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Far Right thugs or patriots

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posted on 2/8/24

Instead of building gender neutral toilets and 'stress free' rooms at Universities, how about we actually pass some laws that will get on top of knife crime??
Do you think governments are incapable of dealing with more than one issue at a time?

posted on 2/8/24

comment by Ji Sung Park's Cousin (U2958)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Nickasaurus (U9257)
posted 30 seconds ago
comment by Ji Sung Park's Cousin (U2958)
posted 33 seconds ago
comment by Nickasaurus (U9257)
posted 16 minutes ago

Also extremely ignorant painting fans of local football teams with one brush for some strange reason.
You just called London a cesspit

Painting an entire capital city with one brush is fine.
London is one city. How else would I paint it.
wtf.... You didn't have to "paint" it with one brush at all.
How else would you describe a city bar by its name? lol wtf you on about. I'm not going to go through every borough individually am i.

posted on 2/8/24

You probably should though because there's a pretty major variance in crime and poverty within London.

posted on 2/8/24

comment by The Welsh Xavi (U15412)
posted 1 minute ago
Instead of building gender neutral toilets and 'stress free' rooms at Universities, how about we actually pass some laws that will get on top of knife crime??
Do you think governments are incapable of dealing with more than one issue at a time?
Unless there's a correlation between gender free toilets, something random about uni's and knife crime.

posted on 2/8/24

comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by John McGlashan (U1734)
posted 14 minutes ago
Here is an Index of Multiple Deprivation map of London from 2010 (red means bad):


Here is the same map from 2019 (latest data):


To summarise on the above, there are far fewer areas of dark red in 2019 compared to 2010, showing London is becoming less deprived.

Oh but it's the crime we are more concerned about I hear you say.

Well here is the crime domain from 2015 (again, red bad):


Compare that to the latest data for crime (2019):


As you can see, London is getting relatively less deprived over the years and relatively safer.

Compare that with levels of immigration over the same period, the data shows that immigration is making London SAFER.

Your statistically invalided anecdotal "evidence" can now be dismissed.

I now consider the matter to be closed.


and you think its valid to link completely separate stats on crime and deprivation with Immigration.

That would be like someone concluding that serious knife crime has gone up over the last 5 years, and so has immigration, so it's a result of immigration.

You are on no ground to question the validity of others 'evidence'

Just stating facts.

Also with global warming and more sunny days, it is actually making people's skin darker in general. So darker skin actually = safer area.

posted on 2/8/24

comment by Ji Sung Park's Cousin (U2958)
posted 11 seconds ago
comment by Nickasaurus (U9257)
posted 30 seconds ago
comment by Ji Sung Park's Cousin (U2958)
posted 33 seconds ago
comment by Nickasaurus (U9257)
posted 16 minutes ago

Also extremely ignorant painting fans of local football teams with one brush for some strange reason.
You just called London a cesspit

Painting an entire capital city with one brush is fine.
London is one city. How else would I paint it.
wtf.... You didn't have to "paint" it with one brush at all.
Many people who live in 'London' ie the suburbs and surrounding London Boroughs ever go to the' City of London' or Westminster. Each suburban community within Greater London has its own identity and the people who live in them are on the whole very proud of their unique identity. Im talking places like Bromley, Croydon, Lewisham, Enfield, Harringay, Camden, Islington, Hackney etc.

posted on 2/8/24

comment by Nickasaurus (U9257)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Ji Sung Park's Cousin (U2958)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Nickasaurus (U9257)
posted 30 seconds ago
comment by Ji Sung Park's Cousin (U2958)
posted 33 seconds ago
comment by Nickasaurus (U9257)
posted 16 minutes ago

Also extremely ignorant painting fans of local football teams with one brush for some strange reason.
You just called London a cesspit

Painting an entire capital city with one brush is fine.
London is one city. How else would I paint it.
wtf.... You didn't have to "paint" it with one brush at all.
How else would you describe a city bar by its name? lol wtf you on about. I'm not going to go through every borough individually am i.
Don't think you can describe a city of 7-8m people and a huge metropolitan area as one specific thing. Also don't think you can make a comparison with London and smaller provincial towns in cities up and down 4 different countries.

This is an example of the discourse about the country being very London centric.

posted on 2/8/24

Not sure if anyone has already asked this but

‘just people who have had enough of this nonsense‘

What nonsense? Genuine question.

posted on 2/8/24

I could be wrong but were there any protests over the horrific crimes carried out by Lucy Letby? I certaintly don't recall hearing anything about it.

posted on 2/8/24

comment by Snooker_49 (U10665)
posted 33 seconds ago
I could be wrong but were there any protests over the horrific crimes carried out by Lucy Letby? I certaintly don't recall hearing anything about it.
Again, is the OP a serious question.

comment by Mack (U6574)

posted on 2/8/24

I’ll tell you what hasn’t made London, or anywhere in England safer, 15 years of austerity and cuts to our police, ambulance and fire service

posted on 2/8/24

comment by Snooker_49 (U10665)
posted 2 seconds ago
I could be wrong but were there any protests over the horrific crimes carried out by Lucy Letby? I certaintly don't recall hearing anything about it.

Nope, or the guy who murdered three women with a crossbow and we could go on and in and on.

Now seeing people write that they’ve ’had enough’.

Had enough of what?

comment by N2 (U22280)

posted on 2/8/24

The far-right have the biggest victim mentality around.

They'll always twist things to make themselves the victims.

posted on 2/8/24

How does tw@tting a few coopers in Westminster and defacing the statue of Churchill, actually make you a
British or even English, patriot?

It just proves you are a mindless thug?

posted on 2/8/24

comment by Robbing Hoody - I want to play by my own rules... (U6374)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Snooker_49 (U10665)
posted 2 seconds ago
I could be wrong but were there any protests over the horrific crimes carried out by Lucy Letby? I certaintly don't recall hearing anything about it.

Nope, or the guy who murdered three women with a crossbow and we could go on and in and on.

Now seeing people write that they’ve ’had enough’.

Had enough of what?

Honestly though, we know these people are hateful idiots .

We don't need to find any other reason for their actions and views beyond this.

posted on 2/8/24

comment by RB&W - He kicked lumps out of them (U21434)
posted 16 seconds ago
How does tw@tting a few coopers in Westminster and defacing the statue of Churchill, actually make you a
British or even English, patriot?

It just proves you are a mindless thug?
The rally in Trafalgar Sq went 'quite peacefully' says the OP

posted on 2/8/24

comment by Robbing Hoody - I want to play by my own rules and if I can’t I’ll sue you (U6374)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Snooker_49 (U10665)
posted 2 seconds ago
I could be wrong but were there any protests over the horrific crimes carried out by Lucy Letby? I certaintly don't recall hearing anything about it.

Nope, or the guy who murdered three women with a crossbow and we could go on and in and on.
A few people actually tried to make this guy out to be an immigrant because he had black hair...

posted on 2/8/24

comment by Snooker_49 (U10665)
posted 9 minutes ago
I could be wrong but were there any protests over the horrific crimes carried out by Lucy Letby? I certaintly don't recall hearing anything about it.
There are actually subject matter experts in the media who are now questioning her conviction.


It seems very odd to me. Why would a woman study at Uni for years and years to be a nurse, only to do stuff as horrific as that?


Most of her ex colleagues all say she's innocent too.


For the record I am NOT saying she's innocent.

posted on 2/8/24

comment by Nickasaurus (U9257)
posted 1 hour, 43 minutes ago

comment by CurrentlyInChina (U11181)
posted 1 minute ago
Why are the riots not surprising?
Were the riots in Leeds also not surprising?

Why are these people supporting this riot and but we're upset about the one in Leeds?
or on the flip side why do the government seem to support the one in Leeds but not the one this week.
My goodness.

posted on 2/8/24

I asked Nick how the government have supported the riot in Leeds. He didn't answer.

posted on 2/8/24

comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 15 seconds ago
I asked Nick how the government have supported the riot in Leeds. He didn't answer.
Sorry didn't see. I said seem to as it was met with silence or at least a huge difference in reaction. And we've obviously seen the fall out of this weeks protests and the chance in stance from starmer and co.

posted on 2/8/24


comment by N2 (U22280)

posted on 2/8/24

This mob claim to have had enough of children getting killed. But were against people protesting against thousands of children getting killed in Gaza. Racists.

posted on 2/8/24

comment by RB&W - He kicked lumps out of them (U21434)
posted 12 minutes ago
comment by Snooker_49 (U10665)
posted 33 seconds ago
I could be wrong but were there any protests over the horrific crimes carried out by Lucy Letby? I certaintly don't recall hearing anything about it.
Again, is the OP a serious question.
OP shouldn't be taken seriously but imagine if Lucy Letby was Asian heritability or an immigrant? There would have been protests for sure.

posted on 2/8/24

comment by Arne Sabah Nur (U1282)
posted 47 seconds ago
comment by RB&W - He kicked lumps out of them (U21434)
posted 12 minutes ago
comment by Snooker_49 (U10665)
posted 33 seconds ago
I could be wrong but were there any protests over the horrific crimes carried out by Lucy Letby? I certaintly don't recall hearing anything about it.
Again, is the OP a serious question.
OP shouldn't be taken seriously but imagine if Lucy Letby was Asian heritability or an immigrant? There would have been protests for sure.
Not if she was here legally.

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