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These 77 comments are related to an article called:

The Media and The FA

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posted on 10/2/12

You have not been reading Littlejohn in the Daily Fail by any chance.

posted on 10/2/12

comment by groovyduringthewar (U1054) posted 1 minute ago

You have not been reading Littlejohn in the Daily Fail by any chance.
No mate. Haven't read that paper for years. Is there something similar in there?

I've been listening to the Stuart Pearce stories on the news and it left me just shaking my head in disbelief

posted on 10/2/12

Its strange that they didn't point this out when he became U21 manager or the Olympic manager, and they also mention his brother is a BNP candidate, but what does that have to do with him?

If he was racist then why would he play the likes of Chamberlin, Welbeck...?

The media are rats who only work for money. They are just as bad as lawyers!

posted on 10/2/12

Brilliant article, it's very true, they did the same in the rugby world cup last year with the england squad

comment by LEE1PEN (U6707)

posted on 10/2/12

'Arry Redtopp is probably going to be the next England manager, will do a reasonable job with the players available and because of that 3 years in, havinbg lost a friendly to Brazil the media will change and say how sterile our play is etc etc.
Just the way of the media, they have had 2 England managers sacked (technically resigned) in the past 6 months, scuppered our chances at 2 world cups in the past 2 years and if i'm not mistaken will have reporters following any potential gold medal winners in the olympics digging up dirt because dirt sells papers. The truth rarely gets a look in, Tindall no matter how naive was not sexually involved with an old friend though that was the original story and neither did Fabio say Terry is my captain.
Maybe though we get the press we deserve.

A post I did previously on an article on the city board. I think were nearly all in agreement the press really does need to be challenged, unfortunately clubs, players and managers all play the leak game and in some respects bring it on themselves.
I stand by my comment though that some redtops will be following our olympic competitors already waiting to spring a "big" story on opening day.

posted on 10/2/12

English football...arf arf<laugh

posted on 10/2/12

hang on...I can do this.........

posted on 10/2/12

I stand by my comment though that some redtops will be following our olympic competitors already waiting to spring a "big" story on opening day.

Indeed Lee

They will have prepared in advance

There was a story about Andy Carrol (was it an affair? I forget now)

The Press saved it and ran with the story at the time he made his international debut

And don't get me started on the stuff they saved to berate Rooney with after the WC

posted on 10/2/12

Nothing new. I remember what they put Bobby Robson through in '86 and '90 (soon turned tail as we progressed through the tournaments) not forgetting Graham Taylor. I dunno what their agenda is.

posted on 10/2/12

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comment by Tway (U1162)

posted on 10/2/12

Welcome to freedom of speech which equates to freedom to destroy, no wonder Stalin, Hitler and Assad have very little respect for it.
The Media ,in any democratic country care only to create sensation to sell copy. Who can blame them, its their very jobs we are talking about, sell sell sell, first and only priority.

posted on 10/2/12

Prediction for the next couple of months.

- Pearce's England lose to Netherlands in the friendly, and uproar for Harry to come in is at an all time high.

- Redknapp becomes England manager. Everyone is happy, and he wins all our friendly games untill the Euros. Media hype is in full flow!

- England look poor in the Euros and scrape through their group. Spain outclass us in the knockouts, and were out.

- Media blame Harry and his tactics. The players are all past it, and the youngsters aren't good enough.

- Harry decides he can't take it anymore, and rejoins Tottenham.

- Back to where we started.

posted on 10/2/12

Top quality article OP

posted on 10/2/12

it's very true, they did the same in the rugby world cup last year with the england squad

They report news, the england team in that tournament acted like a bunch of helmets and deserved the bad publicity they got.

How about, and this is just a thought, that if they dont want they negative publicity they engage their brains and not act like a bunch of tools.

posted on 10/2/12


spot on mate!

posted on 10/2/12

comment by Greatteamswinit4timesLAMBO! (U6008) posted 3 minutes ago

I've always liked you Macca
That's a pretty exclusive club you are in bud

posted on 10/2/12

I think the solution is simple boys – they obviously don’t want anyone else in charge so we either let each newspaper take charge for a game or let them all the editors be part of a management committee – then when things go t1ts up they will have to take responsibility.

Chances are we might actually get some good results – get them hacking the phones of rival managers for tactics and we can have a player topless on page 3 each day

posted on 10/2/12

They are in the business of selling newspapers and advertising space.Who and what they destroy in the process means nothing to the newspaper moguls.

If everyone stopped buying newspapers tomorrow because they objected on moral issues the sooner these moguls go out of business.

posted on 10/2/12

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posted on 10/2/12

Good article, they do seem to ruin every major tournament.

Typical media strategy, build something up to bring it back down with a crash.

I'm sure if Pearce didn't have to become the England caretaker, they would have published these types of things nearer to the Olympics.

posted on 10/2/12

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comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 10/2/12

If he was racist then why would he play the likes of Chamberlin, Welbeck...?
Another scouser who doesn't get it. Because, apparently, you can racially abuse somebody but not necessarily be a racist.

Macca, brilliant article. Why anybody would want to be England manager with the employers you get and the British media waiting like vultures is beyond me.

Simply because in the UK there is more interest and money in scandal and failure than there is in sporting success. That's why we probably get the press we deserve.

Until we stop buying it....

posted on 10/2/12

Utter poppycock Macca

'Arry would never cheat on Sandra

posted on 10/2/12

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posted on 10/2/12

comment by Greatteamswinit4timesLAMBO! (U6008) posted 2 minutes ago

it's very true, they did the same in the rugby world cup last year with the england squad

They report news, the england team in that tournament acted like a bunch of helmets and deserved the bad publicity they got.

How about, and this is just a thought, that if they dont want they negative publicity they engage their brains and not act like a bunch of tools.


In regards to the rugby, I have no issue with the media reporting what is happening at the time. My issue is when they sit on a story, waiting for the 'right' time to use it.


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