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Dichinero - The era of the Van Gaalacticos! (U10875)
member since: 20 September 2011
Below is a list of Articles Dichinero - The era of the Van Gaalacticos! has made. Click the title to read the messages
Published on 3/5/15My perspective of the transfer hasn't changed much; Sell: Evans Fellain...
Published on 16/2/15This not an article to support Falcao. He has been anything but the Falcao I ...
Published on 4/9/14And so our dream Muppet of the summer is out with another knee injury and cou...
Published on 26/8/14Some of the reactions here are ridiculous! The loss to Swansea was worse than...
Published on 24/8/14I've just been notified that I've been over critical on Valencia...
Published on 5/8/14It's so refreshing to see United win matches consecutively after the nig...
Published on 29/7/14We might as well...
Published on 24/7/14Its on YouTube. Search Manchester United vs LA Galaxy
Published on 24/5/14I know Di Maria has had his crazy moments (especially last season) but Zaha c...
Published on 22/4/14I bumped into this article. Should give an idea of what to expect. Happy read...
Published on 3/4/14https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1.0-9/1613982_1020284...
Published on 1/4/14We are not asking to play like Barca or Southampton, just be more positive in...
Published on 20/3/14A good win last night, far from comfortable but a win nonetheless. There were...
Published on 9/2/14Can we at least hang on to this?
Published on 7/2/14Best of luck, you absolute legend!
Published on 28/1/14I just thought I'd do a list of EPL players that can or do play on the r...
Published on 23/1/14Apparently he is refusing to sign a contract extension. Worth a punt?
Published on 23/1/14I think this fella has really been underrated and unappreciated by many Unite...
Published on 22/1/14Valencia has got to be the worst player currently in our squad. How this guy ...
Published on 11/1/14Hey guys, I missed the match today. Can anyone give me a summary on how the m...
Published on 8/1/14http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6YDl1dFI5g#t=331 Watching this video just ma...
Published on 11/5/13Still buzzing after Wigan's victory but if any of you scouts out there w...
Published on 16/8/12http://www.stretford-end.com/2012/08/uniteds-central-midfield-is-a-signing-re...