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These 621 comments are related to an article called:

Calling All Science Buffs

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posted on 31/7/12

What about Genetic manupliation. Jellyfish anti-frezze gene in a tomato, would the fact that is a man made genetic "enhancement" count as evolution?

my understanding of the comment was that improved technology in general was evidence of some sort of improvement in the human species, on the basis that such improvement was required in order to accomplish the technoloogical improvements.

the point which i have made is that i do not believe that to be the case, because each human generation has not started with a clean slate but has had the benefit of the findings and endeavours of all previous generations.

posted on 31/7/12

We see evolution now from said research. Evolution to another form or as you would say species takes thousaands of years. Do you not believe we evolved from the early form of man seen 60,000 years ago in places like Creswell Crags?


And where did this early form of man evolve from?

posted on 31/7/12

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posted on 31/7/12

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comment by FSB (U11355)

posted on 31/7/12

1 in 10 humans are completely immune to the HIV virus. The human body is starting to defend itself and there is a blood cell mutation meaning that the virus can't latch onto the blood cells which it needs to survive thus these people cannot catch AIDS.

Is this not evolution fighting back against AIDS?
Its not an example of the body defending itself. But is is a clear example of how a specieis will evolve. Some individuals will have an atribute that will work in their favour and they will pass it on, not nby choice but through survival of the fittest. A lot of people think that evolution is planned and organisms are striving to reach a particular endpoint. Its not like that, evolution is just the end result of a multitude of miniscule random variations that accumulate over massive timescales

posted on 31/7/12

comment by Fred Bassett and Anfield Cat vs The World - **** - It's tiki taka time.... Goodbye Dirk, you'll be sorely missed! (U3979)

posted 1 minute ago


You're a christian, may I ask you a question?

Do you follow all the laws preached in the Old Testament?

No, simply because a new covenant was formed with Christ. Christ himself criticised religious leaders for forcing people to deal with a burden they could not bear and broke the law by doing work on the sabbath for instance.

Christ reportedly said, love your God and love your neighbour as much as you love yourself. That is all that is required.

Unfortunately we haven't followed his example

posted on 31/7/12

Daniel's timeline.

As I've said I never considered myself to be religious and the bible to be 100% true but if you can make it to the end - the series of real life events will blow your mind.

The presentation was created in 2005 - yet ties in with events in 2010 to modern day. Have a look if you're really bored.

I'd love to see somebody smarter than myself pick holes in the theory!


posted on 31/7/12

Why would a monkey that is more agile than us, stronger than us and can survive in extreme conditions in the wild want to become a puny human? Come on!


We evolved, we learned and over 1000's of years developed skills, dexterity, communication.

You become less of a hunter/gatherer and loose the need for strength, speed as you become able to make smart traps and weapons to make life easier

posted on 31/7/12

The skeptic might tell you that the universe never had a cause and was part of an infinite causal chain.

Don't think this is a theory to entirely dismiss.

I agree with Fred basset. I'm atheist, but often find myself siding with religious people more as a lot of athiests are morons and very pushy with their views.

Dawkins for example is a

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 31/7/12

MUD, if that monkey has a major stress in its environment. Say it got really hot sunny and the forest disappeared, the monkeys with less hair would be less likely to die, so they would breed with other monkeys with less hair...After 10,000s of years the genetic diversity would be such that there colder climate group would no longer be able to inter-breed.

comment by Chewie (U10080)

posted on 31/7/12

comment by JPB 60m Olympic Gold medal winner http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-7Vu7cqB20 (U1059)
posted 1 minute ago

What about Genetic manupliation. Jellyfish anti-frezze gene in a tomato, would the fact that is a man made genetic "enhancement" count as evolution?

my understanding of the comment was that improved technology in general was evidence of some sort of improvement in the human species, on the basis that such improvement was required in order to accomplish the technoloogical improvements.

the point which i have made is that i do not believe that to be the case, because each human generation has not started with a clean slate but has had the benefit of the findings and endeavours of all previous generations.


Is that the very point of evolution!

posted on 31/7/12

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posted on 31/7/12

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted 43 seconds ago

MUD, if that monkey has a major stress in its environment. Say it got really hot sunny and the forest disappeared, the monkeys with less hair would be less likely to die, so they would breed with other monkeys with less hair...After 10,000s of years the genetic diversity would be such that there colder climate group would no longer be able to inter-breed.

So why are we not seeing more evidence of this today?

posted on 31/7/12

No, simply because a new covenant was formed with Christ. Christ himself criticised religious leaders for forcing people to deal with a burden they could not bear and broke the law by doing work on the sabbath for instance.

Christ reportedly said, love your God and love your neighbour as much as you love yourself. That is all that is required.

Unfortunately we haven't followed his example

I invite you to read the passage Matthew 5:17.

posted on 31/7/12

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posted on 31/7/12

Natural selection makes sense!

Survival of the fittest!! My previous post made a bit more sense though!

posted on 31/7/12

So why are we not seeing more evidence of this today?

Humans have developed over the course of 62000 somebody said above, we on average live for about 80 of those years.

I doubt it's something anybody has ever seen.

posted on 31/7/12

Is that the very point of evolution!


Evolution is a process of continuous development.

What is being described above is technological evolution, but as I have pointed out, it is not evidence of human (ciological) evolution.

The technology is advancing, but that does not mean that the human which is making it advance is advancing itself.

comment by Hodgey (U1271)

posted on 31/7/12

At times I think humans are on the whole, actually devolving with the improvements in technology.


I don't think devolving is the right word here mate. I would prefer to say we're actually hindering evolution rather than actually devolving.

comment by Bobby (U4765)

posted on 31/7/12

Humans have developed over the course of 62000 somebody said above, we on average live for about 80 of those years.
More like 500,000 years.

posted on 31/7/12


Strengthens my argument, thanks

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 31/7/12

comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)

posted 54 seconds ago

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted 43 seconds ago

MUD, if that monkey has a major stress in its environment. Say it got really hot sunny and the forest disappeared, the monkeys with less hair would be less likely to die, so they would breed with other monkeys with less hair...After 10,000s of years the genetic diversity would be such that there colder climate group would no longer be able to inter-breed.

So why are we not seeing more evidence of this today?

We do, just not in the time-scales we are used to....I think highly reproductive species such as fruit flies allow us to mess about with things in time-scales humans can comprehend.

posted on 31/7/12

Agreed Fred that he said he hasn't come to change the law but to add to it, but he further provided guidance and advice and how we should live.

The beatitudes for instance give a clue as to what is expected of us.

Look at Jews today for instance, they do not kill people who do not observe the sabbath.

Christ's message was all about love and tolerance and forgiveness.

His message remains consistent though, love your God and love your neighbour.

posted on 31/7/12

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posted on 31/7/12

How old is planet earth?

How long has the human species existed?

Surely proof of prehistoric animals would suggest we had to evolve from somewhere?

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