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These 621 comments are related to an article called:

Calling All Science Buffs

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comment by Biglaa (U5954)

posted on 31/7/12

I prefer not to think about it. If there was a beginning, then there must be a cause for that. Implying that there was something before the "beginning" in the first place so the cause could exist. Twistin ma melon, man.

comment by Diggler (U4142)

posted on 31/7/12

Interesting, I have been reading much on this recently trying to work out where I stand on my beliefs.

posted on 31/7/12

Science has to dismiss one of its most important theories to completely rule out creationism - cause and effect

comment by RedArmi (U6539)

posted on 31/7/12

It's one of the questions science has been unable to answer really. What was there before the big bang occurred? What was the cause of it. N it's something that scientists are now trying to answer. One of the theories (I believe in this one) is that the cause is a cyclical universe.
Basically, the universe follows a cyclical pattern in which the big bang occurs, then the universe is created n we have what we have today. It keeps expanding like it is at the moment n eventually, it starts to cycle back to contracting itself to the point of singularity I.e. the big bang. N then the whole process starts again...

But that still doesn't answer the question, "How did it all start?". I suppose this is where we have nothing else to believe in than the existence of some sort of supreme being that started the universe... Until proof is found of an actual physical process

comment by T-BAD (U11806)

posted on 31/7/12

The universe was created by a team of gods who used magical artifacts to control the human race, called the 'Pieces of Eden'.

Adam and Eve managed to escape with one of the POE from the garden of Eden and they were the first assassins.

comment by FSB (U11355)

posted on 31/7/12

If every effect must have a cause. Who created the creator?

posted on 31/7/12

Are we to take this as existentialism in its most basic form, or rather something to discuss in a quiet time in the office?


comment by FSB (U11355)

posted on 31/7/12

RedArmi, the theory of dark matter and heat death of the universe are strong arguuments against a cyclical universe

posted on 31/7/12

If before the big bang, there was nothing (literally nothing, as Jamie Redknapp would say), how could the big bang have happened?

Surely there must have been something, anything, before that.

It's something I try not to think too deeply about, otherwise it hurts. I am aware that I am about to ruin a scientific debate with the mention of family guy, but there is an episode in which Stewie accidentally goes back in time and creates the universe.

Is there a possibility, that billions of years into the future, amidst the dying embers of the universe, a super intelligent race find a way to travel time as though it were a physical dimension, and go back to before anything and put something there? And if so, can we define that race as a daity?

God or no God, I think religion is a flawed notion - people arguing about how they think the universe came to be, based on theories that are thousands of years old and which they only believe because of the geographical location in which they are born.

What religion is good for is to guide people in a moral way, but do we really need so many versions and theories to do that in this modern world?

I could go on and on, this is and will be one of the most extensive topics of conversation and debate in the history of humankind.

posted on 31/7/12

My personal view is that there are aspects of the Universe that we have not even begun to understand. The cause and effect theory is one often given by religious people trying to prove the existence of God. Really all I think they are doing is using "God" to plug a gap in our knowledge, just as people did thousands of years ago to explain, say, thunderstorms.

But I guess it also depends what you mean by "God". If you're telling me there is someone sitting there watching and judging us, sorry, i'm not buying it for a second. If it is something we dont quite understand that had a hand in creating the universe, then yes, its quite likely.

posted on 31/7/12

I think of my self as a bit of a Stephen Hawkin type guy. But...

I have no idea what you're going on about. Sorry

posted on 31/7/12

Nice thought provoking article, Met.

Let me know if you get a definitive answer...

posted on 31/7/12

I like the idea that their is some sort of God up there watching over us, but then I start to wonder why does he let so much bad stuff happen. So then I stop thinking about it too much and just concentrate on being as good a person as I can be, settling down and raising some strong and healthy and good kids.

I also find it arrogant when people scoff at the idea of a God. Some of my friends do that and it's rude. I'll believe what I want.

comment by Diggler (U4142)

posted on 31/7/12

Time travel obviously never happens in the future or we would have seen people who had travelled back to check out this era.

Also, I think I read an article somewhere recently saying that they had proved the universe will just continue expanding?

I may be wrong though.

posted on 31/7/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 31/7/12

What about Membrane Theory....Once we observe a graviton transfer between one of the 11 dimensions into or from our own. We could have a strong case for a collision based view of universe creation.

posted on 31/7/12

If there is such a thing as a 'creator', who created the creator?

posted on 31/7/12

posted on 31/7/12

I'm probably one of the few religious guys around here (muslim) and I still get confused about God and how the universe began. It's too much to take in, I say just live your life to the fullest

posted on 31/7/12

My cat's breath smells like cat food!

comment by Biglaa (U5954)

posted on 31/7/12

Religion? Pah. For me, God is in the same bag as Santa, the Bogeyman and the Easter Bunny. Religion was simply created as a way to control the uneducated masses through fear. How it ever lasted beyond the middle ages is quite beyond me. When did you last hear of a good smiting?

comment by Diggler (U4142)

posted on 31/7/12

But if theres no silicon heaven, where would all the calculators go?

posted on 31/7/12

Dont make scientists believe the big bang only created our solar system not the whole of universe. I watched a science programme and they basically said there were loads of particles and atoms around it just needed something to spark them to life which was an exploding supernova which then created our universe, something along those lines

posted on 31/7/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 31/7/12

What about Membrane Theory....Once we observe a graviton transfer between one of the 11 dimensions into or from our own. We could have a strong case for a collision based view of universe creation.

Are you off your tablets again?

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