Anyone want to be a saint and give me a quick rundown on the UK politicians? It be easier if you give me a US comparison to them.
comment by Robbing_Hoody - condoning assaults on inanimate objects since 2017 (U6374)
posted 7 minutes ago
It is a good thing if you're prepared to work hard.
You are clueless. There is less social mobility than ever in the past 200 years. Working hard has little to do with it and with education yet again becoming the privilage of the rich this will get worse. I work in recruitment and have worked on various government employment contracts and youre simply wrong. How the fvck can the top 1% double their wealth during austerity? Youre deluding yourself.0
Tories have done well with apprenticeships and thats about it.
The top 1% are not the ones who is going to benefit from the proposed tax cut. But mainly workers who are fortunate to earn above average salary.
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 4 seconds ago
comment by Robbing_Hoody - condoning assaults on inanimate objects since 2017 (U6374)
posted 7 minutes ago
It is a good thing if you're prepared to work hard.
You are clueless. There is less social mobility than ever in the past 200 years. Working hard has little to do with it and with education yet again becoming the privilage of the rich this will get worse. I work in recruitment and have worked on various government employment contracts and youre simply wrong. How the fvck can the top 1% double their wealth during austerity? Youre deluding yourself.0
Tories have done well with apprenticeships and thats about it.
The top 1% are not the ones who is going to benefit from the proposed tax cut. But mainly workers who are fortunate to earn above average salary.
The top 5%.
If you earn over £80k, you’re in the top 5% of UK earners.
comment by rosso is facking happy (U17054)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Robbing_Hoody - condoning assaults on inanimate objects since 2017 (U6374)
posted 1 minute ago
All I keep seeing from Mancini is what he hopes will happen and that "people" will have things in place. Absolutely nothing tangible whatsoever just some hope.
I have more faith in Jedi's
I have seen lots of evidence across various sectors of the economy to convince me that the British people are already 2 steps ahead of the Brexit curve. Unless you want to believe in the Remain propaganda machine.
Remember they told us 800k job losses simply by voting leave?
Paris & Frankfurt have also recently accepted that they over estimated the number of businesses that was going to relocate because of Brexit.
Next, if Boris delivers Brexit, many people are going to be surprised at how resilient this country is.
CBI report just published has shown a record fall in investment figures over the last quarter.
NIESR has also just published a report stating we’re headed for recession.
But you ignored the other reports which stated the following:
The UK received the largest FDI within the past year; higher than France and Germany combined.
Unemployment is at it's lowest levels
Export to non EU countries is ever increasing compared to our exports to the EU.
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by rosso is facking happy(U17054)
posted 4 minutes ago
You didn’t explain how Boris is going to deliver Brexit. Can you paint a picture for us please?
I don't know how he plans to deliver it.
But at least we now have someone who is prepared to walk away if the EU refuse to negotiate.
Also, for the past 3 years, only our politicians have been under pressure to deliver Brexit.
As October 31 draws near, I expect to start hearing noises from Belgium, Germany and France.
And if the MPs stop Boris, then they will be replaced by the Brexit party.
If Boris “walks away”, there will be a vote of no confidence immediately, which he will lose, and a GE.
Regardless, Parliament will prevent a no deal exit.
How does he get the WA passed or force a no deal Brexit?
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 16 seconds ago
comment by rosso is facking happy(U17054)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Robbing_Hoody - condoning assaults on inanimate objects since 2017 (U6374)
posted 1 minute ago
All I keep seeing from Mancini is what he hopes will happen and that "people" will have things in place. Absolutely nothing tangible whatsoever just some hope.
I have more faith in Jedi's
I have seen lots of evidence across various sectors of the economy to convince me that the British people are already 2 steps ahead of the Brexit curve. Unless you want to believe in the Remain propaganda machine.
Remember they told us 800k job losses simply by voting leave?
Paris & Frankfurt have also recently accepted that they over estimated the number of businesses that was going to relocate because of Brexit.
Next, if Boris delivers Brexit, many people are going to be surprised at how resilient this country is.
CBI report just published has shown a record fall in investment figures over the last quarter.
NIESR has also just published a report stating we’re headed for recession.
But you ignored the other reports which stated the following:
The UK received the largest FDI within the past year; higher than France and Germany combined.
Unemployment is at it's lowest levels
Export to non EU countries is ever increasing compared to our exports to the EU.
I have not ignored those reports.
But they don’t counter the direct evidence of plummeting investment levels and impending recession.
comment by rosso is facking happy (U17054)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 4 seconds ago
comment by Robbing_Hoody - condoning assaults on inanimate objects since 2017 (U6374)
posted 7 minutes ago
It is a good thing if you're prepared to work hard.
You are clueless. There is less social mobility than ever in the past 200 years. Working hard has little to do with it and with education yet again becoming the privilage of the rich this will get worse. I work in recruitment and have worked on various government employment contracts and youre simply wrong. How the fvck can the top 1% double their wealth during austerity? Youre deluding yourself.0
Tories have done well with apprenticeships and thats about it.
The top 1% are not the ones who is going to benefit from the proposed tax cut. But mainly workers who are fortunate to earn above average salary.
The top 5%.
If you earn over £80k, you’re in the top 5% of UK earners.
A proposed basic rate of tax at £80k covers everyone earning anything from £46k and up to £80k. These are the ones I am referring to in my post.
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 41 minutes ago
comment by rosso is facking happy(U17054)
posted 19 minutes ago
comment by 🏆🏆🏆Allison Chains🏆🏆🏆 (U3979)
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by Robbing_Hoody - condoning assaults on inanimate objects since 2017 (U6374)
posted 6 seconds ago
comment by 🏆🏆🏆Allison Chains🏆🏆🏆 (U3979)
posted 24 seconds ago
comment by Robbing_Hoody - condoning assaults on inanimate objects since 2017 (U6374)
posted 1 minute ago
Yes let's cut tax for the rich
£80k in London is not rich ffs
Tell that to the starving and homeless. You're so naive it's nauseating.
Tell that to the people working 12 hour days in London unable to live in anything other than a bedsit.
£80k rich
Of course it is.
If you earn £80k, you’re in the 95th percentile of one of the wealthiest countries in the world.
You’re literally in the top one percent of earners worldwide.
When I was earning that sort of money I could’ve had an absolutely ridiculous lifestyle if I’d wanted.
Earning £80k you’re rich literally anywhere in the world, you clown.
Being rich is relative though.
£80k in London is not rich. But outside of London, then that's another story.
However, if the govt policy puts more money into the pocket of the individual, it usually ends up boosting the economy. So I don't see why anyone should be against this. Unless of course, that person is jealous of those who earn that sort of wages.
Bang on.
Resilience and hope, the driving force of Brexit.
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
comment by rosso is facking happy (U17054)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by rosso is facking happy(U17054)
posted 4 minutes ago
You didn’t explain how Boris is going to deliver Brexit. Can you paint a picture for us please?
I don't know how he plans to deliver it.
But at least we now have someone who is prepared to walk away if the EU refuse to negotiate.
Also, for the past 3 years, only our politicians have been under pressure to deliver Brexit.
As October 31 draws near, I expect to start hearing noises from Belgium, Germany and France.
And if the MPs stop Boris, then they will be replaced by the Brexit party.
If Boris “walks away”, there will be a vote of no confidence immediately, which he will lose, and a GE.
Regardless, Parliament will prevent a no deal exit.
How does he get the WA passed or force a no deal Brexit?
The WA is dead. It's been rejected 3 times.
The focus now should be on a free trade deal.
If the EU refuses, then he should walk away.
If the MPs cast a vote of no confidence, then these MPs will have to face the people in a GE. And remember, it's the people who voted for Brexit.
On a side note, I would recommend you watch Dr David Starkey's discussion on Youtube and how he drew a parallel between this Brexit and the first Brexit(he referred to this as the second Brexit).
comment by rosso is facking happy (U17054)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 16 seconds ago
comment by rosso is facking happy(U17054)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Robbing_Hoody - condoning assaults on inanimate objects since 2017 (U6374)
posted 1 minute ago
All I keep seeing from Mancini is what he hopes will happen and that "people" will have things in place. Absolutely nothing tangible whatsoever just some hope.
I have more faith in Jedi's
I have seen lots of evidence across various sectors of the economy to convince me that the British people are already 2 steps ahead of the Brexit curve. Unless you want to believe in the Remain propaganda machine.
Remember they told us 800k job losses simply by voting leave?
Paris & Frankfurt have also recently accepted that they over estimated the number of businesses that was going to relocate because of Brexit.
Next, if Boris delivers Brexit, many people are going to be surprised at how resilient this country is.
CBI report just published has shown a record fall in investment figures over the last quarter.
NIESR has also just published a report stating we’re headed for recession.
But you ignored the other reports which stated the following:
The UK received the largest FDI within the past year; higher than France and Germany combined.
Unemployment is at it's lowest levels
Export to non EU countries is ever increasing compared to our exports to the EU.
I have not ignored those reports.
But they don’t counter the direct evidence of plummeting investment levels and impending recession.
When you say "plumetting investment", compared to Germany and France, we are doing far better. And thats why they are terrified of us leaving.
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 18 minutes ago
comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? Better than Gozer the Gozerian (U3126)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? Better than Gozer the Gozerian (U3126)
posted 47 minutes ago
How is a no-deal in any way sustainable? And how long would it take to negotiate a FTA (from a position of absolute desperation) with the EU?
And when UKrep sit down with their EU counterparts in the midst of a recession, food and water shortages, civil unrest, and a significantly weaker pound etc etc. do you know the three things the EU will demand to be settled in return before they would open talks?
Financial settlement, citizens’ rights, and the Irish border.
So much has been discussed about no deal with very little detail or insight, which is reflective of the wider Brexit debate.
You seem to know much about the inne workings of the EU. We had no drinking water before 1975.
And Britain will not survive without the EU. Wao.
This is how condescending you view this country.
The majority of impact assessments (no deal) I've read were from the UK government. You know the ones they tried to stop getting out?
See also in regard to food.
In regard to water, water companies started stockpiling chemicals that are used to purify drinking water some time ago. As this BBC article refers to.
Stocks will not last indefinitely and like in countless other sectors resources will be impacted. Especially perishables with a short shelf life.
Like radiopharmacy isotopes which are used to treat cancer patients:
I guess it really boils down to do you listen and learn from the sectors and businesses impacted, or dismiss all of their concerns out of hand?
So how do countries outside the EU survive then? Especially with regards to water purification?
One thing I'm sure of is that problems in society is often an opportunity for business to thrive.
All these issues you mentioned would have been scoped by some smart people across the country and plans are going to be put in place to take the opportunity that comes with Brexit. Something the Remainers often overlook.
Guess what, countries (who are geographically close) also have close economic relations with their trading partners too.
And over time enchance market access outwith their baseline WTO commitments.
None of whom have reached the technical and advanced integration as the EUs single market. It is the pinnacle of trade blocs.
And due its size and influence the EU has been able to gain preferential market access to economies all over the world. Both unilaterally (Japan, Canada, Brazil etc) and multilaterally.
The most recent example being Mercosur:
In isolation the UK will not be able to attain the same level of market access. As we are smaller, with a lesser economy.
A common misconception from Brexiters is that the other countries economies are growing faster than the EU. Which in part is true. But growth does not equate to wealth.
In the same way I am developing quicker as a golfer than Tiger Woods because my handicap is reducing quicker than his.
But who's the better golfer?
comment by Ed The King Woodward (U10026)
posted 2 minutes ago
Resilience and hope, the driving force of Brexit.
And it's what has made this country great from one generation to the next.
Even in our darkest days, our resilience and hope saw us through. And I trust in the British spirit to see us through any difficulty Brexit may bring.
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by rosso is facking happy(U17054)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 4 seconds ago
comment by Robbing_Hoody - condoning assaults on inanimate objects since 2017 (U6374)
posted 7 minutes ago
It is a good thing if you're prepared to work hard.
You are clueless. There is less social mobility than ever in the past 200 years. Working hard has little to do with it and with education yet again becoming the privilage of the rich this will get worse. I work in recruitment and have worked on various government employment contracts and youre simply wrong. How the fvck can the top 1% double their wealth during austerity? Youre deluding yourself.0
Tories have done well with apprenticeships and thats about it.
The top 1% are not the ones who is going to benefit from the proposed tax cut. But mainly workers who are fortunate to earn above average salary.
The top 5%.
If you earn over £80k, you’re in the top 5% of UK earners.
A proposed basic rate of tax at £80k covers everyone earning anything from £46k and up to £80k. These are the ones I am referring to in my post.
Fair point.
That’s the top 15% of UK earners then.
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by rosso is facking happy(U17054)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Robbing_Hoody - condoning assaults on inanimate objects since 2017 (U6374)
posted 1 minute ago
All I keep seeing from Mancini is what he hopes will happen and that "people" will have things in place. Absolutely nothing tangible whatsoever just some hope.
I have more faith in Jedi's
I have seen lots of evidence across various sectors of the economy to convince me that the British people are already 2 steps ahead of the Brexit curve. Unless you want to believe in the Remain propaganda machine.
Remember they told us 800k job losses simply by voting leave?
Paris & Frankfurt have also recently accepted that they over estimated the number of businesses that was going to relocate because of Brexit.
Next, if Boris delivers Brexit, many people are going to be surprised at how resilient this country is.
CBI report just published has shown a record fall in investment figures over the last quarter.
NIESR has also just published a report stating we’re headed for recession.
But you ignored the other reports which stated the following:
The UK received the largest FDI within the past year; higher than France and Germany combined.
Unemployment is at it's lowest levels
Export to non EU countries is ever increasing compared to our exports to the EU.
How many of these countries do the UK benefit from EU membership? And how many preferential trade agreements will be grandfathered?
I’m sure you do, but with respect, you are facking deluded.
Regardless, Parliament will prevent a no deal exit.
I thought the UK will leave the EU on the 31st October Deal or No Deal.
The only hope is the Tories (this could well happen) stab Boris in the back and go along with a No Confidence vote.
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Ed The King Woodward (U10026)
posted 2 minutes ago
Resilience and hope, the driving force of Brexit.
And it's what has made this country great from one generation to the next.
Even in our darkest days, our resilience and hope saw us through. And I trust in the British spirit to see us through any difficulty Brexit may bring.
No, in the UK's darkest days (WW2) we relied on help and mutual cooperation with our allies.
No amount of belief and spirit can alter reality.
comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? Better than Gozer the Gozerian (U3126)
You do realise no Brexiteer is against trading with the EU?
What we are generally against is the political union.
Even Merkel acknowledged this.
The only hope is the Tories (this could well happen) stab Boris in the back and go along with a No Confidence vote.
I imagine Hammond, Grieve et al will do it if necessary.
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by rosso is facking happy(U17054)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 16 seconds ago
comment by rosso is facking happy(U17054)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Robbing_Hoody - condoning assaults on inanimate objects since 2017 (U6374)
posted 1 minute ago
All I keep seeing from Mancini is what he hopes will happen and that "people" will have things in place. Absolutely nothing tangible whatsoever just some hope.
I have more faith in Jedi's
I have seen lots of evidence across various sectors of the economy to convince me that the British people are already 2 steps ahead of the Brexit curve. Unless you want to believe in the Remain propaganda machine.
Remember they told us 800k job losses simply by voting leave?
Paris & Frankfurt have also recently accepted that they over estimated the number of businesses that was going to relocate because of Brexit.
Next, if Boris delivers Brexit, many people are going to be surprised at how resilient this country is.
CBI report just published has shown a record fall in investment figures over the last quarter.
NIESR has also just published a report stating we’re headed for recession.
But you ignored the other reports which stated the following:
The UK received the largest FDI within the past year; higher than France and Germany combined.
Unemployment is at it's lowest levels
Export to non EU countries is ever increasing compared to our exports to the EU.
I have not ignored those reports.
But they don’t counter the direct evidence of plummeting investment levels and impending recession.
When you say "plumetting investment", compared to Germany and France, we are doing far better. And thats why they are terrified of us leaving.
Where did you get that from?
The latest OECD data says otherwise.
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 19 seconds ago
comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? Better than Gozer the Gozerian (U3126)
You do realise no Brexiteer is against trading with the EU?
What we are generally against is the political union.
Even Merkel acknowledged this.
So why the necessity to leave the sm and cu? What tangible benefits are there in downgrading our trading relationship with the EU and the wider global economy?
comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? Better than Gozer the Gozerian (U3126)
How many of these countries do the UK benefit from EU membership? And how many preferential trade agreements will be grandfathered?
Don't know exact numbers yet. But rest assured countries have been queuing up to discuss trade with us since the referendum. Even the Japanese minister released a video about his country's willingness to do a deal with us.
comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 3 minutes ago
Regardless, Parliament will prevent a no deal exit.
I thought the UK will leave the EU on the 31st October Deal or No Deal.
The only hope is the Tories (this could well happen) stab Boris in the back and go along with a No Confidence vote.
The default under current legislation is a no deal Brexit.
Parliament will pass legislation preventing that happening though, without a doubt. Boris can’t atop that happening.
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The official decline of this country
Page 13 of 17
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posted on 23/7/19
Anyone want to be a saint and give me a quick rundown on the UK politicians? It be easier if you give me a US comparison to them.
posted on 23/7/19
comment by Robbing_Hoody - condoning assaults on inanimate objects since 2017 (U6374)
posted 7 minutes ago
It is a good thing if you're prepared to work hard.
You are clueless. There is less social mobility than ever in the past 200 years. Working hard has little to do with it and with education yet again becoming the privilage of the rich this will get worse. I work in recruitment and have worked on various government employment contracts and youre simply wrong. How the fvck can the top 1% double their wealth during austerity? Youre deluding yourself.0
Tories have done well with apprenticeships and thats about it.
The top 1% are not the ones who is going to benefit from the proposed tax cut. But mainly workers who are fortunate to earn above average salary.
posted on 23/7/19
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 4 seconds ago
comment by Robbing_Hoody - condoning assaults on inanimate objects since 2017 (U6374)
posted 7 minutes ago
It is a good thing if you're prepared to work hard.
You are clueless. There is less social mobility than ever in the past 200 years. Working hard has little to do with it and with education yet again becoming the privilage of the rich this will get worse. I work in recruitment and have worked on various government employment contracts and youre simply wrong. How the fvck can the top 1% double their wealth during austerity? Youre deluding yourself.0
Tories have done well with apprenticeships and thats about it.
The top 1% are not the ones who is going to benefit from the proposed tax cut. But mainly workers who are fortunate to earn above average salary.
The top 5%.
If you earn over £80k, you’re in the top 5% of UK earners.
posted on 23/7/19
comment by rosso is facking happy (U17054)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Robbing_Hoody - condoning assaults on inanimate objects since 2017 (U6374)
posted 1 minute ago
All I keep seeing from Mancini is what he hopes will happen and that "people" will have things in place. Absolutely nothing tangible whatsoever just some hope.
I have more faith in Jedi's
I have seen lots of evidence across various sectors of the economy to convince me that the British people are already 2 steps ahead of the Brexit curve. Unless you want to believe in the Remain propaganda machine.
Remember they told us 800k job losses simply by voting leave?
Paris & Frankfurt have also recently accepted that they over estimated the number of businesses that was going to relocate because of Brexit.
Next, if Boris delivers Brexit, many people are going to be surprised at how resilient this country is.
CBI report just published has shown a record fall in investment figures over the last quarter.
NIESR has also just published a report stating we’re headed for recession.
But you ignored the other reports which stated the following:
The UK received the largest FDI within the past year; higher than France and Germany combined.
Unemployment is at it's lowest levels
Export to non EU countries is ever increasing compared to our exports to the EU.
posted on 23/7/19
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by rosso is facking happy(U17054)
posted 4 minutes ago
You didn’t explain how Boris is going to deliver Brexit. Can you paint a picture for us please?
I don't know how he plans to deliver it.
But at least we now have someone who is prepared to walk away if the EU refuse to negotiate.
Also, for the past 3 years, only our politicians have been under pressure to deliver Brexit.
As October 31 draws near, I expect to start hearing noises from Belgium, Germany and France.
And if the MPs stop Boris, then they will be replaced by the Brexit party.
If Boris “walks away”, there will be a vote of no confidence immediately, which he will lose, and a GE.
Regardless, Parliament will prevent a no deal exit.
How does he get the WA passed or force a no deal Brexit?
posted on 23/7/19
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 16 seconds ago
comment by rosso is facking happy(U17054)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Robbing_Hoody - condoning assaults on inanimate objects since 2017 (U6374)
posted 1 minute ago
All I keep seeing from Mancini is what he hopes will happen and that "people" will have things in place. Absolutely nothing tangible whatsoever just some hope.
I have more faith in Jedi's
I have seen lots of evidence across various sectors of the economy to convince me that the British people are already 2 steps ahead of the Brexit curve. Unless you want to believe in the Remain propaganda machine.
Remember they told us 800k job losses simply by voting leave?
Paris & Frankfurt have also recently accepted that they over estimated the number of businesses that was going to relocate because of Brexit.
Next, if Boris delivers Brexit, many people are going to be surprised at how resilient this country is.
CBI report just published has shown a record fall in investment figures over the last quarter.
NIESR has also just published a report stating we’re headed for recession.
But you ignored the other reports which stated the following:
The UK received the largest FDI within the past year; higher than France and Germany combined.
Unemployment is at it's lowest levels
Export to non EU countries is ever increasing compared to our exports to the EU.
I have not ignored those reports.
But they don’t counter the direct evidence of plummeting investment levels and impending recession.
posted on 23/7/19
comment by rosso is facking happy (U17054)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 4 seconds ago
comment by Robbing_Hoody - condoning assaults on inanimate objects since 2017 (U6374)
posted 7 minutes ago
It is a good thing if you're prepared to work hard.
You are clueless. There is less social mobility than ever in the past 200 years. Working hard has little to do with it and with education yet again becoming the privilage of the rich this will get worse. I work in recruitment and have worked on various government employment contracts and youre simply wrong. How the fvck can the top 1% double their wealth during austerity? Youre deluding yourself.0
Tories have done well with apprenticeships and thats about it.
The top 1% are not the ones who is going to benefit from the proposed tax cut. But mainly workers who are fortunate to earn above average salary.
The top 5%.
If you earn over £80k, you’re in the top 5% of UK earners.
A proposed basic rate of tax at £80k covers everyone earning anything from £46k and up to £80k. These are the ones I am referring to in my post.
posted on 23/7/19
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 41 minutes ago
comment by rosso is facking happy(U17054)
posted 19 minutes ago
comment by 🏆🏆🏆Allison Chains🏆🏆🏆 (U3979)
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by Robbing_Hoody - condoning assaults on inanimate objects since 2017 (U6374)
posted 6 seconds ago
comment by 🏆🏆🏆Allison Chains🏆🏆🏆 (U3979)
posted 24 seconds ago
comment by Robbing_Hoody - condoning assaults on inanimate objects since 2017 (U6374)
posted 1 minute ago
Yes let's cut tax for the rich
£80k in London is not rich ffs
Tell that to the starving and homeless. You're so naive it's nauseating.
Tell that to the people working 12 hour days in London unable to live in anything other than a bedsit.
£80k rich
Of course it is.
If you earn £80k, you’re in the 95th percentile of one of the wealthiest countries in the world.
You’re literally in the top one percent of earners worldwide.
When I was earning that sort of money I could’ve had an absolutely ridiculous lifestyle if I’d wanted.
Earning £80k you’re rich literally anywhere in the world, you clown.
Being rich is relative though.
£80k in London is not rich. But outside of London, then that's another story.
However, if the govt policy puts more money into the pocket of the individual, it usually ends up boosting the economy. So I don't see why anyone should be against this. Unless of course, that person is jealous of those who earn that sort of wages.
Bang on.
posted on 23/7/19
Resilience and hope, the driving force of Brexit.
posted on 23/7/19
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
posted on 23/7/19
comment by rosso is facking happy (U17054)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by rosso is facking happy(U17054)
posted 4 minutes ago
You didn’t explain how Boris is going to deliver Brexit. Can you paint a picture for us please?
I don't know how he plans to deliver it.
But at least we now have someone who is prepared to walk away if the EU refuse to negotiate.
Also, for the past 3 years, only our politicians have been under pressure to deliver Brexit.
As October 31 draws near, I expect to start hearing noises from Belgium, Germany and France.
And if the MPs stop Boris, then they will be replaced by the Brexit party.
If Boris “walks away”, there will be a vote of no confidence immediately, which he will lose, and a GE.
Regardless, Parliament will prevent a no deal exit.
How does he get the WA passed or force a no deal Brexit?
The WA is dead. It's been rejected 3 times.
The focus now should be on a free trade deal.
If the EU refuses, then he should walk away.
If the MPs cast a vote of no confidence, then these MPs will have to face the people in a GE. And remember, it's the people who voted for Brexit.
On a side note, I would recommend you watch Dr David Starkey's discussion on Youtube and how he drew a parallel between this Brexit and the first Brexit(he referred to this as the second Brexit).
posted on 23/7/19
comment by rosso is facking happy (U17054)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 16 seconds ago
comment by rosso is facking happy(U17054)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Robbing_Hoody - condoning assaults on inanimate objects since 2017 (U6374)
posted 1 minute ago
All I keep seeing from Mancini is what he hopes will happen and that "people" will have things in place. Absolutely nothing tangible whatsoever just some hope.
I have more faith in Jedi's
I have seen lots of evidence across various sectors of the economy to convince me that the British people are already 2 steps ahead of the Brexit curve. Unless you want to believe in the Remain propaganda machine.
Remember they told us 800k job losses simply by voting leave?
Paris & Frankfurt have also recently accepted that they over estimated the number of businesses that was going to relocate because of Brexit.
Next, if Boris delivers Brexit, many people are going to be surprised at how resilient this country is.
CBI report just published has shown a record fall in investment figures over the last quarter.
NIESR has also just published a report stating we’re headed for recession.
But you ignored the other reports which stated the following:
The UK received the largest FDI within the past year; higher than France and Germany combined.
Unemployment is at it's lowest levels
Export to non EU countries is ever increasing compared to our exports to the EU.
I have not ignored those reports.
But they don’t counter the direct evidence of plummeting investment levels and impending recession.
When you say "plumetting investment", compared to Germany and France, we are doing far better. And thats why they are terrified of us leaving.
posted on 23/7/19
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 18 minutes ago
comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? Better than Gozer the Gozerian (U3126)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? Better than Gozer the Gozerian (U3126)
posted 47 minutes ago
How is a no-deal in any way sustainable? And how long would it take to negotiate a FTA (from a position of absolute desperation) with the EU?
And when UKrep sit down with their EU counterparts in the midst of a recession, food and water shortages, civil unrest, and a significantly weaker pound etc etc. do you know the three things the EU will demand to be settled in return before they would open talks?
Financial settlement, citizens’ rights, and the Irish border.
So much has been discussed about no deal with very little detail or insight, which is reflective of the wider Brexit debate.
You seem to know much about the inne workings of the EU. We had no drinking water before 1975.
And Britain will not survive without the EU. Wao.
This is how condescending you view this country.
The majority of impact assessments (no deal) I've read were from the UK government. You know the ones they tried to stop getting out?
See also in regard to food.
In regard to water, water companies started stockpiling chemicals that are used to purify drinking water some time ago. As this BBC article refers to.
Stocks will not last indefinitely and like in countless other sectors resources will be impacted. Especially perishables with a short shelf life.
Like radiopharmacy isotopes which are used to treat cancer patients:
I guess it really boils down to do you listen and learn from the sectors and businesses impacted, or dismiss all of their concerns out of hand?
So how do countries outside the EU survive then? Especially with regards to water purification?
One thing I'm sure of is that problems in society is often an opportunity for business to thrive.
All these issues you mentioned would have been scoped by some smart people across the country and plans are going to be put in place to take the opportunity that comes with Brexit. Something the Remainers often overlook.
Guess what, countries (who are geographically close) also have close economic relations with their trading partners too.
And over time enchance market access outwith their baseline WTO commitments.
None of whom have reached the technical and advanced integration as the EUs single market. It is the pinnacle of trade blocs.
And due its size and influence the EU has been able to gain preferential market access to economies all over the world. Both unilaterally (Japan, Canada, Brazil etc) and multilaterally.
The most recent example being Mercosur:
In isolation the UK will not be able to attain the same level of market access. As we are smaller, with a lesser economy.
A common misconception from Brexiters is that the other countries economies are growing faster than the EU. Which in part is true. But growth does not equate to wealth.
In the same way I am developing quicker as a golfer than Tiger Woods because my handicap is reducing quicker than his.
But who's the better golfer?
posted on 23/7/19
comment by Ed The King Woodward (U10026)
posted 2 minutes ago
Resilience and hope, the driving force of Brexit.
And it's what has made this country great from one generation to the next.
Even in our darkest days, our resilience and hope saw us through. And I trust in the British spirit to see us through any difficulty Brexit may bring.
posted on 23/7/19
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by rosso is facking happy(U17054)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 4 seconds ago
comment by Robbing_Hoody - condoning assaults on inanimate objects since 2017 (U6374)
posted 7 minutes ago
It is a good thing if you're prepared to work hard.
You are clueless. There is less social mobility than ever in the past 200 years. Working hard has little to do with it and with education yet again becoming the privilage of the rich this will get worse. I work in recruitment and have worked on various government employment contracts and youre simply wrong. How the fvck can the top 1% double their wealth during austerity? Youre deluding yourself.0
Tories have done well with apprenticeships and thats about it.
The top 1% are not the ones who is going to benefit from the proposed tax cut. But mainly workers who are fortunate to earn above average salary.
The top 5%.
If you earn over £80k, you’re in the top 5% of UK earners.
A proposed basic rate of tax at £80k covers everyone earning anything from £46k and up to £80k. These are the ones I am referring to in my post.
Fair point.
That’s the top 15% of UK earners then.
posted on 23/7/19
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by rosso is facking happy(U17054)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Robbing_Hoody - condoning assaults on inanimate objects since 2017 (U6374)
posted 1 minute ago
All I keep seeing from Mancini is what he hopes will happen and that "people" will have things in place. Absolutely nothing tangible whatsoever just some hope.
I have more faith in Jedi's
I have seen lots of evidence across various sectors of the economy to convince me that the British people are already 2 steps ahead of the Brexit curve. Unless you want to believe in the Remain propaganda machine.
Remember they told us 800k job losses simply by voting leave?
Paris & Frankfurt have also recently accepted that they over estimated the number of businesses that was going to relocate because of Brexit.
Next, if Boris delivers Brexit, many people are going to be surprised at how resilient this country is.
CBI report just published has shown a record fall in investment figures over the last quarter.
NIESR has also just published a report stating we’re headed for recession.
But you ignored the other reports which stated the following:
The UK received the largest FDI within the past year; higher than France and Germany combined.
Unemployment is at it's lowest levels
Export to non EU countries is ever increasing compared to our exports to the EU.
How many of these countries do the UK benefit from EU membership? And how many preferential trade agreements will be grandfathered?
posted on 23/7/19
I’m sure you do, but with respect, you are facking deluded.
posted on 23/7/19
Regardless, Parliament will prevent a no deal exit.
I thought the UK will leave the EU on the 31st October Deal or No Deal.
The only hope is the Tories (this could well happen) stab Boris in the back and go along with a No Confidence vote.
posted on 23/7/19
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Ed The King Woodward (U10026)
posted 2 minutes ago
Resilience and hope, the driving force of Brexit.
And it's what has made this country great from one generation to the next.
Even in our darkest days, our resilience and hope saw us through. And I trust in the British spirit to see us through any difficulty Brexit may bring.
No, in the UK's darkest days (WW2) we relied on help and mutual cooperation with our allies.
No amount of belief and spirit can alter reality.
posted on 23/7/19
comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? Better than Gozer the Gozerian (U3126)
You do realise no Brexiteer is against trading with the EU?
What we are generally against is the political union.
Even Merkel acknowledged this.
posted on 23/7/19
The only hope is the Tories (this could well happen) stab Boris in the back and go along with a No Confidence vote.
I imagine Hammond, Grieve et al will do it if necessary.
posted on 23/7/19
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by rosso is facking happy(U17054)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 16 seconds ago
comment by rosso is facking happy(U17054)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Robbing_Hoody - condoning assaults on inanimate objects since 2017 (U6374)
posted 1 minute ago
All I keep seeing from Mancini is what he hopes will happen and that "people" will have things in place. Absolutely nothing tangible whatsoever just some hope.
I have more faith in Jedi's
I have seen lots of evidence across various sectors of the economy to convince me that the British people are already 2 steps ahead of the Brexit curve. Unless you want to believe in the Remain propaganda machine.
Remember they told us 800k job losses simply by voting leave?
Paris & Frankfurt have also recently accepted that they over estimated the number of businesses that was going to relocate because of Brexit.
Next, if Boris delivers Brexit, many people are going to be surprised at how resilient this country is.
CBI report just published has shown a record fall in investment figures over the last quarter.
NIESR has also just published a report stating we’re headed for recession.
But you ignored the other reports which stated the following:
The UK received the largest FDI within the past year; higher than France and Germany combined.
Unemployment is at it's lowest levels
Export to non EU countries is ever increasing compared to our exports to the EU.
I have not ignored those reports.
But they don’t counter the direct evidence of plummeting investment levels and impending recession.
When you say "plumetting investment", compared to Germany and France, we are doing far better. And thats why they are terrified of us leaving.
Where did you get that from?
The latest OECD data says otherwise.
posted on 23/7/19
comment by mancini (U7179)
posted 19 seconds ago
comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? Better than Gozer the Gozerian (U3126)
You do realise no Brexiteer is against trading with the EU?
What we are generally against is the political union.
Even Merkel acknowledged this.
So why the necessity to leave the sm and cu? What tangible benefits are there in downgrading our trading relationship with the EU and the wider global economy?
posted on 23/7/19
comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? Better than Gozer the Gozerian (U3126)
How many of these countries do the UK benefit from EU membership? And how many preferential trade agreements will be grandfathered?
Don't know exact numbers yet. But rest assured countries have been queuing up to discuss trade with us since the referendum. Even the Japanese minister released a video about his country's willingness to do a deal with us.
posted on 23/7/19
comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 3 minutes ago
Regardless, Parliament will prevent a no deal exit.
I thought the UK will leave the EU on the 31st October Deal or No Deal.
The only hope is the Tories (this could well happen) stab Boris in the back and go along with a No Confidence vote.
The default under current legislation is a no deal Brexit.
Parliament will pass legislation preventing that happening though, without a doubt. Boris can’t atop that happening.
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