comment by Silver (U6112)
posted 13 minutes ago
comment by Lexington 125.2 (U8879)
posted 41 minutes ago
comment by Alisson Becker, Liverpool's Number 9 (U3979)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by DaveChels (U22639)
posted 55 seconds ago
Of course the bestest most exciting American sport is Ice Hockey. Invented by Canadians.
Now that is an excellent sport. Aside from never being able to see the damn puck
The only American sport I like.
FFS, is not being able to see things a sport now? Probably invented by the woke so that Stevie Wonder could get a medal.
It's people like this that really need to try expanding their horizons.
I just don’t get American sports
American football
Roller Blading
Log Rolling
All a bit weird
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 6 hours, 43 minutes ago
comment by Alisson Becker, Liverpool's Number 9 (U3979)
posted 5 minutes ago
Really like the sport, hate the half time show and smug American celebrities.
The sport might be good, I have no idea but my problem is I can't really see past the American smugness and the 'glamour' of it all. Makes me hate a sport I might have ended up liking. I can't tolerate it. I have to work with Americans a lot and they're just as bad. I just think my quota of them is overflowing. It's too much.
Oh, and don't get me started on Halloween. That's become massive and completely killed any interest in fireworks night and the whole Guy Fawkes meaning.
Halloween is an Irish and Scottish festivity, has nothing to do with the Yanks. Don't tell me you think St Patricks Day is also an American thing
comment by One Love - Admin 3 (U1250)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 6 hours, 43 minutes ago
comment by Alisson Becker, Liverpool's Number 9 (U3979)
posted 5 minutes ago
Really like the sport, hate the half time show and smug American celebrities.
The sport might be good, I have no idea but my problem is I can't really see past the American smugness and the 'glamour' of it all. Makes me hate a sport I might have ended up liking. I can't tolerate it. I have to work with Americans a lot and they're just as bad. I just think my quota of them is overflowing. It's too much.
Oh, and don't get me started on Halloween. That's become massive and completely killed any interest in fireworks night and the whole Guy Fawkes meaning.
Halloween is an Irish and Scottish festivity, has nothing to do with the Yanks. Don't tell me you think St Patricks Day is also an American thing
Whole of October majority of gardens festooned in Target tat and 10,20,30 pumpkins. Largesse and waste and they kinda look the same. I suppose they don’t do Xmas so much.
comment by Diamondlights (U20501)
posted 4 hours, 45 minutes ago
comment by Barefoot (U19770)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by DaveChels (U22639)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Barefoot (U19770)
posted 1 hour, 33 minutes ago
American Football is a good watch once you get into it. Also like their draft system from college. This way, teams that were poor (Bengals) can then challenge. Makes it more interesting than having the same teams challenge for the EPL
The draft system seems such a socialist idea for an American big money sport. Was pretty fun on football manager to play MLS where they had the same system.
Trading your draft picks instead of spending money. Here it could mean Norwich getting the next Rooney or whoever. Kinda sucks for the player I guess!
But Norwich could be kings of England with a good draft!
New England were half decent when Brady arrived and they're now one of or if not the most decorated team in NFL history.
Brady was once in lifetime pick.. selected 188 I think.... a total fluke, he was a nobody coming out of Michigan... What he and Bill Bellichek were able to achieve is unprecidented & won't be repeated. The draft system is brilliant for the Pros, less so for the College game as all the best talent goes to the big teams in SEC...... Football could learn a lot from the NFL in terms of the draft and a salary cap. Its sad that European football has resorted to stupid tribalism, volience, antisocial behavior among fans because the product on the field outside of the Likes of City, Liverpool, Inter & Bayern is pretty shlte. American sports are far from perfect but if you care about winning (Thats NOT Coming 4th) then they do their best for everyone to have a chance
comment by Sheriff JW Pepper (U1007)
posted 4 hours, 20 minutes ago
I hear there was a record 117million viewers...yeah I know right
All to watch two teams with about 80 players a side, all togged up in Ironman suits running into each other at an alarming rate
The ball is in play for about 8% of the entire match, & funny little fat men in striped shirts throw cloths about for reasons best known to themselves
Two billion chickens are murdered just for their wings in one day (what do they do with the rest of the carcass)
And if Levy get's his way Spurs will be hosting it next year
All in the name of entertainment
According to FIFA, the 2018 World Cup final between France and Croatia reached an average live audience of 517 million viewers, with more than than 1.1 billion people tuning in over its 90 minutes.
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 3 hours, 32 minutes ago
What always makes me laugh is this weird belief that footy is actually exciting. It is by and large crap and very uneventful. Ball dead for 35 minutes a game so hardly played at the so called 100 mph. NFL and college am. football are far more dramatic and exciting more often.
Maybe start watching a different team than Wolves
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 3 hours, 33 minutes ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 38 seconds ago
comment by Alisson Becker, Liverpool's Number 9 (U3979)
posted 35 seconds ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 47 seconds ago
As someone who played baseball for about 20 years of my life I can appreciate why those who have never tried it would be so afraid to give it a chance.
Without being able to appreciate the skill possessed by each player in their positions and the strategy called by the managers it may come off as a bunch of standing around. It’s almost all a game of reflexes and mind games.
After high school when I began making my first international friends I was so surprised to see how bad people in general are when throwing…any type of ball. I had always assumed it was a natural thing to learn to throw as a kid. Obviously there are levels.
But yeah even American football, which I will admit is not my thing, can be so good and so intense. This postseason has to go down as maybe the greatest in the history of nfl. It was so good. People need to quit being so miserable and give things a shot before writing em off.
I started playing at 27, I'm not 30 and only now can I properly throw a ball into the 70mph range. It's just something we're not taught in England.
Yup. Same with how we weren’t really taught football in America depending on which community you grew up in.
At my peak I could pitch 93mph with control. Had a fastball that tailed, a big annoying looping curveball, and a splitter that I kinda just developed on my own which looked a bit like a knuckleball but dipped at the last second each time. That was my knock out punch. Low 90’s fast ball with movement and curve I didn’t like but as soon as I had 2 strikes on you that splitter would take you out with either it’s movement or the dramatic shift in speed to about 80mph.
I am imagining half the folks on this thread reading that and currently sat scratching their heads deeply confused
I think most people reading that couldnt give a flying fack or skipped it all together
comment by One Love - Admin 3 (U1250)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 3 hours, 33 minutes ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 38 seconds ago
comment by Alisson Becker, Liverpool's Number 9 (U3979)
posted 35 seconds ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 47 seconds ago
As someone who played baseball for about 20 years of my life I can appreciate why those who have never tried it would be so afraid to give it a chance.
Without being able to appreciate the skill possessed by each player in their positions and the strategy called by the managers it may come off as a bunch of standing around. It’s almost all a game of reflexes and mind games.
After high school when I began making my first international friends I was so surprised to see how bad people in general are when throwing…any type of ball. I had always assumed it was a natural thing to learn to throw as a kid. Obviously there are levels.
But yeah even American football, which I will admit is not my thing, can be so good and so intense. This postseason has to go down as maybe the greatest in the history of nfl. It was so good. People need to quit being so miserable and give things a shot before writing em off.
I started playing at 27, I'm not 30 and only now can I properly throw a ball into the 70mph range. It's just something we're not taught in England.
Yup. Same with how we weren’t really taught football in America depending on which community you grew up in.
At my peak I could pitch 93mph with control. Had a fastball that tailed, a big annoying looping curveball, and a splitter that I kinda just developed on my own which looked a bit like a knuckleball but dipped at the last second each time. That was my knock out punch. Low 90’s fast ball with movement and curve I didn’t like but as soon as I had 2 strikes on you that splitter would take you out with either it’s movement or the dramatic shift in speed to about 80mph.
I am imagining half the folks on this thread reading that and currently sat scratching their heads deeply confused
I think most people reading that couldnt give a flying fack or skipped it all together
You are probably right, education is in short supply for many on here.
But that’s factually incorrect. There is 60mins of action precisely in NFL. The ball is in action for 60 minutes of that. It’s a 53 man squad, with 3 different teams within that. Offense, Defense & Special teams, and 20 Subs.
Ok sure the Refs do sometimes make bad decisions, but that’s the human element of it. But if you know the rules, you more or less know what they are flagging for.
And that shows you how big the NFL is when a domestic event is being compared to the World Cup.
Plus no ad company is paying the prem league 5 million pounds for 30 seconds of air time.
Last night I lost my Super Bowl virginity. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen plenty of the NFL whilst growing up, The Fall Guy, A-Team, then the NFL (fond memories).
Sadly, I wasted 90 minutes of my life watching that drivel till halftime, I then turned it off before more idiots graced us with their crap.
I understand that there are a lot of tactics that go into each play, but you can’t appreciate it as the plays last 5 seconds. This leads to over the top Americans (and ent they all) taking 10 minutes trying to analyse those 5 seconds.
Also, I can’t get behind a sport that is named totally wrong. If we were to take the Americans lead, we would call football, throwball, as it’s something that occasionally happens in the sport.
It’s just not for me!!!
comment by Nuno Espursito Santo (U22473)
posted 1 minute ago
Last night I lost my Super Bowl virginity. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen plenty of the NFL whilst growing up, The Fall Guy, A-Team, then the NFL (fond memories).
Sadly, I wasted 90 minutes of my life watching that drivel till halftime, I then turned it off before more idiots graced us with their crap.
I understand that there are a lot of tactics that go into each play, but you can’t appreciate it as the plays last 5 seconds. This leads to over the top Americans (and ent they all) taking 10 minutes trying to analyse those 5 seconds.
Also, I can’t get behind a sport that is named totally wrong. If we were to take the Americans lead, we would call football, throwball, as it’s something that occasionally happens in the sport.
It’s just not for me!!!
If I'd shown an American Liverpool v Burnley from yesterday, they'd be saying pretty much exactly what you're saying about the NFL.
We pretend football is always this amazing spectacle but it really isn't. Most teams play utterly dull uninspiring football.
That’s fair enough Nuno. You gave it a go, it’s not for you. you gotta think of it like Real violent Chess.
Teams make their move, attack/defend. Stop. Think. Make their move. And so on. And just like chess, once the ball is snapped to the QB, all kinds of possibilities are on the table.
By the way, you still a virgin, it seems like you pulled out early…
comment by Alisson Becker, Liverpool's Number 9 (U3979)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by Nuno Espursito Santo (U22473)
posted 1 minute ago
Last night I lost my Super Bowl virginity. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen plenty of the NFL whilst growing up, The Fall Guy, A-Team, then the NFL (fond memories).
Sadly, I wasted 90 minutes of my life watching that drivel till halftime, I then turned it off before more idiots graced us with their crap.
I understand that there are a lot of tactics that go into each play, but you can’t appreciate it as the plays last 5 seconds. This leads to over the top Americans (and ent they all) taking 10 minutes trying to analyse those 5 seconds.
Also, I can’t get behind a sport that is named totally wrong. If we were to take the Americans lead, we would call football, throwball, as it’s something that occasionally happens in the sport.
It’s just not for me!!!
If I'd shown an American Liverpool v Burnley from yesterday, they'd be saying pretty much exactly what you're saying about the NFL.
We pretend football is always this amazing spectacle but it really isn't. Most teams play utterly dull uninspiring football.
Football really isn't all that is it. Each game is pretty much identical in its make up 50 minutes of sideways and backwards passing and about 5 minutes of actual action, the best bits of which we can't actually celebrate immediately now because VAR will proabably take the goal away.
Cinci, now now. That’s the beauty of Football, it can be played different ways. Seeing how the teams are trying to work out how to break each other down, it’s a beautiful thing. (When yer bloody team turn up that is.)
But the blissful ignorance applies to the Americans, Same way they don’t understand seeing a great 0-0 game.
Football is the greatest sport on earth.
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
comment by One Love - Admin 3 (U1250)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 3 hours, 33 minutes ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 38 seconds ago
comment by Alisson Becker, Liverpool's Number 9 (U3979)
posted 35 seconds ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 47 seconds ago
As someone who played baseball for about 20 years of my life I can appreciate why those who have never tried it would be so afraid to give it a chance.
Without being able to appreciate the skill possessed by each player in their positions and the strategy called by the managers it may come off as a bunch of standing around. It’s almost all a game of reflexes and mind games.
After high school when I began making my first international friends I was so surprised to see how bad people in general are when throwing…any type of ball. I had always assumed it was a natural thing to learn to throw as a kid. Obviously there are levels.
But yeah even American football, which I will admit is not my thing, can be so good and so intense. This postseason has to go down as maybe the greatest in the history of nfl. It was so good. People need to quit being so miserable and give things a shot before writing em off.
I started playing at 27, I'm not 30 and only now can I properly throw a ball into the 70mph range. It's just something we're not taught in England.
Yup. Same with how we weren’t really taught football in America depending on which community you grew up in.
At my peak I could pitch 93mph with control. Had a fastball that tailed, a big annoying looping curveball, and a splitter that I kinda just developed on my own which looked a bit like a knuckleball but dipped at the last second each time. That was my knock out punch. Low 90’s fast ball with movement and curve I didn’t like but as soon as I had 2 strikes on you that splitter would take you out with either it’s movement or the dramatic shift in speed to about 80mph.
I am imagining half the folks on this thread reading that and currently sat scratching their heads deeply confused
I think most people reading that couldnt give a flying fack or skipped it all together
You are probably right, education is in short supply for many on here.
Nothing to do with education, more with not giving a feck
comment by One Love - Admin 3 (U1250)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
comment by One Love - Admin 3 (U1250)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 3 hours, 33 minutes ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 38 seconds ago
comment by Alisson Becker, Liverpool's Number 9 (U3979)
posted 35 seconds ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 47 seconds ago
As someone who played baseball for about 20 years of my life I can appreciate why those who have never tried it would be so afraid to give it a chance.
Without being able to appreciate the skill possessed by each player in their positions and the strategy called by the managers it may come off as a bunch of standing around. It’s almost all a game of reflexes and mind games.
After high school when I began making my first international friends I was so surprised to see how bad people in general are when throwing…any type of ball. I had always assumed it was a natural thing to learn to throw as a kid. Obviously there are levels.
But yeah even American football, which I will admit is not my thing, can be so good and so intense. This postseason has to go down as maybe the greatest in the history of nfl. It was so good. People need to quit being so miserable and give things a shot before writing em off.
I started playing at 27, I'm not 30 and only now can I properly throw a ball into the 70mph range. It's just something we're not taught in England.
Yup. Same with how we weren’t really taught football in America depending on which community you grew up in.
At my peak I could pitch 93mph with control. Had a fastball that tailed, a big annoying looping curveball, and a splitter that I kinda just developed on my own which looked a bit like a knuckleball but dipped at the last second each time. That was my knock out punch. Low 90’s fast ball with movement and curve I didn’t like but as soon as I had 2 strikes on you that splitter would take you out with either it’s movement or the dramatic shift in speed to about 80mph.
I am imagining half the folks on this thread reading that and currently sat scratching their heads deeply confused
I think most people reading that couldnt give a flying fack or skipped it all together
You are probably right, education is in short supply for many on here.
Nothing to do with education, more with not giving a feck
The irony of a dutchman talking about people not giving a feck. Can't be many more pointless nations out there, jesus, 95% of the planet can't even get the countries name right ffs
It's a complete mess but one of the most exciting sports I've watched is Australian Rules Football.
Baseball live is similar to cricket, it's like watching a puppet show of sport because you can't see the ball most of the time. I get people are often there just to get drunk and have fun with friends while the sport is on in the background but the sports themselves are probably better on TV (and they're still often only exciting about 5% of the play time, if you're lucky).
Tennis can be excellent although you often get very one sided games which isn't great. It suffers from not being a team sport as well, people do follow certain players but even with the current goats having all played in one era it feels like it's barely got more popular. The women's game is excellent in comparison to other sports and seems to provide a lot more upsets which can add to the entertainment.
As cheesy as it is the Netflix F1 program has done wonders for the sport by showing how it's not all about winning. Due to budgets, just like in football it never can be but in F1 you get a better feel for how much it means for a lesser team just to score a few points during an entire season. That side of sport is definitely missed most of the time and maybe other sports could learn from telling the story of the sides who aren't necessarily winning but are fighting just as hard and may even be significantly out performing everyone else in terms of relative performance.
Sport and excitement can be found in almost anything though, especially/particularly if you can muster up some sort of emotional interest in one or both of the competitors
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
comment by GTWI4T- some people deserve to get trolled (U6008)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Two Balls, One Saka (U19684)
posted 1 minute ago
It's a complete mess but one of the most exciting sports I've watched is Australian Rules Football.
Baseball live is similar to cricket, it's like watching a puppet show of sport because you can't see the ball most of the time. I get people are often there just to get drunk and have fun with friends while the sport is on in the background but the sports themselves are probably better on TV (and they're still often only exciting about 5% of the play time, if you're lucky).
Tennis can be excellent although you often get very one sided games which isn't great. It suffers from not being a team sport as well, people do follow certain players but even with the current goats having all played in one era it feels like it's barely got more popular. The women's game is excellent in comparison to other sports and seems to provide a lot more upsets which can add to the entertainment.
As cheesy as it is the Netflix F1 program has done wonders for the sport by showing how it's not all about winning. Due to budgets, just like in football it never can be but in F1 you get a better feel for how much it means for a lesser team just to score a few points during an entire season. That side of sport is definitely missed most of the time and maybe other sports could learn from telling the story of the sides who aren't necessarily winning but are fighting just as hard and may even be significantly out performing everyone else in terms of relative performance.
Sport and excitement can be found in almost anything though, especially/particularly if you can muster up some sort of emotional interest in one or both of the competitors
You can't see the ball most of the time at cricket? Only time you can't see it is when the bowler is running in. You can see it the whole time it is in "play".
You can also see it in baseball other than when the pitcher is concealing it from the batter.
Feel like this guy has never watched either sport...
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 1 hour, 27 minutes ago
comment by One Love - Admin 3 (U1250)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
comment by One Love - Admin 3 (U1250)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 3 hours, 33 minutes ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 38 seconds ago
comment by Alisson Becker, Liverpool's Number 9 (U3979)
posted 35 seconds ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 47 seconds ago
As someone who played baseball for about 20 years of my life I can appreciate why those who have never tried it would be so afraid to give it a chance.
Without being able to appreciate the skill possessed by each player in their positions and the strategy called by the managers it may come off as a bunch of standing around. It’s almost all a game of reflexes and mind games.
After high school when I began making my first international friends I was so surprised to see how bad people in general are when throwing…any type of ball. I had always assumed it was a natural thing to learn to throw as a kid. Obviously there are levels.
But yeah even American football, which I will admit is not my thing, can be so good and so intense. This postseason has to go down as maybe the greatest in the history of nfl. It was so good. People need to quit being so miserable and give things a shot before writing em off.
I started playing at 27, I'm not 30 and only now can I properly throw a ball into the 70mph range. It's just something we're not taught in England.
Yup. Same with how we weren’t really taught football in America depending on which community you grew up in.
At my peak I could pitch 93mph with control. Had a fastball that tailed, a big annoying looping curveball, and a splitter that I kinda just developed on my own which looked a bit like a knuckleball but dipped at the last second each time. That was my knock out punch. Low 90’s fast ball with movement and curve I didn’t like but as soon as I had 2 strikes on you that splitter would take you out with either it’s movement or the dramatic shift in speed to about 80mph.
I am imagining half the folks on this thread reading that and currently sat scratching their heads deeply confused
I think most people reading that couldnt give a flying fack or skipped it all together
You are probably right, education is in short supply for many on here.
Nothing to do with education, more with not giving a feck
The irony of a dutchman talking about people not giving a feck. Can't be many more pointless nations out there, jesus, 95% of the planet can't even get the countries name right ffs
You seem to give too much feck, I didn't mean to rattle you.
And you don't seem to know what irony means which is ironic since you were claiming people on here lack education.
comment by Alisson Becker, Liverpool's Number 9 (U3979)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by GTWI4T- some people deserve to get trolled (U6008)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Two Balls, One Saka (U19684)
posted 1 minute ago
It's a complete mess but one of the most exciting sports I've watched is Australian Rules Football.
Baseball live is similar to cricket, it's like watching a puppet show of sport because you can't see the ball most of the time. I get people are often there just to get drunk and have fun with friends while the sport is on in the background but the sports themselves are probably better on TV (and they're still often only exciting about 5% of the play time, if you're lucky).
Tennis can be excellent although you often get very one sided games which isn't great. It suffers from not being a team sport as well, people do follow certain players but even with the current goats having all played in one era it feels like it's barely got more popular. The women's game is excellent in comparison to other sports and seems to provide a lot more upsets which can add to the entertainment.
As cheesy as it is the Netflix F1 program has done wonders for the sport by showing how it's not all about winning. Due to budgets, just like in football it never can be but in F1 you get a better feel for how much it means for a lesser team just to score a few points during an entire season. That side of sport is definitely missed most of the time and maybe other sports could learn from telling the story of the sides who aren't necessarily winning but are fighting just as hard and may even be significantly out performing everyone else in terms of relative performance.
Sport and excitement can be found in almost anything though, especially/particularly if you can muster up some sort of emotional interest in one or both of the competitors
You can't see the ball most of the time at cricket? Only time you can't see it is when the bowler is running in. You can see it the whole time it is in "play".
You can also see it in baseball other than when the pitcher is concealing it from the batter.
Feel like this guy has never watched either sport...
I've watched both on TV and live in stadiums. Watched the Boston Redsocks and the England Cricket team FFS
For the cricket we were close to the pitch and could still hardly see the ball unless it came our way (or eventually slowed down somewhere) or was bowled by a spinner.
Baseball was so rubbish though, the crowd did nothing bar the "here we go" song and despite not being in terrible seats you couldn't see feck all most of the time, just a swing and a miss.
Being behind the wickets/pitcher would help I guess but most of the crowd isn't.
And no I wasn't drunk... At the beginning at least!
Like I said in the original comment you can get into anything with some emotional attachment, even cockroach racing, chess or something as dross as baseball
comment by One Love - Admin 3 (U1250)
posted 28 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 1 hour, 27 minutes ago
comment by One Love - Admin 3 (U1250)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
comment by One Love - Admin 3 (U1250)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 3 hours, 33 minutes ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 38 seconds ago
comment by Alisson Becker, Liverpool's Number 9 (U3979)
posted 35 seconds ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 47 seconds ago
As someone who played baseball for about 20 years of my life I can appreciate why those who have never tried it would be so afraid to give it a chance.
Without being able to appreciate the skill possessed by each player in their positions and the strategy called by the managers it may come off as a bunch of standing around. It’s almost all a game of reflexes and mind games.
After high school when I began making my first international friends I was so surprised to see how bad people in general are when throwing…any type of ball. I had always assumed it was a natural thing to learn to throw as a kid. Obviously there are levels.
But yeah even American football, which I will admit is not my thing, can be so good and so intense. This postseason has to go down as maybe the greatest in the history of nfl. It was so good. People need to quit being so miserable and give things a shot before writing em off.
I started playing at 27, I'm not 30 and only now can I properly throw a ball into the 70mph range. It's just something we're not taught in England.
Yup. Same with how we weren’t really taught football in America depending on which community you grew up in.
At my peak I could pitch 93mph with control. Had a fastball that tailed, a big annoying looping curveball, and a splitter that I kinda just developed on my own which looked a bit like a knuckleball but dipped at the last second each time. That was my knock out punch. Low 90’s fast ball with movement and curve I didn’t like but as soon as I had 2 strikes on you that splitter would take you out with either it’s movement or the dramatic shift in speed to about 80mph.
I am imagining half the folks on this thread reading that and currently sat scratching their heads deeply confused
I think most people reading that couldnt give a flying fack or skipped it all together
You are probably right, education is in short supply for many on here.
Nothing to do with education, more with not giving a feck
The irony of a dutchman talking about people not giving a feck. Can't be many more pointless nations out there, jesus, 95% of the planet can't even get the countries name right ffs
You seem to give too much feck, I didn't mean to rattle you.
And you don't seem to know what irony means which is ironic since you were claiming people on here lack education.
One clog trying to educate somebody ffs
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posted on 14/2/22
comment by Silver (U6112)
posted 13 minutes ago
comment by Lexington 125.2 (U8879)
posted 41 minutes ago
comment by Alisson Becker, Liverpool's Number 9 (U3979)
posted 16 minutes ago
comment by DaveChels (U22639)
posted 55 seconds ago
Of course the bestest most exciting American sport is Ice Hockey. Invented by Canadians.
Now that is an excellent sport. Aside from never being able to see the damn puck
The only American sport I like.
FFS, is not being able to see things a sport now? Probably invented by the woke so that Stevie Wonder could get a medal.
It's people like this that really need to try expanding their horizons.
posted on 14/2/22
I just don’t get American sports
American football
Roller Blading
Log Rolling
All a bit weird
posted on 14/2/22
Did I mention Rodeo?
posted on 14/2/22
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 6 hours, 43 minutes ago
comment by Alisson Becker, Liverpool's Number 9 (U3979)
posted 5 minutes ago
Really like the sport, hate the half time show and smug American celebrities.
The sport might be good, I have no idea but my problem is I can't really see past the American smugness and the 'glamour' of it all. Makes me hate a sport I might have ended up liking. I can't tolerate it. I have to work with Americans a lot and they're just as bad. I just think my quota of them is overflowing. It's too much.
Oh, and don't get me started on Halloween. That's become massive and completely killed any interest in fireworks night and the whole Guy Fawkes meaning.
Halloween is an Irish and Scottish festivity, has nothing to do with the Yanks. Don't tell me you think St Patricks Day is also an American thing
posted on 14/2/22
comment by One Love - Admin 3 (U1250)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 6 hours, 43 minutes ago
comment by Alisson Becker, Liverpool's Number 9 (U3979)
posted 5 minutes ago
Really like the sport, hate the half time show and smug American celebrities.
The sport might be good, I have no idea but my problem is I can't really see past the American smugness and the 'glamour' of it all. Makes me hate a sport I might have ended up liking. I can't tolerate it. I have to work with Americans a lot and they're just as bad. I just think my quota of them is overflowing. It's too much.
Oh, and don't get me started on Halloween. That's become massive and completely killed any interest in fireworks night and the whole Guy Fawkes meaning.
Halloween is an Irish and Scottish festivity, has nothing to do with the Yanks. Don't tell me you think St Patricks Day is also an American thing
Whole of October majority of gardens festooned in Target tat and 10,20,30 pumpkins. Largesse and waste and they kinda look the same. I suppose they don’t do Xmas so much.
posted on 14/2/22
comment by Diamondlights (U20501)
posted 4 hours, 45 minutes ago
comment by Barefoot (U19770)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by DaveChels (U22639)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Barefoot (U19770)
posted 1 hour, 33 minutes ago
American Football is a good watch once you get into it. Also like their draft system from college. This way, teams that were poor (Bengals) can then challenge. Makes it more interesting than having the same teams challenge for the EPL
The draft system seems such a socialist idea for an American big money sport. Was pretty fun on football manager to play MLS where they had the same system.
Trading your draft picks instead of spending money. Here it could mean Norwich getting the next Rooney or whoever. Kinda sucks for the player I guess!
But Norwich could be kings of England with a good draft!
New England were half decent when Brady arrived and they're now one of or if not the most decorated team in NFL history.
Brady was once in lifetime pick.. selected 188 I think.... a total fluke, he was a nobody coming out of Michigan... What he and Bill Bellichek were able to achieve is unprecidented & won't be repeated. The draft system is brilliant for the Pros, less so for the College game as all the best talent goes to the big teams in SEC...... Football could learn a lot from the NFL in terms of the draft and a salary cap. Its sad that European football has resorted to stupid tribalism, volience, antisocial behavior among fans because the product on the field outside of the Likes of City, Liverpool, Inter & Bayern is pretty shlte. American sports are far from perfect but if you care about winning (Thats NOT Coming 4th) then they do their best for everyone to have a chance
posted on 14/2/22
comment by Sheriff JW Pepper (U1007)
posted 4 hours, 20 minutes ago
I hear there was a record 117million viewers...yeah I know right
All to watch two teams with about 80 players a side, all togged up in Ironman suits running into each other at an alarming rate
The ball is in play for about 8% of the entire match, & funny little fat men in striped shirts throw cloths about for reasons best known to themselves
Two billion chickens are murdered just for their wings in one day (what do they do with the rest of the carcass)
And if Levy get's his way Spurs will be hosting it next year
All in the name of entertainment
According to FIFA, the 2018 World Cup final between France and Croatia reached an average live audience of 517 million viewers, with more than than 1.1 billion people tuning in over its 90 minutes.
posted on 14/2/22
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 3 hours, 32 minutes ago
What always makes me laugh is this weird belief that footy is actually exciting. It is by and large crap and very uneventful. Ball dead for 35 minutes a game so hardly played at the so called 100 mph. NFL and college am. football are far more dramatic and exciting more often.
Maybe start watching a different team than Wolves
posted on 14/2/22
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 3 hours, 33 minutes ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 38 seconds ago
comment by Alisson Becker, Liverpool's Number 9 (U3979)
posted 35 seconds ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 47 seconds ago
As someone who played baseball for about 20 years of my life I can appreciate why those who have never tried it would be so afraid to give it a chance.
Without being able to appreciate the skill possessed by each player in their positions and the strategy called by the managers it may come off as a bunch of standing around. It’s almost all a game of reflexes and mind games.
After high school when I began making my first international friends I was so surprised to see how bad people in general are when throwing…any type of ball. I had always assumed it was a natural thing to learn to throw as a kid. Obviously there are levels.
But yeah even American football, which I will admit is not my thing, can be so good and so intense. This postseason has to go down as maybe the greatest in the history of nfl. It was so good. People need to quit being so miserable and give things a shot before writing em off.
I started playing at 27, I'm not 30 and only now can I properly throw a ball into the 70mph range. It's just something we're not taught in England.
Yup. Same with how we weren’t really taught football in America depending on which community you grew up in.
At my peak I could pitch 93mph with control. Had a fastball that tailed, a big annoying looping curveball, and a splitter that I kinda just developed on my own which looked a bit like a knuckleball but dipped at the last second each time. That was my knock out punch. Low 90’s fast ball with movement and curve I didn’t like but as soon as I had 2 strikes on you that splitter would take you out with either it’s movement or the dramatic shift in speed to about 80mph.
I am imagining half the folks on this thread reading that and currently sat scratching their heads deeply confused
I think most people reading that couldnt give a flying fack or skipped it all together
posted on 14/2/22
comment by One Love - Admin 3 (U1250)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 3 hours, 33 minutes ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 38 seconds ago
comment by Alisson Becker, Liverpool's Number 9 (U3979)
posted 35 seconds ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 47 seconds ago
As someone who played baseball for about 20 years of my life I can appreciate why those who have never tried it would be so afraid to give it a chance.
Without being able to appreciate the skill possessed by each player in their positions and the strategy called by the managers it may come off as a bunch of standing around. It’s almost all a game of reflexes and mind games.
After high school when I began making my first international friends I was so surprised to see how bad people in general are when throwing…any type of ball. I had always assumed it was a natural thing to learn to throw as a kid. Obviously there are levels.
But yeah even American football, which I will admit is not my thing, can be so good and so intense. This postseason has to go down as maybe the greatest in the history of nfl. It was so good. People need to quit being so miserable and give things a shot before writing em off.
I started playing at 27, I'm not 30 and only now can I properly throw a ball into the 70mph range. It's just something we're not taught in England.
Yup. Same with how we weren’t really taught football in America depending on which community you grew up in.
At my peak I could pitch 93mph with control. Had a fastball that tailed, a big annoying looping curveball, and a splitter that I kinda just developed on my own which looked a bit like a knuckleball but dipped at the last second each time. That was my knock out punch. Low 90’s fast ball with movement and curve I didn’t like but as soon as I had 2 strikes on you that splitter would take you out with either it’s movement or the dramatic shift in speed to about 80mph.
I am imagining half the folks on this thread reading that and currently sat scratching their heads deeply confused
I think most people reading that couldnt give a flying fack or skipped it all together
You are probably right, education is in short supply for many on here.
posted on 14/2/22
But that’s factually incorrect. There is 60mins of action precisely in NFL. The ball is in action for 60 minutes of that. It’s a 53 man squad, with 3 different teams within that. Offense, Defense & Special teams, and 20 Subs.
Ok sure the Refs do sometimes make bad decisions, but that’s the human element of it. But if you know the rules, you more or less know what they are flagging for.
And that shows you how big the NFL is when a domestic event is being compared to the World Cup.
Plus no ad company is paying the prem league 5 million pounds for 30 seconds of air time.
posted on 14/2/22
Last night I lost my Super Bowl virginity. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen plenty of the NFL whilst growing up, The Fall Guy, A-Team, then the NFL (fond memories).
Sadly, I wasted 90 minutes of my life watching that drivel till halftime, I then turned it off before more idiots graced us with their crap.
I understand that there are a lot of tactics that go into each play, but you can’t appreciate it as the plays last 5 seconds. This leads to over the top Americans (and ent they all) taking 10 minutes trying to analyse those 5 seconds.
Also, I can’t get behind a sport that is named totally wrong. If we were to take the Americans lead, we would call football, throwball, as it’s something that occasionally happens in the sport.
It’s just not for me!!!
posted on 14/2/22
comment by Nuno Espursito Santo (U22473)
posted 1 minute ago
Last night I lost my Super Bowl virginity. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen plenty of the NFL whilst growing up, The Fall Guy, A-Team, then the NFL (fond memories).
Sadly, I wasted 90 minutes of my life watching that drivel till halftime, I then turned it off before more idiots graced us with their crap.
I understand that there are a lot of tactics that go into each play, but you can’t appreciate it as the plays last 5 seconds. This leads to over the top Americans (and ent they all) taking 10 minutes trying to analyse those 5 seconds.
Also, I can’t get behind a sport that is named totally wrong. If we were to take the Americans lead, we would call football, throwball, as it’s something that occasionally happens in the sport.
It’s just not for me!!!
If I'd shown an American Liverpool v Burnley from yesterday, they'd be saying pretty much exactly what you're saying about the NFL.
We pretend football is always this amazing spectacle but it really isn't. Most teams play utterly dull uninspiring football.
posted on 14/2/22
That’s fair enough Nuno. You gave it a go, it’s not for you. you gotta think of it like Real violent Chess.
Teams make their move, attack/defend. Stop. Think. Make their move. And so on. And just like chess, once the ball is snapped to the QB, all kinds of possibilities are on the table.
By the way, you still a virgin, it seems like you pulled out early…
posted on 14/2/22
comment by Alisson Becker, Liverpool's Number 9 (U3979)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by Nuno Espursito Santo (U22473)
posted 1 minute ago
Last night I lost my Super Bowl virginity. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen plenty of the NFL whilst growing up, The Fall Guy, A-Team, then the NFL (fond memories).
Sadly, I wasted 90 minutes of my life watching that drivel till halftime, I then turned it off before more idiots graced us with their crap.
I understand that there are a lot of tactics that go into each play, but you can’t appreciate it as the plays last 5 seconds. This leads to over the top Americans (and ent they all) taking 10 minutes trying to analyse those 5 seconds.
Also, I can’t get behind a sport that is named totally wrong. If we were to take the Americans lead, we would call football, throwball, as it’s something that occasionally happens in the sport.
It’s just not for me!!!
If I'd shown an American Liverpool v Burnley from yesterday, they'd be saying pretty much exactly what you're saying about the NFL.
We pretend football is always this amazing spectacle but it really isn't. Most teams play utterly dull uninspiring football.
Football really isn't all that is it. Each game is pretty much identical in its make up 50 minutes of sideways and backwards passing and about 5 minutes of actual action, the best bits of which we can't actually celebrate immediately now because VAR will proabably take the goal away.
posted on 14/2/22
Cinci, now now. That’s the beauty of Football, it can be played different ways. Seeing how the teams are trying to work out how to break each other down, it’s a beautiful thing. (When yer bloody team turn up that is.)
But the blissful ignorance applies to the Americans, Same way they don’t understand seeing a great 0-0 game.
Football is the greatest sport on earth.
posted on 14/2/22
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
comment by One Love - Admin 3 (U1250)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 3 hours, 33 minutes ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 38 seconds ago
comment by Alisson Becker, Liverpool's Number 9 (U3979)
posted 35 seconds ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 47 seconds ago
As someone who played baseball for about 20 years of my life I can appreciate why those who have never tried it would be so afraid to give it a chance.
Without being able to appreciate the skill possessed by each player in their positions and the strategy called by the managers it may come off as a bunch of standing around. It’s almost all a game of reflexes and mind games.
After high school when I began making my first international friends I was so surprised to see how bad people in general are when throwing…any type of ball. I had always assumed it was a natural thing to learn to throw as a kid. Obviously there are levels.
But yeah even American football, which I will admit is not my thing, can be so good and so intense. This postseason has to go down as maybe the greatest in the history of nfl. It was so good. People need to quit being so miserable and give things a shot before writing em off.
I started playing at 27, I'm not 30 and only now can I properly throw a ball into the 70mph range. It's just something we're not taught in England.
Yup. Same with how we weren’t really taught football in America depending on which community you grew up in.
At my peak I could pitch 93mph with control. Had a fastball that tailed, a big annoying looping curveball, and a splitter that I kinda just developed on my own which looked a bit like a knuckleball but dipped at the last second each time. That was my knock out punch. Low 90’s fast ball with movement and curve I didn’t like but as soon as I had 2 strikes on you that splitter would take you out with either it’s movement or the dramatic shift in speed to about 80mph.
I am imagining half the folks on this thread reading that and currently sat scratching their heads deeply confused
I think most people reading that couldnt give a flying fack or skipped it all together
You are probably right, education is in short supply for many on here.
Nothing to do with education, more with not giving a feck
posted on 14/2/22
comment by One Love - Admin 3 (U1250)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
comment by One Love - Admin 3 (U1250)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 3 hours, 33 minutes ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 38 seconds ago
comment by Alisson Becker, Liverpool's Number 9 (U3979)
posted 35 seconds ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 47 seconds ago
As someone who played baseball for about 20 years of my life I can appreciate why those who have never tried it would be so afraid to give it a chance.
Without being able to appreciate the skill possessed by each player in their positions and the strategy called by the managers it may come off as a bunch of standing around. It’s almost all a game of reflexes and mind games.
After high school when I began making my first international friends I was so surprised to see how bad people in general are when throwing…any type of ball. I had always assumed it was a natural thing to learn to throw as a kid. Obviously there are levels.
But yeah even American football, which I will admit is not my thing, can be so good and so intense. This postseason has to go down as maybe the greatest in the history of nfl. It was so good. People need to quit being so miserable and give things a shot before writing em off.
I started playing at 27, I'm not 30 and only now can I properly throw a ball into the 70mph range. It's just something we're not taught in England.
Yup. Same with how we weren’t really taught football in America depending on which community you grew up in.
At my peak I could pitch 93mph with control. Had a fastball that tailed, a big annoying looping curveball, and a splitter that I kinda just developed on my own which looked a bit like a knuckleball but dipped at the last second each time. That was my knock out punch. Low 90’s fast ball with movement and curve I didn’t like but as soon as I had 2 strikes on you that splitter would take you out with either it’s movement or the dramatic shift in speed to about 80mph.
I am imagining half the folks on this thread reading that and currently sat scratching their heads deeply confused
I think most people reading that couldnt give a flying fack or skipped it all together
You are probably right, education is in short supply for many on here.
Nothing to do with education, more with not giving a feck
The irony of a dutchman talking about people not giving a feck. Can't be many more pointless nations out there, jesus, 95% of the planet can't even get the countries name right ffs
posted on 14/2/22
It's a complete mess but one of the most exciting sports I've watched is Australian Rules Football.
Baseball live is similar to cricket, it's like watching a puppet show of sport because you can't see the ball most of the time. I get people are often there just to get drunk and have fun with friends while the sport is on in the background but the sports themselves are probably better on TV (and they're still often only exciting about 5% of the play time, if you're lucky).
Tennis can be excellent although you often get very one sided games which isn't great. It suffers from not being a team sport as well, people do follow certain players but even with the current goats having all played in one era it feels like it's barely got more popular. The women's game is excellent in comparison to other sports and seems to provide a lot more upsets which can add to the entertainment.
As cheesy as it is the Netflix F1 program has done wonders for the sport by showing how it's not all about winning. Due to budgets, just like in football it never can be but in F1 you get a better feel for how much it means for a lesser team just to score a few points during an entire season. That side of sport is definitely missed most of the time and maybe other sports could learn from telling the story of the sides who aren't necessarily winning but are fighting just as hard and may even be significantly out performing everyone else in terms of relative performance.
Sport and excitement can be found in almost anything though, especially/particularly if you can muster up some sort of emotional interest in one or both of the competitors
posted on 14/2/22
Comment deleted by Site Moderator
posted on 14/2/22
comment by GTWI4T- some people deserve to get trolled (U6008)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Two Balls, One Saka (U19684)
posted 1 minute ago
It's a complete mess but one of the most exciting sports I've watched is Australian Rules Football.
Baseball live is similar to cricket, it's like watching a puppet show of sport because you can't see the ball most of the time. I get people are often there just to get drunk and have fun with friends while the sport is on in the background but the sports themselves are probably better on TV (and they're still often only exciting about 5% of the play time, if you're lucky).
Tennis can be excellent although you often get very one sided games which isn't great. It suffers from not being a team sport as well, people do follow certain players but even with the current goats having all played in one era it feels like it's barely got more popular. The women's game is excellent in comparison to other sports and seems to provide a lot more upsets which can add to the entertainment.
As cheesy as it is the Netflix F1 program has done wonders for the sport by showing how it's not all about winning. Due to budgets, just like in football it never can be but in F1 you get a better feel for how much it means for a lesser team just to score a few points during an entire season. That side of sport is definitely missed most of the time and maybe other sports could learn from telling the story of the sides who aren't necessarily winning but are fighting just as hard and may even be significantly out performing everyone else in terms of relative performance.
Sport and excitement can be found in almost anything though, especially/particularly if you can muster up some sort of emotional interest in one or both of the competitors
You can't see the ball most of the time at cricket? Only time you can't see it is when the bowler is running in. You can see it the whole time it is in "play".
You can also see it in baseball other than when the pitcher is concealing it from the batter.
Feel like this guy has never watched either sport...
posted on 14/2/22
posted on 14/2/22
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 1 hour, 27 minutes ago
comment by One Love - Admin 3 (U1250)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
comment by One Love - Admin 3 (U1250)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 3 hours, 33 minutes ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 38 seconds ago
comment by Alisson Becker, Liverpool's Number 9 (U3979)
posted 35 seconds ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 47 seconds ago
As someone who played baseball for about 20 years of my life I can appreciate why those who have never tried it would be so afraid to give it a chance.
Without being able to appreciate the skill possessed by each player in their positions and the strategy called by the managers it may come off as a bunch of standing around. It’s almost all a game of reflexes and mind games.
After high school when I began making my first international friends I was so surprised to see how bad people in general are when throwing…any type of ball. I had always assumed it was a natural thing to learn to throw as a kid. Obviously there are levels.
But yeah even American football, which I will admit is not my thing, can be so good and so intense. This postseason has to go down as maybe the greatest in the history of nfl. It was so good. People need to quit being so miserable and give things a shot before writing em off.
I started playing at 27, I'm not 30 and only now can I properly throw a ball into the 70mph range. It's just something we're not taught in England.
Yup. Same with how we weren’t really taught football in America depending on which community you grew up in.
At my peak I could pitch 93mph with control. Had a fastball that tailed, a big annoying looping curveball, and a splitter that I kinda just developed on my own which looked a bit like a knuckleball but dipped at the last second each time. That was my knock out punch. Low 90’s fast ball with movement and curve I didn’t like but as soon as I had 2 strikes on you that splitter would take you out with either it’s movement or the dramatic shift in speed to about 80mph.
I am imagining half the folks on this thread reading that and currently sat scratching their heads deeply confused
I think most people reading that couldnt give a flying fack or skipped it all together
You are probably right, education is in short supply for many on here.
Nothing to do with education, more with not giving a feck
The irony of a dutchman talking about people not giving a feck. Can't be many more pointless nations out there, jesus, 95% of the planet can't even get the countries name right ffs
You seem to give too much feck, I didn't mean to rattle you.
And you don't seem to know what irony means which is ironic since you were claiming people on here lack education.
posted on 14/2/22
comment by Alisson Becker, Liverpool's Number 9 (U3979)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by GTWI4T- some people deserve to get trolled (U6008)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Two Balls, One Saka (U19684)
posted 1 minute ago
It's a complete mess but one of the most exciting sports I've watched is Australian Rules Football.
Baseball live is similar to cricket, it's like watching a puppet show of sport because you can't see the ball most of the time. I get people are often there just to get drunk and have fun with friends while the sport is on in the background but the sports themselves are probably better on TV (and they're still often only exciting about 5% of the play time, if you're lucky).
Tennis can be excellent although you often get very one sided games which isn't great. It suffers from not being a team sport as well, people do follow certain players but even with the current goats having all played in one era it feels like it's barely got more popular. The women's game is excellent in comparison to other sports and seems to provide a lot more upsets which can add to the entertainment.
As cheesy as it is the Netflix F1 program has done wonders for the sport by showing how it's not all about winning. Due to budgets, just like in football it never can be but in F1 you get a better feel for how much it means for a lesser team just to score a few points during an entire season. That side of sport is definitely missed most of the time and maybe other sports could learn from telling the story of the sides who aren't necessarily winning but are fighting just as hard and may even be significantly out performing everyone else in terms of relative performance.
Sport and excitement can be found in almost anything though, especially/particularly if you can muster up some sort of emotional interest in one or both of the competitors
You can't see the ball most of the time at cricket? Only time you can't see it is when the bowler is running in. You can see it the whole time it is in "play".
You can also see it in baseball other than when the pitcher is concealing it from the batter.
Feel like this guy has never watched either sport...
I've watched both on TV and live in stadiums. Watched the Boston Redsocks and the England Cricket team FFS
For the cricket we were close to the pitch and could still hardly see the ball unless it came our way (or eventually slowed down somewhere) or was bowled by a spinner.
Baseball was so rubbish though, the crowd did nothing bar the "here we go" song and despite not being in terrible seats you couldn't see feck all most of the time, just a swing and a miss.
Being behind the wickets/pitcher would help I guess but most of the crowd isn't.
And no I wasn't drunk... At the beginning at least!
Like I said in the original comment you can get into anything with some emotional attachment, even cockroach racing, chess or something as dross as baseball
posted on 14/2/22
comment by One Love - Admin 3 (U1250)
posted 28 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 1 hour, 27 minutes ago
comment by One Love - Admin 3 (U1250)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
comment by One Love - Admin 3 (U1250)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Cinciwolf---Wolves transfer strategy is brilliant, cautious, cautious, cautious, kid for 35 million, cautious, cautious, cautious. (U11551)
posted 3 hours, 33 minutes ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 38 seconds ago
comment by Alisson Becker, Liverpool's Number 9 (U3979)
posted 35 seconds ago
comment by RtM (U1097)
posted 47 seconds ago
As someone who played baseball for about 20 years of my life I can appreciate why those who have never tried it would be so afraid to give it a chance.
Without being able to appreciate the skill possessed by each player in their positions and the strategy called by the managers it may come off as a bunch of standing around. It’s almost all a game of reflexes and mind games.
After high school when I began making my first international friends I was so surprised to see how bad people in general are when throwing…any type of ball. I had always assumed it was a natural thing to learn to throw as a kid. Obviously there are levels.
But yeah even American football, which I will admit is not my thing, can be so good and so intense. This postseason has to go down as maybe the greatest in the history of nfl. It was so good. People need to quit being so miserable and give things a shot before writing em off.
I started playing at 27, I'm not 30 and only now can I properly throw a ball into the 70mph range. It's just something we're not taught in England.
Yup. Same with how we weren’t really taught football in America depending on which community you grew up in.
At my peak I could pitch 93mph with control. Had a fastball that tailed, a big annoying looping curveball, and a splitter that I kinda just developed on my own which looked a bit like a knuckleball but dipped at the last second each time. That was my knock out punch. Low 90’s fast ball with movement and curve I didn’t like but as soon as I had 2 strikes on you that splitter would take you out with either it’s movement or the dramatic shift in speed to about 80mph.
I am imagining half the folks on this thread reading that and currently sat scratching their heads deeply confused
I think most people reading that couldnt give a flying fack or skipped it all together
You are probably right, education is in short supply for many on here.
Nothing to do with education, more with not giving a feck
The irony of a dutchman talking about people not giving a feck. Can't be many more pointless nations out there, jesus, 95% of the planet can't even get the countries name right ffs
You seem to give too much feck, I didn't mean to rattle you.
And you don't seem to know what irony means which is ironic since you were claiming people on here lack education.
One clog trying to educate somebody ffs
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