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These 222 comments are related to an article called:

The Admins take Ja606ers to the beach

Page 4 of 9

posted on 25/10/11

Lol. Yeah batmanu my endings are pretty poor.

Hopefully my next story can end with Albert Morgan finally going to a Man Utd game. I love happy endings

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 25/10/11

Hooray or the dynamics

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 25/10/11


My "f" button is broken...

posted on 25/10/11

So bad it was brilliant!

Ignore the miserable plebs Kamran!

I love Vidicshin!

posted on 25/10/11

Thanks guys, this has been my best one so far (just shows how poor my previous ones have been). I will work hard on improving these.

I'm thinking of who to include in my next story.

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 25/10/11

The 4 obvious ones are Vidicschin, WNM, Admin1 and Admin2. The rest are up to you.

posted on 25/10/11

John is pretty easy to write.

posted on 25/10/11

Mr Chelsea is pretty famous on the Liverpool board.

posted on 25/10/11

Yea john was funny in your last one, he should be a permanent fixture

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 25/10/11

My reputation is growing almost as quickly as There'sOnlyOneReds' filter list.

posted on 25/10/11

i liked my part as innocent bystander with no lines or recognisance. Well done me

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 25/10/11

Being an extra is where the money is these days.

posted on 25/10/11

If you look closely at the final credits, youll see I was the ice cream man

posted on 25/10/11


I thought the pathos and undercurrent of resentment you brought to the part of "icecream vendor with dreams shattered by reality" was simply splendid.

posted on 25/10/11

I don't understand your comment but thank you.

posted on 25/10/11

I had to Google Pathos because i thought it was a Greek god!

posted on 25/10/11

Lets all act like Vidicschin, who wants to go first

posted on 25/10/11

Stuff you Culty you moron. You're not in the intellectual level as i am, plus you stink of poo.

posted on 25/10/11


Lol that's not very good

Vidicschin would never use the word "poo"

let me show you how its done:


The levels of stupidity you are showing indicates you were dropped on your head several times as a kid, stop embarassing yourself bevause you are way out of your dept here young idiot.


posted on 25/10/11

Snap. That's much better. I should have put more effort into my personal abuse!

posted on 25/10/11

The rest of you are welcome to add your own


posted on 25/10/11

Lets all act like WNM?

posted on 25/10/11

Kamran , when you get a MSc to your name..come back fella

posted on 25/10/11


Is that what you've got? An MSc on what?

posted on 25/10/11

plus a BSc Hons my advice is work hard at school

Page 4 of 9

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