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These 222 comments are related to an article called:

The Admins take Ja606ers to the beach

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posted on 25/10/11

This is a sports forum, not playdays!

Grow up, child

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 25/10/11

Vidicschin is always the highlight of these.

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 25/10/11

It looks like Albert Morgan is volunteering himself for the next one...

posted on 25/10/11

Albert Morgan, is it your time of the month again? A change of pad is needed, methinks

posted on 25/10/11

I'm surpirsed you know what that means, i thought dummies and rattles were about as far as your intelligence took you?

posted on 25/10/11

WengersNearlyMen: they're Onto you Admin2,put them to the sword.

Classic WengersNearlyMen

posted on 25/10/11

I like my little cameo's

posted on 25/10/11

"I'm surpirsed you know what that means, i thought dummies and rattles were about as far as your intelligence took you?"

Well then you obviously thought wrong.

posted on 25/10/11

This is rubbish, why do Arsenal fans always post these boring threads.

Agree with Albert, it's a sports forum, not 'let's write out some play day script because I'm probably 12 years old'

Grow up!

posted on 25/10/11

It was so bad it was funny.

posted on 25/10/11

Ignore it and move on if you don't like it. It's not rocket science.

posted on 25/10/11

WengersNearlyMen: he's Onto you SKA,sort him out

This is all wrong, not once did WengersNerlyMen proclaim that he "is the sherriff round these parts"...

Other than that, good effort 4

posted on 25/10/11

where am I? 1 5t4r

posted on 25/10/11

50P, I include you in my next one

posted on 25/10/11

Utd supporters coming onto the Arsenal board to complain about the quality of the articles posted here!

You couldn't make it up.

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 25/10/11

it's funny. for those with a stick up your bums, if you don't like reading stories, then don't read stories

posted on 25/10/11

Kamran you better

posted on 25/10/11


posted on 25/10/11

I read the first line then stopped.

Just think it uses up forum space when something interesting could be written.

Not all of us are interested in what Baby Kamran dreams of.

Surely this is off topic for the board?

posted on 25/10/11

After reading this it's easy to tell the children are on half term this week

posted on 25/10/11

Change your pad, Albert Morgan

posted on 25/10/11

Great story Kamran, you've got Vidicschins and WengersNearlymens personalities spot on, but the other characters SKA, Bestie and Blue Kenyan dont sound quite like thamselves, so if its possible, you should study these 3 a bit more, before writing your next story

p.s The Vidicschin parts made me

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 25/10/11

Just think it uses up forum space when something interesting could be written.

Words can't describe how incredibly stupid that sentence is.

posted on 25/10/11

Cheers Culty

posted on 25/10/11

Kamran, this might just be the most unintentionally successful WUM in ja606 history

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