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These 222 comments are related to an article called:

The Admins take Ja606ers to the beach

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comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 25/10/11

How is the video games board sports related? Forums evolve judging by what the users want.

posted on 25/10/11

Ooh god, he's still here.

I see you haven't taken my advice on changing your pad, Albert. Ooh well, it's your loss.

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 25/10/11

comment by SKA - I love Andrei. He's brilliant. (U3522)
posted 17 minutes ago
Just think it uses up forum space when something interesting could be written.

Words can't describe how incredibly stupid that sentence is.

Nice one SKA <laugh

posted on 25/10/11

wtf kamran? get a job fella...you have too much time on your hands

posted on 25/10/11

Hahahah, here's another one!

You're telling me to get a job yet here you are on Ja606 commenting on my article

posted on 25/10/11

Thankfully I have a job where im provided with my own laptop ..a paper round will do you tho

posted on 25/10/11

Is your job to comment on Ja606 articles?

posted on 25/10/11

Five stars from me simply for this:-

Bestie: Ok, does anyone want anything from the ice cream van?

Vidicschin: Do I want anything? What kind of stupid question is that? Of course I want something you simple moron. Get me a vanilla ice cream with strawberry sauce on top, yeah?

posted on 25/10/11

Not officially no but I guess im getting paid while I write and read this dribble..

Kamran "bum me"

Admin 6 "hmmm im not sure im allowed"


posted on 25/10/11

^ I have no idea what you're talking about.

posted on 25/10/11

Betamax is one of those guys you see standing on roundabouts advertising dominoes pizza.

Theyre always doing something on there phones

posted on 25/10/11

"Betamax is one of those guys you see standing on roundabouts advertising dominoes pizza."

posted on 25/10/11

I dont just do pizzas..I also do carpets

posted on 25/10/11

There's Only One Reds

That comment you posted is definitely classic Vidicschin

posted on 25/10/11

That's a strange fetish.

posted on 25/10/11

dont knock it till you have tried it...youth unemployment is at an all time high and reading this thread i can understand why

posted on 25/10/11

Betamax, did you get any qualifications when you were at school? Be honest.

posted on 25/10/11

If you can work out the failings of the economy by reading through JA606 then I suggest you put down that dominoes sign, march straight of that roundabout and into the house of commons.

Because clearly you deserve bigger and better things

posted on 25/10/11

You need to work on the endings Kamran (they are the hardest part I know) otherwise these are pretty funny. You have captured the characters of Vidicschin and WNM magnificently

posted on 25/10/11

I better be back for the next one

posted on 25/10/11

I head your gettin killed off in the next episode blue Kenyan.

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 25/10/11

I don't mind if I'm not in the next one. WNM and VC are the stars of the performance.

posted on 25/10/11

I'll live on in spirit

posted on 25/10/11

Its because they've made themselves stand out from the rest of 606

Vidicschin with his constant abuse
WengersNearlyMen with his "I am the Sherriff, put Them to the Sword " lines.

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 25/10/11

you're a vital cog to the dynamics Keef

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