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Obama or Romney?

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posted on 5/11/12

None of them, bring back Clinton

posted on 5/11/12

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posted on 5/11/12

if mitt mormon romney gets in we may aswell turn the lights off

posted on 5/11/12



posted on 5/11/12

It will be Obama.

But there will be complete outcry amongst Texans. I met several over there that genuinely believe he is the anti-Christ.

posted on 5/11/12

Obama will win about 290 to 250

comment by TGI (U9236)

posted on 5/11/12

I hope Romney wins just so Donald Trump might stop tweeting about the non-existence of global warming.

posted on 5/11/12

if romney wins it will be a sad indictment of the american education system

posted on 5/11/12

It should be Obama. But I genuinely believe America is stupid enough to vote Romney. A poll in Britain had Obama hands down. I think the rest of the world agrees, but America doesn't

posted on 5/11/12

Not likely, TGI.
Trump still goes on about Obama not really being American, despite Obama releasing his birth records.

posted on 5/11/12

Neither, but if I really had to choose, it'd be Obomber, I mean Obama. Mitney is the dumbest political candidate I have come across. The man speaks some serious shiteee.

posted on 5/11/12

tbh obama has not been a great democrat president, but he is certainly the lesser of 2 evils.

posted on 5/11/12


posted on 5/11/12

This is the same country that allowed Bush to serve two terms. I won't be surprised if Mitt the moron gets in.

posted on 5/11/12

Btw any of you know what UK time tomorrow results are being announced? Because I wanna sit through the whole thing.

posted on 5/11/12

11:30 It starts I think

posted on 5/11/12

Will anyone be watching the election coverage?

I remember watching it in 2008 on Fox News. The analysts were all talking about how the average American would have to tighten their belts whilst reports were being conducted via hologram

posted on 5/11/12

went to a do with about 5 or 6 Americans last weekend.

All but one hated Obama.

I reckon Obama will still win though.

posted on 5/11/12

First polls close tomorrow at midnight. Finally polls about 3am. Around then we will be beginning to get an idea.

posted on 5/11/12

When i first saw the article i thought it said Obama or Rooney... which made me (Rooney everyday!)

Then i realised it said Romney and thought i don't give 2 hoots what happens in the US General Election.


posted on 5/11/12

Obama will win by the skin of his teeth

posted on 5/11/12

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posted on 5/11/12

Please God let Obama get re-elected. The world will be a scary place with the Mormon in charge of the country

posted on 5/11/12

mitt the mormon moron

posted on 5/11/12

The Mormon, anti abortion homophobe

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