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These 621 comments are related to an article called:

Calling All Science Buffs

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posted on 31/7/12

Time is considered by humans to be a constant,but time perception is far from constant e.g. a fly sees a humans movement as like watching slow motion, hence the evade our attacks, which to them appear cumbersome, but to us could be ninja - as our time perceptions are different..............

this reminds me of my boss in abu dhabi telling me about his expert witness testimony the day before. he said it was like he was in slow motion, able to see the barristers' questions before they came, and assess them and work out how to deal with them before the barrister had even realised she'd stopped speaking. i didnt know if it was a ttitt making an ass of himself or a new installent of the Matrix (i did actually)

comment by Bobby (U4765)

posted on 31/7/12

Exactly. Religious people are often persistent with their preaching of a creator, but it is actually surprising to see how many devout atheists and scientists are just as close-minded with their refusal to even accept the possibility of a creator, nor any other explanation for the universe than the Big Bang.
There is no proof of a creator, it's similar to saying a bunch of fairies created it all.

posted on 31/7/12

I have always struggled to understand the fact we use maths to work all of this out, maths that we have created we decided 1=1, 2=2 etc who says it does just because we have decided it does.

posted on 31/7/12


posted on 31/7/12

Good article.

I think that the reason so many scientists don't subscribe to the notion of a "personal" god is the same as the reason why so many religious people throughout history disregard scientific discoveries that don't easily reconcile with their belief system - and more specifically the Bible (which I consider to be roughly on a par with the Daily Mail in terms of reliability).

Pigheadedness on both sides of the debate has hindered progress for millenia.

Personally, I believe that God DID create the universe (the big bang) and that we can measure the effects of that process with science (astronomy/cosmology).

In a nutshell.

posted on 31/7/12

yes - that's the piece

what's your point

I state that I just read it

posted on 31/7/12

Nah mean?
No, not at all.

posted on 31/7/12

This Taggs fella is such a donkey, so what if he pasted it you idiot? We're trying to discuss something interesting here.

posted on 31/7/12

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posted on 31/7/12

The great Issac Newton wrote:

“Since every particle of space is always, and every indivisible moment of duration is every where, certainly the Maker and Lord of all things cannot be never and no where....God is the same God, always and every where. He is omnipresent not virtually only, but also substantially; for virtue cannot subsist without substance. It is allowed by all that the Supreme God exists necessarily; and by the same necessity he exists always and every where....”

But this is the same man who suffered from severe lead and mercury poisoning for his ultimate goal of turning lead into gold

comment by Bobby (U4765)

posted on 31/7/12

Saying god created the universe is the exact same reason why god was invented by man since the dawn of ages, God was invented as the reason for explaining the unexplainable, seems like he's now being used for the exact same thing.

Funny that.

posted on 31/7/12

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posted on 31/7/12

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posted on 31/7/12

It’s no use Mr Metro, it’s turtles all the way down.

posted on 31/7/12

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posted on 31/7/12

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posted on 31/7/12

Dr. Fritz Schaefer

^ This guy wrote 95% of your article and didn't get a mention!

posted on 31/7/12

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posted on 31/7/12

When asking who created God I was once told that Mankind has no true concept of God. He was a being far beyond our understanding and as such we have no true concept of what He is or what He does.

Bit of an easy answer but I'm laid back enough to just go with it.

comment by Bobby (U4765)

posted on 31/7/12

I read an article today which turned into a bit of a debate about religion, someone wrote that there comes a time when a magical teddy bear is no longer an appropriate consolation for adults.

I liked that.

posted on 31/7/12

For example Arab; as a geologist, I've studied the evolution of the earth and I'm sorry things just do not happen.

If you look at the world we live in, even the dating techniques used to date the earth, a lot of them are flawed.

Even the geologic timescale has flaws in it and is at best intelligent guess work.

I'll give you an example;

Geologists date formations by the fossil types found in them (sedimentary rocks)

However we date fossils by the formations we find them in

That is not science, that is garbage.

Carbon dating for instance looks to measure the amount of C14 in the atmospehere tells us that carbon related activity on the earth is at most 62,000 years old.

That immediately rubbishes the fact that petroleum takes millions of years to form, but we tell people that a lot of petroleum formed roughly 2 million years ago and petrolem is made up of hydrocarbons. Also rubbishes the fact that man has existed for more than 62,000 years

My wife is a biologist as well and when she describes al lthe nerves, nerve endings and so on in the human body, there is no way in hell that man just evolved. It points to an origin.

Look at evolution for example, I believe 100% that we evolve within a species but struggle to believe species evolve from one to another. Why have they stopped then?

It's a fascinating debate and one that still confuses scientists till this day.

There is a God, man has unfortunately forced his perceptions of what God is, that is why religion is the biggest problem on earth.

Look at the posts on here for example. most people have no problem with a creator but have problems with man's interpretation of a creator, which is religion

comment by Hodgey (U1271)

posted on 31/7/12

Saying that God created it all is equivalent to saying that a bunch of fairies created it.. ?


This is exactly the type of comment I was referring to when I said atheists are just as ignorant towards another possibility instead of their own arduous beliefs. I'm no advocate for God, in fact I am very doubtful a God like Christians preach exists, but there isn't really any need to be ignorant about it.

posted on 31/7/12

The fact that we have evidence of religions, in their loosest sense, being mainly linked to pagan beliefs and the general worship of nature and the elements thousands of years before the "mainstream" religions of today were even invented, makes a mockery of their beliefs and projected images of God and what he/she/it stands for.
There possibly is some sort of creator but how and why it all happened I really don't think we'll ever truly be able to 100% prove. I do believe that there is some scientific credibility to the Bing Bang Theory though.

comment by Bobby (U4765)

posted on 31/7/12

This is exactly the type of comment I was referring to when I said atheists are just as ignorant towards another possibility instead of their own arduous beliefs. I'm no advocate for God, in fact I am very doubtful a God like Christians preach exists, but there isn't really any need to be ignorant about it.
But surely a bunch of fairies creating it is another possibility, there's the same amount of proof of fairies than there is of a god?

comment by Bobby (U4765)

posted on 31/7/12

Read a blog today about the Denver shootings, the first reply in the comments is an absolute beauty.


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