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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

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posted on 21/6/24

comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Oscar #TeamFury. #Trump2024 #BringBackMourinho #ComeHomeGaffa (U12980)
posted 19 minutes ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Oscar #TeamFury. #Trump2024 #BringBackMourinho #ComeHomeGaffa (U12980)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Oscar #TeamFury. #Trump2024 #BringBackMourinho #ComeHomeGaffa (U12980)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 7 minutes ago
Corbyn would have been a better PM than Johnson IMO. I don't think he'd have been a great PM, but definitely better than this lot.
Let’s be real, Corbyn was thick as two pigs, hated the media, hated a big part of our country (Jewish people), didn’t get on with most of his MP’s, and above all didn’t even have a qualification

Would of been a disaster

Thought you were going to be real?
Well what part of that isn’t real?

Pretty much all of it, but I'm not going to wrestle this pig.
So basically all of it’s true, thanks
Except a big part of the country being Jewish, 0.5% at the last census.
So instead we got Tory racists who hate a third of the country.

posted on 21/6/24

Here’s the UK’s leading historian of British Jewry, Geoffrey Alderman, Orthodox Jew and professor of politics at Buckingham University, on Corbyn’s ‘antisemitism’.


Here’s a snippet:

‘The fact of the matter is that Corbyn has an impressive record of supporting Jewish communal initiatives. For instance he was recently supportive of Jewish efforts to facilitate the speedy issue of death certificates by the north London coroner. In 2015 he took part in a ceremony in his Islington constituency to commemorate the founding of the North London Synagogue. In 2010 he put his name to an Early Day Motion (tabled by Diane Abbott) calling on the UK government to facilitate the settlement of Yemeni Jews in Britain.

Indeed I could fill this entire article with a list of philo-Semitic EDMs that Corbyn has signed since he was first elected as Labour MP for Islington North in 1983.

In 1987 the West London Synagogue approached Islington Council with a startling proposal: to sell its original cemetery to property developers, destroying the gravestones and digging-up and reburying the bodies lying under them. This cemetery (dating from 1840) was not merely of great historic and architectural interest – in the view of orthodox Jews, the deliberate destruction of a cemetery is sacrilegious. So when Islington Council granted the planning application, a Jewish-led and ultimately successful campaign was launched to have the decision reversed. I was part of that campaign. So was Jeremy Corbyn.’

Weird behaviour for a guy who ‘hates Jews’.

posted on 21/6/24

The evidence against the anti-semitism smears against Corbyn is such that it can only be concluded that smearers are at best intellectually facking lazy and at worst agenda driven and downright dishonest.

posted on 21/6/24

There you go Oscar. There are plenty of others that don't mind wrestling a pig.

posted on 21/6/24

comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 6 minutes ago
There you go Oscar. There are plenty of others that don't mind wrestling a pig.
He'll be back spouting the same sheet and calling Corbyn antisemitic in a few weeks. The truth don't matter. It will be as if this didn't happen and he wasn't provided with conclusive evidence.

posted on 21/6/24

comment by Critical Supe Theory (U1282)
posted 32 seconds ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 6 minutes ago
There you go Oscar. There are plenty of others that don't mind wrestling a pig.
He'll be back spouting the same sheet and calling Corbyn antisemitic in a few weeks. The truth don't matter. It will be as if this didn't happen and he wasn't provided with conclusive evidence.
Basically this. Welcome to political discourse from the right since about 2016. Platforming these disingenuous liars becomes tedious, turns moderates off politics and speaks to extreme head cases.

posted on 21/6/24

comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Critical Supe Theory (U1282)
posted 32 seconds ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 6 minutes ago
There you go Oscar. There are plenty of others that don't mind wrestling a pig.
He'll be back spouting the same sheet and calling Corbyn antisemitic in a few weeks. The truth don't matter. It will be as if this didn't happen and he wasn't provided with conclusive evidence.
Basically this. Welcome to political discourse from the right since about 2016. Platforming these disingenuous liars becomes tedious, turns moderates off politics and speaks to extreme head cases.
Straight out of the playbook of Oscar’s hero.

There are myriad clips of Trump chanting “Lock her up!” along with the crowd at his rallies, as well as stating the same in speeches.

Earlier this month…

Interviewer: “You famously said, regarding Hillary Clinton, 'Lock her up.' You declined to do that as president.”

Trump: “I didn't say 'lock her up’…”

They just don’t care about the truth, at all. It’s irrelevant to them.

posted on 21/6/24

I’ve always thought Corbyn’s alleged anti-semitism was grossly overplayed.

His views on Jewish influence over the media and fthe financial sector are shared by many people on a global scale

posted on 21/6/24

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 45 minutes ago
I’ve always thought Corbyn’s alleged anti-semitism was grossly overplayed.

His views on Jewish influence over the media and fthe financial sector are shared by many people on a global scale
Please give us one statement that Corbyn has made, at any point in his life, claiming that there is undue Jewish influence over the media or financial sector.

Just one.

posted on 21/6/24


This is a prime example of the recidivist type of debate those on the right think is acceptable. Admittedly its Culer but still.

posted on 21/6/24


posted on 21/6/24

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 6 seconds ago
Read the article, then please give us one statement that Corbyn has made, at any point in his life, claiming that there is undue Jewish influence over the media or financial sector.

posted on 21/6/24

In 2011 the then-Labour backbencher wrote a foreword to a reissue of JA Hobson's 'Imperialism: A Study', which argues that finance in Europe was controlled "by men of a single and peculiar race, who have behind them many centuries of financial experience".

Mr Corbyn described the economist's influential 1902 book as a "great tome" - despite the fact it highlights well-known anti-semitic conspiracy theories about the Rothschild banking family.

posted on 21/6/24

Btw, I’m not claiming Corbyn is anti-semetic, the complete opposite in fact,

He endorsed ‘Mural One’ and was slated for it. I thought it was a great piece of artwork

posted on 21/6/24

Anybody who was member of the Labour Party in the Corbyn years will tell you that anti semitism from the left was a major problem that was openly applied at a nasty level at CLP meetings to an extent that some members were too scared to actually attend meetings. My mother in her 80s at the time was verbally and physically assaulted by some of these members at her South Manchester CLP meetings and stopped attending.

posted on 21/6/24

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 12 minutes ago
In 2011 the then-Labour backbencher wrote a foreword to a reissue of JA Hobson's 'Imperialism: A Study', which argues that finance in Europe was controlled "by men of a single and peculiar race, who have behind them many centuries of financial experience".

Mr Corbyn described the economist's influential 1902 book as a "great tome" - despite the fact it highlights well-known anti-semitic conspiracy theories about the Rothschild banking family.

We know that. It’s in the article, alongside additional context.

Still waiting for that statement from Corbyn.

posted on 21/6/24

comment by rosso says the time has come to unlock the unl... (U17054)
posted 39 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 12 minutes ago
In 2011 the then-Labour backbencher wrote a foreword to a reissue of JA Hobson's 'Imperialism: A Study', which argues that finance in Europe was controlled "by men of a single and peculiar race, who have behind them many centuries of financial experience".

Mr Corbyn described the economist's influential 1902 book as a "great tome" - despite the fact it highlights well-known anti-semitic conspiracy theories about the Rothschild banking family.

We know that. It’s in the article, alongside additional context.

Still waiting for that statement from Corbyn.
I’ve read quotes rather than statements, when I’m not working I’ll try and dig up a few

posted on 21/6/24

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 36 seconds ago
comment by rosso says the time has come to unlock the unl... (U17054)
posted 39 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 12 minutes ago
In 2011 the then-Labour backbencher wrote a foreword to a reissue of JA Hobson's 'Imperialism: A Study', which argues that finance in Europe was controlled "by men of a single and peculiar race, who have behind them many centuries of financial experience".

Mr Corbyn described the economist's influential 1902 book as a "great tome" - despite the fact it highlights well-known anti-semitic conspiracy theories about the Rothschild banking family.

We know that. It’s in the article, alongside additional context.

Still waiting for that statement from Corbyn.
I’ve read quotes rather than statements, when I’m not working I’ll try and dig up a few
Good luck with that.

Here’s a direct quote for you in the meantime:

“The 1936 demonstration at Cable Street was a seminal moment in my parents’ generation. It was a unity of Irish, Jewish and other communities against the fascists in the East End. It was also a positive assertion of the need to protect the harmonious collaboration and coexistence between the different communities of that area, which Oswald Mosley was trying to pit against each other.

Those who attended that demonstration saw the dangers of the rise of anti-semitism — and we honour their bravery by continuing to stand with Jewish people against hatred and division today.

That means… rejecting any conflation of the actions of the state of Israel with that of the Jewish people, and confronting those who perpetuate prejudicial tropes about the supposed financial or political influence of Jews.”


posted on 21/6/24


These MAGAs are a special breed

posted on 21/6/24

comment by Bats Uncensored (U18355)
posted 6 minutes ago

These MAGAs are a special breed
“They’re rejecting the black and brown stripes… I don’t know what any of that means…”

But it’s a good thing, right? Rejecting the addition of stripes added solely to draw attention to specific issues of LGBT people of colour

posted on 21/6/24

I just thought it was funny how bringing back the old pride flags was ‘respecting tradition’

posted on 21/6/24

comment by Bats Uncensored (U18355)
posted 22 minutes ago
I just thought it was funny how bringing back the old pride flags was ‘respecting tradition’
Absolutely bonkers stuff

posted on 21/6/24

comment by Bats Uncensored (U18355)
posted about 2 hours ago

These MAGAs are a special breed
Ah yes, pride flags, reject modernity and embracing tradition ofc.

posted on 21/6/24

Nigel Farage has said the West "provoked" Russia's invasion of Ukraine by expanding the European Union and Nato military alliance eastwards.

Surprise surprise

posted on 21/6/24

comment by Things Can Only Get Better (U11781)
posted 58 seconds ago
Nigel Farage has said the West "provoked" Russia's invasion of Ukraine by expanding the European Union and Nato military alliance eastwards.

Surprise surprise

As an MP he would a national security liability.

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