviks recognised the Ukrainians as ethnically and culturally distinct from the Russians
- the Ukrainian SSR was a republic in its own right, and with its own government (under the Communist Party of Ukraine) and legislature
- the Ukrainian SSR was, independently, a founding member of the United Nations, recognised as a member in its own right, with Moscow’s backing
- the nation of Ukraine is a *successor* to the Ukrainian SSR, not some completely new republic conjured out of nowhere.
The idea that Ukraine didn’t exist or have any well-defined identity of its own before 1991 is absolute bunkum.
So, you're not an internationalist, comrade🤣
Not having a pop, it's just the concept of nationality, nationalism, cultural and ethnic distinct identity, borders drawn on maps, is all a bit, right wing, innit.
Russians are not our kind, springs to mind.
Could apply to anywhere on earth of course, and any group, any distinct cultural and ethnic group...and white supremacists use such terminology.
I am absolutely an internationalist, where international cooperation is voluntary and based on democratic mandates established by peoples able to self-determine.
I am pointing out that Russia and Ukraine have been distinct entities with distinct identities for a century, as acknowledged by the Ukrainian and Russian people and, until Putin rocked up, both governments.
This is a matter of international law, of self-determination, and of protecting freedom and democracy against the will of an authoritarian dictator.
Tbab, do you think Erdoghan should retake the former Ottoman Empire? Ridiculous?
As ridiculous as thinking Russians and Ukrainians are the same people. And all those former parts of the OttomanEmpire have a shared religion and close racial/ethnic ties.
On Erdogan and Turkey-Ottoman empire, No, I do not want that back, or the USSR or British empire.
I am not backing Putin or attacking Ukraine.
Putin is the bad guy and Ukraine the victim.
I am just thinking out loud at times and trying to look at this from other angles, but Putin is an evil tyrant who has fekked up badly here.
Ukraine should be free to decide it's future.
I hope the whole world backs them, and it is not just left to UK and American forces, for example.
Perhaps if the world United against Putin and threatened to go in to remove him?
But, that raises WW3 fears so catch 22.
posted on 25/2/22
comment by Clockwork Red: Jadon and the Argonauts (U4892)
posted 24 minutes ago
comment by Taki Minamino (U20650)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by 🇺🇦 Boris 'Inky' Gibson 🇺🇦 (U5901)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by bmcl1987 (U14177)
posted 5 minutes ago
Finnish President potentially about to announce joining of NATO. Press conference coming up shortly
Huge ramifications considering it's geographical position and historic claims by Russia concerning parts of Finland.
agreed, cant wait for finland to get its older border back
I crossed that border by train about 15 years ago. At Vyborg, I stupidly went to toilet while Russian guards were on board checking visas (must have thought I had more time). There was a knock at the toilet door, then it instantly sprang open and there was an armed Russian guard standing there
At least u had ur weapon out also
posted on 25/2/22
NATO Rapid Response Force is go
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