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These 222 comments are related to an article called:

The Admins take Ja606ers to the beach

Page 5 of 9

posted on 25/10/11

WOHO!! I got an MEng First Class!

posted on 25/10/11

nice one what in?

posted on 25/10/11

WUM, you do MEng?

posted on 25/10/11

Done. MEng in Mechnical Engineering!

posted on 25/10/11

Oh right when you graduate?

Im currently a third year doing MEng

posted on 25/10/11

Second and Third year is the toughest. Study hard young man. Fourth year is a breeze. Done mine about 7 years ago.

posted on 25/10/11

I got a G in GCSE RE.

Screwfix.co.uk you all.

posted on 25/10/11

G in RE?!


posted on 25/10/11

Oh right. I go to Scottish Uni so its a 5 year Masters. But next year half the year is made of placement so it wont be too hard

posted on 25/10/11

posted on 25/10/11

posted on 25/10/11

Alvin. I am going through your past articles and 5 ing them for you

posted on 25/10/11

Probably the only 5 stars they get lol. I don't do many, they're either pointless or me pretending to be serious!

I feel like charity!

posted on 25/10/11

Kamran - ArshAttack (U1204)
i own 606 so i will decide who goes

posted on 25/10/11

WengersNearlyMen are you not bored of g to have any kind of importance in life?

posted on 25/10/11

Wengerguy, tell Kamran who recommend should be in the story next time.

posted on 25/10/11


posted on 25/10/11

RonAlvinho (U6117)
i own this site so be Quiet

posted on 25/10/11

Who you~

posted on 25/10/11

Culty Legends (U2123)
Barry Smith will be in the next story

posted on 25/10/11

I need proof before I fall for this propaganda.

posted on 25/10/11

well yer.

posted on 25/10/11

the Proof is in the Pudding

posted on 25/10/11

But the puddings in my belly.

posted on 25/10/11

u havent eaten that nice Pudding have u

Page 5 of 9

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