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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

Page 4316 of 4714

posted on 25/6/24

comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Things Can Only Get Better (U11781)
posted 22 minutes ago
Plastic Tory Jonathan Ashworth's car crash interview on returning asylum seekers to their country of origin

What do you think we should do with illegals?

They’re asylum seekers

You’re genuinely so funny

posted on 25/6/24

comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted 18 minutes ago
comment by Things Can Only Get Better (U11781)
posted 22 minutes ago
Plastic Tory Jonathan Ashworth's car crash interview on returning asylum seekers to their country of origin

What do you think we should do with illegals?
Give them jobs

posted on 25/6/24

comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Things Can Only Get Better (U11781)
posted 22 minutes ago
Plastic Tory Jonathan Ashworth's car crash interview on returning asylum seekers to their country of origin

What do you think we should do with illegals?
Stop calling them 'illegals' for a start as this assumes guilt before refugees, mostly fleeing war torn countries, have had the chance to have their case heard.

In the cases of those from safe countries those not eligible to enter the UK can be sent back, an example of this being the arrangement we have with Albania.

People from places like Afghanistan and Iran are a bigger problem. As a country we need to be honest about the role we played in Afghanistan. We also need yo acknowledge we used Afghan people in country and promised them shelter when the proverbial hit the fan. A promise we later reneged on, putting them in danger. If you know your history you'll also know our role in why Iran is how it is.

This imperialist idea that we can do what we want in far flung lands without consequence are over. Those are the days people like Farage hanker for, the worst of the rose tinted back in my day boomer generation.

Why do we expect countries, such as France, Italy, Greece et all who had a smaller role as an ally in the war on terror, to take more responsibility than us for Afghan refugees we made flee their country?

posted on 25/6/24

comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 9 hours, 4 minutes ago
They haven't said that schools will be banned from teaching young people about transgender identities though. The proposal is to stop schools teaching theories on gender identity as facts alongside biology. So they can still teach about transgender people, but are not allowed to state that some people are born into the wrong bodies as if it is a fact.

It's just another example of using out of context quotes with sensationalist headlines. The extremes fall for it and get worked up every single time.
That isn’t all I read.

‘…if asked about the topic of gender identity, schools should “teach the facts about biological sexx and not use any materials that present contested views as fact, including the view that gender is a spectrum”.’


I am happy to wait and see exactly what guidelines teachers are given, but this looks dangerously like suggesting that anyone who doesn’t identify as cisgender is in some way illegitimate.

What is a ‘contested view’? There are evangelical Christians, including some in academia, who contest the fact that some people are born with a predilection to be attracted to others of the same sexx. There are some who contest the theory of evolution.

We now have strong evidence that there are genetic causes of gender incongruence, and that evidence has continued to mount for more than a decade. That we can put aside for now, however; people can argue the evidence has not reached whatever threshold they wish to impose, and I have no problems whatsoever with gender being left out of science class.

But we have thousands of years of evidence, from the dawn of recorded human history and (literally) myriad civilisations around the globe, that some people have always identified and lived as transgender, as non-binary, as gender fluid, as third gender and in societies which recognised three or more genders. There are multiple ancient languages (like Sanskrit, which is 3,000 years older than English) which have common words for more than two genders. None of that is ‘ideology’, nor can it be contested by any rational being.

Teachers need to be free to describe and explain facts about the world we’re living in to the kids they are teaching. Trans people exist, and (given we’re all accepting the concept of universal human rights and happy for teachers to teach such? ) deserve their identities to be recognised and respected, regardless of the body they are living in. Societies around the globe recognise non-binary gender spectra and fluidity, and this is neither new in human history, nor is it uncommon.

In short, gender out of science class, sure. (I’m not sure it was ever being taught in biology though, was it? Certainly not when I was at school.)

A recognition and discussion of the existence of multiple gender identities, in context and when questions arise, out of history lessons or out of relationships, sexx and health education (or whatever it’s called now) ? No. That’s a deceitful, unconstructive and fundamentally unkind proposition, IMO.

There’s much more which could be said, but I don’t have the time nor the energy to re-litigate this topic on here yet again, so this will be it for my contributions on the subject.

Final meta point with that in mind: I assume that all we all really want is for each and every kid to feel safe and protected, to be happy and confident, to be able to be their true self, and to receive a broad, full and honest education which prepares them fully for the world they’re growing into. How we achieve all of that should absolutely be the focus, and not culture war political posturing or pandering.

posted on 25/6/24

I see the Reform candidate in Salisbury said the following at a hustings:

'I have actually met Putin and had a 10-minute chat with him and he seemed very good.'

He's running in the constituency that saw the Novichok attacks. Unbeliveable that idiots will still vote for these grifters.

posted on 25/6/24

comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 14 minutes ago
comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Things Can Only Get Better (U11781)
posted 22 minutes ago
Plastic Tory Jonathan Ashworth's car crash interview on returning asylum seekers to their country of origin

What do you think we should do with illegals?
Stop calling them 'illegals' for a start as this assumes guilt before refugees, mostly fleeing war torn countries, have had the chance to have their case heard.

In the cases of those from safe countries those not eligible to enter the UK can be sent back, an example of this being the arrangement we have with Albania.

People from places like Afghanistan and Iran are a bigger problem. As a country we need to be honest about the role we played in Afghanistan. We also need yo acknowledge we used Afghan people in country and promised them shelter when the proverbial hit the fan. A promise we later reneged on, putting them in danger. If you know your history you'll also know our role in why Iran is how it is.

This imperialist idea that we can do what we want in far flung lands without consequence are over. Those are the days people like Farage hanker for, the worst of the rose tinted back in my day boomer generation.

Why do we expect countries, such as France, Italy, Greece et all who had a smaller role as an ally in the war on terror, to take more responsibility than us for Afghan refugees we made flee their country?

posted on 25/6/24

comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 17 minutes ago
I see the Reform candidate in Salisbury said the following at a hustings:

'I have actually met Putin and had a 10-minute chat with him and he seemed very good.'

He's running in the constituency that saw the Novichok attacks.

This is so good

Putin? Good bloke actually.

posted on 25/6/24

comment by Robbing Hoody - I want to play by my own rules and if I can’t I’ll sue you (U6374)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 17 minutes ago
I see the Reform candidate in Salisbury said the following at a hustings:

'I have actually met Putin and had a 10-minute chat with him and he seemed very good.'

He's running in the constituency that saw the Novichok attacks.

This is so good

Putin? Good bloke actually.
Always the first to get a round in apparently

posted on 25/6/24

comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 20 minutes ago
comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Things Can Only Get Better (U11781)
posted 22 minutes ago
Plastic Tory Jonathan Ashworth's car crash interview on returning asylum seekers to their country of origin

What do you think we should do with illegals?
Stop calling them 'illegals' for a start as this assumes guilt before refugees, mostly fleeing war torn countries, have had the chance to have their case heard.

In the cases of those from safe countries those not eligible to enter the UK can be sent back, an example of this being the arrangement we have with Albania.

People from places like Afghanistan and Iran are a bigger problem. As a country we need to be honest about the role we played in Afghanistan. We also need yo acknowledge we used Afghan people in country and promised them shelter when the proverbial hit the fan. A promise we later reneged on, putting them in danger. If you know your history you'll also know our role in why Iran is how it is.

This imperialist idea that we can do what we want in far flung lands without consequence are over. Those are the days people like Farage hanker for, the worst of the rose tinted back in my day boomer generation.

Why do we expect countries, such as France, Italy, Greece et all who had a smaller role as an ally in the war on terror, to take more responsibility than us for Afghan refugees we made flee their country?
There's a potential 130m people that could claim asylum from Afghanistan and Iraq alone. Do you think we should take in every single person who fits the asylum criteria, even if it's detrimental to the UK?

posted on 25/6/24


posted on 25/6/24

Haha I was laughing so much at that question I could write

posted on 25/6/24

comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 29 minutes ago
I see the Reform candidate in Salisbury said the following at a hustings:

'I have actually met Putin and had a 10-minute chat with him and he seemed very good.'

He's running in the constituency that saw the Novichok attacks. Unbeliveable that idiots will still vote for these grifters.
I'm starting to think Farage doesn't want to be elected as an MP. Why on earth would he big up Putin?

posted on 25/6/24

Didn’t take long for the racism to stew from Clappy, Iraqi and Afghans are a detriment to the UK apparently when Western countries have pillared their countries and people for decades

posted on 25/6/24

comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 23 minutes ago
I see the Reform candidate in Salisbury said the following at a hustings:

'I have actually met Putin and had a 10-minute chat with him and he seemed very good.'

He's running in the constituency that saw the Novichok attacks. Unbeliveable that idiots will still vote for these grifters.
I think what sums up the collective intelligence of certain people in this country was seeing Farage yesterday be cheered for saying "he won't be lectured on foreign policy by Starmer, a man who backed Corbyn" when Farage is quite literally saying similar, if not more extreme things, regarding Russia than Corbyn did.

posted on 25/6/24


Source for that number? Also saying 'a potential of x amount' doesn't mean x amount will definitely end up here. This is blatant scaremongering.

The amount that make the journey across the channel represents a small percentage of the refugees compared to those that end up in France, Italy, Germany and Greece. Even if 130m hypothetical refugees made the journey from the Eastern med (Greece & Sicily being a usual entry points) that doesn't mean 130m on the shores of Calais and Dunquirke.

posted on 25/6/24

comment by Things Can Only Get Better (U11781)
posted 2 minutes ago
Didn’t take long for the racism to stew from Clappy, Iraqi and Afghans are a detriment to the UK apparently when Western countries have pillared their countries and people for decades
That’s not what he said at all. Not even close.

posted on 25/6/24

comment by Things Can Only Get Better (U11781)
posted 2 seconds ago
Didn’t take long for the racism to stew from Clappy, Iraqi and Afghans are a detriment to the UK apparently when Western countries have pillared their countries and people for decades
It was the numbers not the nationality you race baiter.

posted on 25/6/24

comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 46 seconds ago

Source for that number? Also saying 'a potential of x amount' doesn't mean x amount will definitely end up here. This is blatant scaremongering.

The amount that make the journey across the channel represents a small percentage of the refugees compared to those that end up in France, Italy, Germany and Greece. Even if 130m hypothetical refugees made the journey from the Eastern med (Greece & Sicily being a usual entry points) that doesn't mean 130m on the shores of Calais and Dunquirke.
You got comparative numbers for say UK vs Germany vs France?

posted on 25/6/24

comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Things Can Only Get Better (U11781)
posted 2 minutes ago
Didn’t take long for the racism to stew from Clappy, Iraqi and Afghans are a detriment to the UK apparently when Western countries have pillared their countries and people for decades
That’s not what he said at all. Not even close.

True, he just asked genuinely one of the stupidest questions I’ve ever seen on 606, whilst also being a demonstrable bigot in assuming asylum seekers are illegal immigrants, which is much better isn’t it tbf.

posted on 25/6/24

We have a responsibility to help genuine refugees from Iraq and Afghanistan but he’s right about people from Bangladesh, Pakistan, India etc

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 25/6/24

comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 20 minutes ago
comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Things Can Only Get Better (U11781)
posted 22 minutes ago
Plastic Tory Jonathan Ashworth's car crash interview on returning asylum seekers to their country of origin

What do you think we should do with illegals?
Stop calling them 'illegals' for a start as this assumes guilt before refugees, mostly fleeing war torn countries, have had the chance to have their case heard.

In the cases of those from safe countries those not eligible to enter the UK can be sent back, an example of this being the arrangement we have with Albania.

People from places like Afghanistan and Iran are a bigger problem. As a country we need to be honest about the role we played in Afghanistan. We also need yo acknowledge we used Afghan people in country and promised them shelter when the proverbial hit the fan. A promise we later reneged on, putting them in danger. If you know your history you'll also know our role in why Iran is how it is.

This imperialist idea that we can do what we want in far flung lands without consequence are over. Those are the days people like Farage hanker for, the worst of the rose tinted back in my day boomer generation.

Why do we expect countries, such as France, Italy, Greece et all who had a smaller role as an ally in the war on terror, to take more responsibility than us for Afghan refugees we made flee their country?
There's a potential 130m people that could claim asylum from Afghanistan and Iraq alone. Do you think we should take in every single person who fits the asylum criteria, even if it's detrimental to the UK?
Oh ffs!

Quick question Clap, do you think refugees want to leave their homes, their families, their lives and countries OR do you think the vast majority just want to live their lives in the place (and language) they know?

I dont know about you, but the possibility of less than £50 a week wouldn't pull me through thousands of miles.

posted on 25/6/24

comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 2 minutes ago

Source for that number? Also saying 'a potential of x amount' doesn't mean x amount will definitely end up here. This is blatant scaremongering.

The amount that make the journey across the channel represents a small percentage of the refugees compared to those that end up in France, Italy, Germany and Greece. Even if 130m hypothetical refugees made the journey from the Eastern med (Greece & Sicily being a usual entry points) that doesn't mean 130m on the shores of Calais and Dunquirke.
I know that, but is there an upper limit?

posted on 25/6/24

comment by Robbing Hoody - I want to play by my own rules and if I can’t I’ll sue you (U6374)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Things Can Only Get Better (U11781)
posted 2 minutes ago
Didn’t take long for the racism to stew from Clappy, Iraqi and Afghans are a detriment to the UK apparently when Western countries have pillared their countries and people for decades
That’s not what he said at all. Not even close.

True, he just asked genuinely one of the stupidest questions I’ve ever seen on 606, whilst also being a demonstrable bigot in assuming asylum seekers are illegal immigrants, which is much better isn’t it tbf.
Why was it a stupid question?

posted on 25/6/24

comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted 3 seconds ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - I want to play by my own rules and if I can’t I’ll sue you (U6374)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Sat Nav (U18243)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Things Can Only Get Better (U11781)
posted 2 minutes ago
Didn’t take long for the racism to stew from Clappy, Iraqi and Afghans are a detriment to the UK apparently when Western countries have pillared their countries and people for decades
That’s not what he said at all. Not even close.

True, he just asked genuinely one of the stupidest questions I’ve ever seen on 606, whilst also being a demonstrable bigot in assuming asylum seekers are illegal immigrants, which is much better isn’t it tbf.
Why was it a stupid question?

Seriously? Just log off pal.

posted on 25/6/24

comment by Hector (U3606)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 20 minutes ago
comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Things Can Only Get Better (U11781)
posted 22 minutes ago
Plastic Tory Jonathan Ashworth's car crash interview on returning asylum seekers to their country of origin

What do you think we should do with illegals?
Stop calling them 'illegals' for a start as this assumes guilt before refugees, mostly fleeing war torn countries, have had the chance to have their case heard.

In the cases of those from safe countries those not eligible to enter the UK can be sent back, an example of this being the arrangement we have with Albania.

People from places like Afghanistan and Iran are a bigger problem. As a country we need to be honest about the role we played in Afghanistan. We also need yo acknowledge we used Afghan people in country and promised them shelter when the proverbial hit the fan. A promise we later reneged on, putting them in danger. If you know your history you'll also know our role in why Iran is how it is.

This imperialist idea that we can do what we want in far flung lands without consequence are over. Those are the days people like Farage hanker for, the worst of the rose tinted back in my day boomer generation.

Why do we expect countries, such as France, Italy, Greece et all who had a smaller role as an ally in the war on terror, to take more responsibility than us for Afghan refugees we made flee their country?
There's a potential 130m people that could claim asylum from Afghanistan and Iraq alone. Do you think we should take in every single person who fits the asylum criteria, even if it's detrimental to the UK?
Oh ffs!

Quick question Clap, do you think refugees want to leave their homes, their families, their lives and countries OR do you think the vast majority just want to live their lives in the place (and language) they know?

I dont know about you, but the possibility of less than £50 a week wouldn't pull me through thousands of miles.
Considering you're a remainer and have done nothing but whine about the loss of freedom of movement I'm surprised you asked this question.

Page 4316 of 4714

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