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These 621 comments are related to an article called:

Calling All Science Buffs

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posted on 20/9/12

comment by Hex Omega (U7888)


Thats it....off to the dunking stool for you my lad!

posted on 20/9/12

posted on 20/9/12

The trouble with religion is that it is basically impossible to disprove.

Anyone with an ounce of sense can tell it is utter rubbish, but they can't disprove it, because you can't prove something that doesn't exist.

All we can do is show that there are other ideas which are far, far, far, far, far more likely.

Unfortunately some people will still ignore that and 'believe'.

posted on 20/9/12

Religion is man made and is flawed. There's a lot more to this world than meets the eye. Science accepts this as well, unfortunately some are so blinded by the belief in using science to rubbish peoples faiths or beliefs, which is sad.

The funny thing is a lot of scientists were and are men of faith.

posted on 20/9/12

Also, many great scientists have been proven wrong over the ages

The one thing the ages can't seem to dismiss is the idea of a creator.

posted on 20/9/12

Something a lot of people dont quite grasp is that a creator dosent necessarily have to be "god".

Whilst you can't completely rule out the idea of a magic man sitting somewhere judging everyone, you can say that it's extremely illogical.

posted on 21/9/12

How can you possibly disprove something that doesn't even exist?

Not everyone who has faith is an idiot, but a lot of people do have faith because they are stupid. Believing in something, because you have been told to, is a lot easier than thinking. It takes time and effort to acquire knowledge, whereas any fool can acquire faith instantly and without effort. If it took effort, a lot more people wouldn’t bother with it. It’s a lot about lazy stuff – submission, surrender; don’t ask question, here are your moral values accept them.

posted on 21/9/12

If you think having faith, inspite of everything we go through in this life is easy, you simply have no clue.

Faithlessness is very easy, having faith in things you cannot see or touch is very difficult especially with people who think they are clever pontifcating to you all the time.

The most amusing thing is that the same people criticise faith based religion for the exact same thing

posted on 21/9/12

Having faith is easy.

The mind can convince itself of many things that are rubbish.

An anorexic can convince themselves they are fat.

A murderer can convince themselves they are innocent.

People can convince themselves of the existence of a God.

All of the above ignore the evidence put in front of them. That does not take effort, it just takes a particular mindset.

posted on 21/9/12

Like I said, you have no clue about this whatsoever. For someone to continually still keep the faith in a higher power inspite of life's difficulties and disappointments is not easy at all. It's not jus believing in a deity but everything else that comes with it.

However living your life without faith or belief in anything is very easy. So very simple, all you need to do is sit in a corner and say I refuse to believe anything.

Anyone can do that

posted on 21/9/12

Yes it is very easy to not believe in any God and not live my life by man-made doctrins that just divide despite preaching otherwise.

It is also very easy to not believe in fairies at the bottom of the garden, Santa Claus and Astrology.

posted on 21/9/12

Glad we agree on those points. It is also very easy to think you know it all, no one does my friend so let people believe in what they want to. They have a right to just as you have a right to not believe in anything.

Quit trying to convert them, you wouldn't want to be called a Christian now, would you

posted on 21/9/12

comment by righteous1 (U7048) posted 3 hours, 34 minutes ago

Having faith is easy.

The mind can convince itself of many things that are rubbish.

An anorexic can convince themselves they are fat.

A murderer can convince themselves they are innocent.

People can convince themselves of the existence of a God.

All of the above ignore the evidence put in front of them. That does not take effort, it just takes a particular mindset.

I agree with you and am not a religious person but something must have created the universe. The Big Bang theory alone does not answer the fundamental question of where all this "stuff" around us actually came from or why.

posted on 21/9/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 21/9/12

I am not stoping anyone believing in what they want to.

I am just pointing out the flaws in their beliefs. That needn't bother them if they are so convinced they are right.

If someone called me a Christian I wouldn't be bothered, I would just tell them I am not a Christian.

posted on 21/9/12

There are flaws in science too my friend and science makes some pretty far out assumptions that for the most part are at par with religious beliefs.

This world and universe didn't just make itself

posted on 21/9/12

How can you possibly disprove something that doesn't even exist?


To be fair, many people were not speaking of a creator.

They were speaking about a 'beginning'

which just so happens to be considered more plausible then an eternal universe

That argument doesn't need God but it certainly makes you wonder who, what or how the feck did it all begin !

posted on 21/9/12

comment by GALVIN & not STACEY®Ω♫™#61† © 🇬🇧TEAM GB!🇬🇧 ** (U10415) posted 2 hours, 12 minutes ago

Religion or Science

It's still something from nothing.

True, but something from nothing can;t be explained by science at all. It can be explained by religion to an extent, albeit an unsatisfying and all too 'convenient' explanation.

posted on 21/9/12

True, but something from nothing can;t be explained by science at all.

It actually goes against one of the fundamental laws of science

posted on 21/9/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 30/9/12

This thread is still going?

Then I'd like to wish you all a happy Festival of Tabernacles/ Booths (Deut 16) for the coming 7 days. Do any of you know about this or take part?

Who says science and religion can't get along? I believe they can.
We live under (God's) Grace. His mercy endures forever (otherwise I'd dread to even imagine).
Now enjoy your day

Nice one Luis, now come on Forest sacrifice the lambs!

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