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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

Page 4447 of 4622

posted on 24/7/24

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Robberto Garnacho (U22716)
posted 32 seconds ago
It’s a sad indictment of the new racist and Islamophobic twitter that so many people are defending the police. Guarantee those same people would be defending the person on the ground if they were white and the police were black or Muslim. Add to that the contemptuous defence of the white cops who killed that woman with who had the saucepan in the US and we see that racism is fair game in a way it’s never been in my lifetime. I wonder where this all leads to?

What bit confuses you? Do you deny that people on social media are allowed to be straight up racist in a way never seen before? That the rise of the far right in Europe is happening in a facking scary way that means people watch videos like this and back the police?

posted on 24/7/24

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted about a minute ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 27 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 40 minutes ago
comment by Tu Meke (U3732)
posted 18 seconds ago
Update on airport incident:

The mother was racially abused, called the P word along with a profanity by a fellow passenger. He also pushed his trolley in to her.

The mother told the sons regarding the abuse.

Altercation took place, police turned up & sided without context. They also pushed the mother During the search operation.

More officers have turned, this time armed police. They have also taken one of the lads to the side in this time & made serious threats.

They also then proceeded to carry out further brutality seen in the video.

Totally unsubstantiated Twitter bollox.

People and police now saying that the arrested men had entered the airport terminal, assault some people and were caught trying to make their way back to the car park which probably explains why they had no bags with them.

You can't call something unsubstantiated bollox and then follow it up by posting unsubstantiated bollox yourself.
I know that's Twitter but it is an actual statement

posted on 24/7/24

comment by Robberto Garnacho (U22716)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Robberto Garnacho (U22716)
posted 32 seconds ago
It’s a sad indictment of the new racist and Islamophobic twitter that so many people are defending the police. Guarantee those same people would be defending the person on the ground if they were white and the police were black or Muslim. Add to that the contemptuous defence of the white cops who killed that woman with who had the saucepan in the US and we see that racism is fair game in a way it’s never been in my lifetime. I wonder where this all leads to?

What bit confuses you? Do you deny that people on social media are allowed to be straight up racist in a way never seen before? That the rise of the far right in Europe is happening in a facking scary way that means people watch videos like this and back the police?
You obviously know more about the incident than I do, please relate the full story including events leading up to the arrests so we can comment further.

posted on 24/7/24

“One male officer has been removed from operational duties and we are making a voluntary referral of our policing response to the Independent Office of Police Conduct.“

Sounds like Greater Manchester Police probably don’t think it’s acceptable to kick a man in the face and stamp on his head either.

posted on 24/7/24

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 31 seconds ago
comment by Robberto Garnacho (U22716)
posted less than a minute ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Robberto Garnacho (U22716)
posted 32 seconds ago
It’s a sad indictment of the new racist and Islamophobic twitter that so many people are defending the police. Guarantee those same people would be defending the person on the ground if they were white and the police were black or Muslim. Add to that the contemptuous defence of the white cops who killed that woman with who had the saucepan in the US and we see that racism is fair game in a way it’s never been in my lifetime. I wonder where this all leads to?

What bit confuses you? Do you deny that people on social media are allowed to be straight up racist in a way never seen before? That the rise of the far right in Europe is happening in a facking scary way that means people watch videos like this and back the police?
You obviously know more about the incident than I do, please relate the full story including events leading up to the arrests so we can comment further.

Are you genuinely this moronic? Nothing that led up to it justifies the police kicking and stamping on the head of a person who was already under control. You trying to defend this makes you look like an absolute caant.

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 24/7/24

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted about a minute ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 27 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 40 minutes ago
comment by Tu Meke (U3732)
posted 18 seconds ago
Update on airport incident:

The mother was racially abused, called the P word along with a profanity by a fellow passenger. He also pushed his trolley in to her.

The mother told the sons regarding the abuse.

Altercation took place, police turned up & sided without context. They also pushed the mother During the search operation.

More officers have turned, this time armed police. They have also taken one of the lads to the side in this time & made serious threats.

They also then proceeded to carry out further brutality seen in the video.

Totally unsubstantiated Twitter bollox.

People and police now saying that the arrested men had entered the airport terminal, assault some people and were caught trying to make their way back to the car park which probably explains why they had no bags with them.

You can't call something unsubstantiated bollox and then follow it up by posting unsubstantiated bollox yourself.
I know that's Twitter but it is an actual statement

And the only bit you got right was the car park. The rest of your post was unsubstantiated.

posted on 24/7/24

comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 3 seconds ago
“One male officer has been removed from operational duties and we are making a voluntary referral of our policing response to the Independent Office of Police Conduct.“

Sounds like Greater Manchester Police probably don’t think it’s acceptable to kick a man in the face and stamp on his head either.

Yeah but did they see the whole video 😅

I wonder if Boris is related to the cop and that’s the only reason he’s defending the indefensible

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 24/7/24

Also I love how they've got a man with a Muslim name to make that statement. Do assistant chief constables usually do this? Genuine question.

posted on 24/7/24

I think Boris read he’s a City fan.

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 24/7/24

He's used to defending corruption with complete bollox.

posted on 24/7/24

comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 58 seconds ago
I think Boris read he’s a City fan.

If they jail the cop the Etihad will lose 50% of their season ticket income

posted on 24/7/24

comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 42 seconds ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted about a minute ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 27 minutes ago
comment by Boris 'Inky’ Gibson (U5901)
posted 40 minutes ago
comment by Tu Meke (U3732)
posted 18 seconds ago
Update on airport incident:

The mother was racially abused, called the P word along with a profanity by a fellow passenger. He also pushed his trolley in to her.

The mother told the sons regarding the abuse.

Altercation took place, police turned up & sided without context. They also pushed the mother During the search operation.

More officers have turned, this time armed police. They have also taken one of the lads to the side in this time & made serious threats.

They also then proceeded to carry out further brutality seen in the video.

Totally unsubstantiated Twitter bollox.

People and police now saying that the arrested men had entered the airport terminal, assault some people and were caught trying to make their way back to the car park which probably explains why they had no bags with them.

You can't call something unsubstantiated bollox and then follow it up by posting unsubstantiated bollox yourself.
I know that's Twitter but it is an actual statement
Yeah I think it’s fair to say that’s substantiated but even then (I know you’re not defending) that kick and stamp on a criminal (technically suspected criminal) when they’re prone, hands by their sides and not moving I.e. voluntarily or involuntarily compliant, is unacceptable and assault, serious assault.

Furthermore, it’s just another example of gross misconduct by a police officer when it is a time for demonstrating exemplary behaviour to gain public trust and respect. I know that we won’t have videos of heroism and brave benevolent behaviour from police pushed at us by algorithms, almost exclusively the bad; but that’s the world we’re in and given that, police need to be even better. Much worse than this happened back in the day and probably more frequently per capita (and taking into account that there were no camera phones and likely much less reporting of misconduct by police). As a society we can HOPE for a time where behaviour like this is a thing of the past. But as a society all we can demand or expect is that consequences are forthcoming and justice is served having acknowledged that there are bad people amongst us, that we all make mistakes (this police officer MAY not have ever done anything like this in his life but just lost it in the heat of the moment - [not excusing it]) ergo these moment of evil and immorality will happen and therefore the next best outcome is legal justice being served. We’re in a country where that happens by and large, not perfectly by any means but there aren’t many countries in the world that fairly and reasonably upholds law better than we do overall. We shouldn’t let the failures and wrongdoings entirely dominate our overall judgement of our legal system.

posted on 24/7/24

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)
posted 11 minutes ago
Also I love how they've got a man with a Muslim name to make that statement. Do assistant chief constables usually do this? Genuine question.
This reminds me of an old question time when a guy from the audience was making a point about the ineptitude of the police being due to so many unnecessary positions like that:

‘Chief constable….assistant chief constable…..deputy chief constable….assistant deputy chief constable’

Was funny

posted on 24/7/24

Furthermore, it’s just another example of gross misconduct by a police officer when it is a time for demonstrating exemplary behaviour to gain public trust and respect.
This is my biggest issue with it, that’s exactly what they need to be doing when there’s such mistrust in the police.

And also why the response by the authorities and our judiciary need to proportional, for the same reasons you’ve outlined.

posted on 25/7/24

comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 11 minutes ago
Furthermore, it’s just another example of gross misconduct by a police officer when it is a time for demonstrating exemplary behaviour to gain public trust and respect.
This is my biggest issue with it, that’s exactly what they need to be doing when there’s such mistrust in the police.

And also why the response by the authorities and our judiciary need to proportional, for the same reasons you’ve outlined.
Indeed. Whether it’s something that I generally support (like the police force, a Conservative government or member, a united footballer, a colleague even a friend), I would want justice to be served regardless of the PR / optics factor. I’m just big on justice being served in as fair and advanced a way possible.

This officer, first time losing it vs a history - fine punish him more if he has form but he must face the same consequences that all of us would & should.

The bar has been risen, mostly with mobile phones; time to up your game as much as you can and when you fail, you face proper consequences. I have no doubt that this guy will face justice and he’s ruined his life. Hopefully he hasn’t ruined the life of the guy he booted in the head twice also…

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 25/7/24

Much like the IDF, you wonder how much these caaaants got away with before mobile cameras.

posted on 25/7/24

I agree with that. I think we should always hold our police to the highest standards because if we don’t then we put the public at risk. Not just by them abusing their power, but the lack of trust in them puts them at risk when the public don’t feel they can go to them to get the protection and justice they need - nowhere is that better illustrated than the Met.

posted on 25/7/24

comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 18 seconds ago
I agree with that. I think we should always hold our police to the highest standards because if we don’t then we put the public at risk. Not just by them abusing their power, but the lack of trust in them puts them at risk when the public don’t feel they can go to them to get the protection and justice they need - nowhere is that better illustrated than the Met.
Well, that last part isn’t true. There’s not many that are better, sad as that is

posted on 25/7/24

I mean the lack of trust in the Met by the public. I think that’s had consequences in London for people that don’t feel they can help them.

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 25/7/24

There are far too many examples of police misconduct for there to be any trust in them from the public.

posted on 25/7/24

comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 22 seconds ago
I mean the lack of trust in the Met by the public. I think that’s had consequences in London for people that don’t feel they can help them.
Oh sure. Perhaps I was being pedantic by implying that there are obviously even worse examples out there in the world.

posted on 25/7/24

Oh, gotcha. I was talking from the perspective of the UK, and holding them to the highest standards. Obviously I wouldn’t want to hold them to the standards of the Americans or the French.

posted on 25/7/24

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)
posted 1 minute ago
There are far too many examples of police misconduct for there to be any trust in them from the public.
Well this is a tough one for me because I obviously don’t accept misconduct when it happens but I accept that it will happen and will continue to happen for a long time. I just hope that it continues to decline. But this is where it gets tough because public perception is heavily skewed by what is put in front of them online / by the media. As I said hypothesised before, I bet these kind of things are less common now than they were when our parents were kids but trust is probably lower then it was then. Standards have gone up and the misconduct is caught more, reported more and made public more so it will seem worse when it actually may not be.

posted on 25/7/24

comment by Darren The String Fletcher (U10026)
posted 2 minutes ago
Oh, gotcha. I was talking from the perspective of the UK, and holding them to the highest standards. Obviously I wouldn’t want to hold them to the standards of the Americans or the French.
Didn’t know the French were bad tbh. Must be to be mentioned in the same breath as the Americans

posted on 25/7/24

I don’t think they are that bad, I’m just not passing up an opportunity to have a pop at the French.

Page 4447 of 4622

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