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These 621 comments are related to an article called:

Calling All Science Buffs

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comment by Diggler (U4142)

posted on 1/8/12

What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists?

posted on 1/8/12

That's quite interesting actually because I've been thinking about that lately. Every object in the universe exerts a gravitational pull on every other object no matter how far away or the size of the objects (I'm having a graviational pull on you wherever you are) and therefore gravity exists everywhere - just like an omnipresent God. I'm not calling The Father gravity but are the 2 linked somehow?

posted on 1/8/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 1/8/12

if there is a god, i dont think it's a bloke with a beard.

gravity would seem more likely to me, or at least some sort of force or energy.

in star trek terms, im thinking kind of like the ribbon that picard and kirk go into in star trek generations

posted on 1/8/12

D Diggler

I can't imagine myself not existing, I've tried but can't. It's weird.

posted on 1/8/12

But in star-trek, they had Q? So where is the Q-continuum of the universe?

posted on 1/8/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 1/8/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 1/8/12

If you are metioning forces, you go with StarWars.
The religion metaphor is throughout anyway.

you going to make me ?

posted on 1/8/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 1/8/12

'I can't imagine myself not existing, I've tried but can't. It's weird.'

You never existed before you were born

comment by Bobby (U4765)

posted on 1/8/12

And you won't exist after you're dead.

posted on 1/8/12

You're a figment of your own imagination.

posted on 1/8/12

so whose imagination are you a figment of ?

comment by Biglaa (U5954)

posted on 1/8/12

Does that mean that if you filter someone, you're really filtering a part of your own subconscious?

posted on 1/8/12

Does that mean that if you filter someone, you're really filtering a part of your own subconscious?

No, it just means your think your filtering someone which would actually only be a part of your subconciense, but in fact you arent even doing that because you dont exist so are incapable of filtering anything.

comment by oddiY.. (U1585)

posted on 1/8/12

There is a theory that we exist in a matrix style AI simulatiuon - not one that is dark like the matrix with humans v machines - its basis is that if AI is invented some time or somewhere in the future, then there will be billions of simulations running, if we were in one of those sims, then we wouldnt be aware of it and we wouldnt be aware if we were in the future or not.

it could possibly explain some of the problems with quantum physics seeminlgy not tying up with classical phisics - as in computer programs, the large detail is rendered differently to the fine detail.

There is a simple question thing about thgis, i cant remember it exactly but its something like this:

1. Could a species become technologically advanced enough to develop AI before becoming extinct?

2. if a species was that advanced, would it run brain / mind like simulations?

If you answered yes to those two questions You are almost certainly in a simulation.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 1/8/12

Have played about with CUDA integrated genetic algorithms on on a per core GPU Nvidia chipsets. But never had enough time to do anything interesting.

comment by oddiY.. (U1585)

posted on 1/8/12

Admin1 i dont understand a word of what you just said

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 1/8/12

Genetic programming...that is programs writing programs is a crazy concept but if achieved will change things big time.As you have AI creating things other AI and programs without human intervention.

comment by oddiY.. (U1585)

posted on 1/8/12

its quite scary tbh Admin - although the things we will understand from AI will be fantastic, intelligence that will escape the limitations of the way the human brain works, we will be shown to be very dumb and doing a lot of as things that will appear obvious, only we didnt have the lateral thinking to see it.

posted on 1/8/12

like terminator 3, yeah ?

comment by oddiY.. (U1585)

posted on 1/8/12

umm not quite JPB, more like - we dont exist

posted on 1/8/12


at least we've all got clean consciounces and no regrets now

comment by oddiY.. (U1585)

posted on 1/8/12

if only, we havent even got conciounces

then again, you never know

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