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Obama or Romney?

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posted on 5/11/12

its a mexican,

thats unfair,people should not be forced to vote for the lesser of 2 evils,it cheapens the whole thing.voters deserve better from their politicians.

strangely enough that comment "choosing the lesser of 2 evils" has been banded about quite a bit during this US election.

posted on 5/11/12

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posted on 5/11/12

Haha Mexican, na, you're probs one of better posters on here.

posted on 5/11/12

The Americans generally prefer unintelligent people to run their country, they don't trust intelligent people. This says it all really, although the electing of Obama defies that logic, as he's an intelligent guy.

posted on 5/11/12

thats unfair,people should not be forced to vote for the lesser of 2 evils,it cheapens the whole thing.voters deserve better from their politicians.

strangely enough that comment "choosing the lesser of 2 evils" has been banded about quite a bit during this US election.


there's more than 2 candidates though, do some research and vote for who you feel is the best candidate, it shouldnt just be a case of lazily ticking a box without knowing who youre really voting for

posted on 5/11/12

"thats unfair,people should not be forced to vote for the lesser of 2 evils,it cheapens the whole thing.voters deserve better from their politicians."

Every election is between a dóuche and a túrd.

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 5/11/12

thats unfair,people should not be forced to vote for the lesser of 2 evils,it cheapens the whole thing.

The problem is, there are far more than just 2 evils here. If more people who were disenfranchised with the so-called "2 party system" started voting for 3rd party candidates who looked like they might be actually good in the role, they might not actually get that person elected but by voting for someone else, there's a chance that they might be able to break the 2 party system.

posted on 5/11/12

I just think Obama needs more time. I don think America realises the whole world I going through a tough time. But I heard the other day their economy grew by 3% this year. Now is not the time for change, but to do the British thing and plod along.

comment by Samir (U2630)

posted on 5/11/12

God knows how people can still vote for Romney after this:


People who vote for him are either incredibly stupid or they are racist. I can't think of any other reason why people would vote for Romney. Don't get me wrong - Obama's not done an amazing job for the USA, but in hid defence, the US System doesn't allow him to make huge changes, when there are so many restrictions put in place. There's only so much he can do.

Besides a lot of people seem to forget it was the Republicans who got the USA into that mess in the first place....

posted on 5/11/12

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posted on 5/11/12

"People who vote for him are either incredibly stupid or they are racist."

the US seems split into 2 camps

those who think being USD16 trillion in debt and running 1trillion per annum deficits is the only major issue.

and those who think it's something that can be worried about later

Camp 1 will vote against Obama every time as he thinks the government is too small even now.

the others will vote Obama

posted on 5/11/12

Besides a lot of people seem to forget it
was the Republicans who got the USA into
that mess in the first place....

Spot on. Clinton left Bush what was essentially a perfect United States. What did Bush then proceed to do? Ruin a perfect America! It takes a special kind of imbecile to do that.

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 5/11/12

Romney hasn't given one indication of how he'll actually manage the national debt in America. Any person that elects him thinking he'll sort it out is living in a fantasy world.

posted on 5/11/12

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posted on 5/11/12

"WAR!!, huh, good god y'all, what is it good for, absolutely nothing"

posted on 5/11/12

might do vik, what times it due to finish?

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 5/11/12

Anyone staying up tomorow to watch the finale?

No, I'm searching for nice, deep caves in the Yorkshire Moors just in case Romney wins.

posted on 5/11/12

if romney wins, someone turn the lights off on their way out

posted on 5/11/12

the US is pretty much doomed to go bankrupt anyway

that's why I said I don't think it matters who wins

posted on 5/11/12

It'll be indecisive and romney will be given power on 21/12/12. Signifying the beginning of the end of the world as we know it.

posted on 5/11/12

posted on 5/11/12


forming a political party requires cash,tons of it.this is why the two party system in both the UK and the US survives as it does. if any independant candidate does become MP they have to form alliances with people they may not agree with,diluting their own agenda along the way.

look at what we have now in the UK,and im not even talking about independant candidates,but a major (small "m" political party in the lib dems.they cant or wont set their own agenda against the Tories.

imagine how a truely independant candidate would fair against such odds?

posted on 5/11/12

Clinton left Bush what was essentially a perfect United States.

Woah, there. Even Michael Moore doesn't go that far.

posted on 5/11/12


it wasnt perfect, but it was probably as good a united states as there ever has been

posted on 5/11/12

Woah, there. Even Michael Moore doesn't
go that far.

It's as good as America is ever going to get (in my lifetime anyway). Bush messed up.

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