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Obama or Romney?

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posted on 5/11/12

mormon's only gave black people a soul in the 70's

posted on 5/11/12

Then i realised it said Romney and thought i don't give 2 hoots what happens in the US General Election.

I wish I could say the same.
Unfortunately, I noticed some time ago that what happens in America tends to have big effects on the rest of the world too.

posted on 5/11/12

true blueboy, this is massive not just for america, but for the entire world

posted on 5/11/12

(Mickey) Hart(e)'s War (U1042)
posted 1 minute ago
The Mormon, anti abortion homophobe


Says a lot about the U.S that he's even a candidate.

posted on 5/11/12

Very true. Every time he opens his mouth, he puts his foot in it

posted on 5/11/12

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posted on 5/11/12

I really don't see what difference it will make.

They'll both spend the US into oblivion and blame it all on the bloke who had the job before them.

posted on 5/11/12

Sir Mitt is a man of god, he would never lie. He will save the US of A by putting the A back in America. All hail Romney! ROMNEY! ROMNEY! ROMNEY! ROMNEY!

posted on 5/11/12

it makes a difference because if romney is elected we'll soon be invading iran, which will leave us in a world of shiiiit

posted on 5/11/12

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posted on 5/11/12

i saw on the news this US election has cost 6 billion dollars.

thats pretty obscene when you think about it.

posted on 5/11/12

horseshit is what they believe like all religions

posted on 5/11/12

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posted on 5/11/12

If America sneezes, the rest of the world gets a cold

comment by Mar1o (U16136)

posted on 5/11/12

#3 Ron Paul write in candidate

posted on 5/11/12

the sad thing is that the best man for the job (gary johnson) wont get anywhere near winning

posted on 5/11/12

vote Jello Biafra!

posted on 5/11/12

it makes a difference because if romney is elected we'll soon be invading iran, which will leave us in a world of shiiiit

That will kick of WW3 because Israel and UK would be on the US side and Russia and China on the Iran side, and it would expand from there.

posted on 5/11/12

US elections are like ours. You have an elitist, out of touch candidate with a blue badge on one side, and an elitist out of touch candidate with a red badge on the other side.

posted on 5/11/12

im not a republican fan but if ron paul was the candidate he would get my vote, its a shame he speaks too much sense for the american public

posted on 5/11/12

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posted on 5/11/12

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posted on 5/11/12

does anyone else find it a bit ironic that the worlds greatest democracy has such an effect on the rest of the world,even though the rest of the world has no say?

posted on 5/11/12

Was Ron Paul not the openly racist one? Could be wrong.

posted on 5/11/12

total bull, ron paul is the worst of the lot. he#s a total moron. libertarians are nutcases.


absolute balls, all the other candidates think that al qaeda are attacking us because they are muslims and because the us and the uk have freedom, ron paul actually knows what he is talking about when he says it is our foreign policy, why dont they attack switzerland, or germany or sweden, they all have freedom, we need to get out of the middle east and defend ourselves at home, not be fighting pointless wars in the name of 'anti terrorism'

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